Teacher Missed History Class: Compares Romney/Ryan to KKK

Surprise!  Surprise!  Teacher is confused or missed required history classes in her pursuit of a teaching degree and compares Romney/Ryan to KKK?  Or, perhaps it is just a sign of the times.  Radical Islam to be tolerated.  Christianity not so much so.  Koran good.  Bible bad.  Liberalism = perfectionalism.  Conservatism = acceptable focus of insult & intolerance.

According to Lee Brodie’s article, “Teacher Ridicules Student for Romney T-Shirt” (CNBC – Yahoo.com):

Many Republicans can’t help but wonder if a student wearing a pro-Obama T-Shirt in a Philadelphia school would have been subject to the kind of humiliation that Samantha Pawlucy was forced to endure.
The 16-year old sophomore, who attends Charles Carroll High School, told CNBC’s Larry Kudlow, that she was humiliated by a teacher for wearing a T-shirt in support of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

She said the teacher compared her to the worst racists in history — the Ku Klux Klan.

How ridiculous is this?

The KKK was not founded by the conservatives.  It is a product of the Democrats.  Yes, the Democrats — the very same people that fought civil rights and provided and fought for the murder of thousands of babies from the Black community via Planned Parenthood.  So, where did this confused teacher get the idea that a Romney/Ryan t-shirt is equal to the Ku Klux Klan?

Where oh where does any liberal idea come from?  Nobody knows.  It was just there one day and becomes fact, even if it isn’t and no matter how many history classes confirm the error of thought.

Yes, indeed, it appears this teacher must have missed history classes and went to the “Blame Bush” class instead, where transference becomes a virtue as long as that transference is being placed upon the Conservative or anything not considered PC that day.

Walking Into A Wall: Living With the Liberal Perspective

Walking into a wall would be more pleasant and less of a slam than trying to live with the out-of-control liberal perspective that is tainting the world and daily in our face with lies and distortions.  Yet, while we would be trying on a strait jacket if we picked walking into the wall, it’s considered normal and sane to silently endure the liberal politicians and media game of in our face lying and telling us what we heard or saw is not what we really heard and saw?

It’s a dizzy and strange thought that we are to know something is a lie and yet accept it as the truth because it is the present popular thing to do according to they.

One day we are told it — whatever it might be — will never happen.  It is simply wrong to even consider it and the other side is definitely wrong for suggesting it.

Next day we are told it — whatever it was — has happened because it was “the right thing to do” and it was done in spite of the other side trying to block it.

Okay.  Does that then mean that yesterday was erased from the calendar or is it verifiable evidence that there is a segment of our society that seems to suffer from delusions and disconnect from the rational reality realm the rest of us live in?

Excuse me.  I think I’ll go check out the nearest wall.  Care to join me?