The Dark Idol of Enlightenment

demonIn anger I defy you, oh mighty thief of all good that has ever been.  You are a vile creature, who mocks and insults, for your empty vessel has nothing more to offer the moment either then or now or even yesterday.

I walk away from the ignorance of your ways, but you continue to follow and bay in tune with the idol of your thought core-center.  The noise so maddening, yet to you so sweet and pure.

The sickness flows from your programmed mouth, as your eyes flicker in dullness and a cloud of blinding obedience to the one who feeds the senses of pure hate and vile pleasure.

You suggest to live in enlightenment and I in the dark ages of old.  Yet, it is you whose fire has been extinguished with nothing left of self within or beyond.  Your spirit gone, you now exist obedient to they — the master of the flesh.  A master who knows no loyalty nor mercy.  A master who mocks and devours all who dare to call him friend.  For, he has no friends by intent… only fools who feed the beast in delightful ignorance that they, too, have an expiration date stamped upon their fate and no choices left to make.

Copyrighted ©Carrie K. Hutchens 2013 – All Rights Reserved