The White House & Congress: The Home of Court Jesters

court jester and puppetHave the White House and radical liberals of congress begun to believe their own propaganda media?  They certainly don’t seem to have the slightest clue what the ACTUALLY INFORMED PUBLIC is thinking and how they are responding to this childish and unnecessary behavior.  Maybe someone should tell them that the public, beyond their cult, isn’t sympathetic to their message?

The attack on Veterans has outraged Americans — not endeared the president and his followers to the People!

Perhaps the president doesn’t care.  He is after all “The One They All Have Been Waiting For”, is he not?

Whatever is going through the minds of this administration and radical liberals of congress, the People are paying attention and the lapdog media reps are NOT portraying the reaction as it truly is.  This administration and the radical liberals may have some people on their side at this point, but I’m betting many more will desert once they get a good look at their insurance options.  Then… they, too, will have a chance to feel they were deceived and mocked just like those they use to mock.

The White House and Congress seem to have become the home of the court jesters, who spend their time fooling the public into thinking they truly care.  And, dare a representative or a senator actually be concerned and want to work for the People — he or she or they can be assured to be labeled something not pleasant.  Perhaps even to be called one of the “Tea-Tards”, which we all know is likening Tea Party members to retards.  (You know — that politically incorrect term none of us are supposed to use anymore?  Well, unless we are radical liberals.)

Yes, the White House & Congress have become the home of Court Jesters!  “Jest” how unfunny is that?

Shame on you North Andover High School Officials


North Andover High Punishes Teen For Giving Drunken Pal Ride Home From Party
By Bree Sison, WBZ-TV – October 13, 2013 7:24 PM

Response from Carrie’s Take:

Once again, it looks as though Common Sense left the room and
left school officials to make an irrational, irresponsible
and unforgiveable decision!

 Erin Cox, I’m proud of you & I proudly stand with you!

Nights Alone

Nights Alone

by Jeremy Conway 

Nights Alone

As the sun descends,

And daylight ends,

He knows it’s time,

to walk the walls again,

Always seeking peace inside,

Although part of him,

Has already died,

He searches his soul,

For a way to atone,

So he spends his Nights Alone,

Every Night Alone,

He carries his chains,

But the guilt inside remains,

Wishing they were here again,

Wishing they were here again,

Nights alone,

All his Nights Alone

Jeremy from Twitter  101413

©Copyrighted by Jeremy Conway 2013

Tricked & Manipulated: All the Sheep in a Line to be Sheared

rears of sheepI truly hate it when people attempt to trick or manipulate me.  I don’t do it to them and I would appreciate the same courtesy in return.  Of course, in this particular time period of the world, it seems the trickery and manipulative behavior is a bit overwhelming and behind almost every bush and peanut tree.

One might laugh and say something about me watching commercials, as I use to frequently do when they were entertaining.  Don’t I realize they are an advertising firm’s attempt to manipulate my opinion and make me decide I absolutely need the product in question, whether I truly do or not?  Yep!  Yep!  I realize that to be completely so.  However, that’s the difference — I know what commercials are all about.  But the government and its agents?  Well, that’s a different story all together.  We shouldn’t have to be worried about being swayed by the better ad or public relations scheme.  Government should be straight forward and fact-filled — not an entertaining ploy .

Should be!… not that it is.  Now we have the White House employing entertainers to sell Obamacare?  (Does this mean, since these are ads, that we can file false advertisement complaints?)

The government shouldn’t be involved in having a Truth Squad, or whatever it is called, to harass and stalk people who are voicing their opinion.  And, I must admit… now that I’m on the subject… I’m more than a bit tired of Orwellian enforcers and blind followers calling me the idiot.

(I’m tired of them calling you an idiot, too.)

The United States of American may not have been perfect, but it wasn’t this mad, selfish, self-centered, immediate gratification demanding and threatening madness we have now.  How we got from 2007 to now is a whirl wind of bizarre.  This mess created by the radicals and activists is unbelievable and unsustainable.  It will eventually bite them in their backyards and it will no longer be their heavenly dream come true.

The problem is…

How do we, as a nation, survive, until “reality” wakes up the coma prone and rabid New World followers?  Can we?  I believe so.

We are a creative and hardworking people, who have merely been put on hold.  Once the common sense ban is lifted and the business & job-killing mercenaries are retired, we can fire up our efforts and rebuild and rebuild some more.  In the meantime, we need to help individuals, who might not be able to survive this mess entirely on their own.  We’re going to need them too.  And, let’s not forget the elderly, disabled and children — all have a part to play in making our country great again.

The moral of the story is…

Don’t fall for the trickery and manipulative rhetoric being spewed by those who want absolute control of every aspect of our lives.  Don’t be fooled.  These people aren’t looking out for us — they are out for control and profit.  After all, they certainly aren’t trying to redistribute their money and assets, or give up their lifestyles, now are they?

Don’t be fooled.  Realize what we are seeing right now is one big commercial, as the government and agents try to trick and manipulate us into believing they know what is best for us and we should simply agree to be nice, quiet little sheep!

Baaaaaa  Baaaaaa, not I.  I shan’t be nice or quiet or simply follow because I’m told I must.  What about you?  Has the trickery and manipulation become apparent to you, too?

Guardianship: Time for Accountability

isolationGuardianship abuse seems to be one of the most profitable scams of the day!  Are you safe from it?  Not necessarily.

Professional guardians, and professionals who become guardians, in some states, can isolate the ward (even from family and friends), bill outrageous amounts, sell houses and other property, take over bank accounts and make the ward’s life absolutely miserable as they do.  Don’t believe it?  Neither did many others, until it happened to them.

The public is led to believe they have the right to pick the person they wish to make decisions for them, should they become unable to do so or need some help.  However, in Florida, it appears, judges are allowed to ignore the person’s wishes and place him or her under the care of a professional guardian.  Once that appointment has been made, the family can be completely excluded from the ward’s life.  Worse, if there can be a worse, the ward is completely at the mercy of the guardian for better or for worse.

A guardian should be someone who is looking out for the best interest of the ward — not the ward being a money-making product to be billed to pennilessness.

When a guardian has already been chosen by the person, the courts should not be allowed to ignore that wish and appoint a professional guardian, unless there are some serious extenuating circumstances.

In my opinion, one of the first signs something is terribly wrong with a guardian situation is when the ward is isolated from family and friends.  This action alone suggests there is something to hide.  If not, then why would a guardian worry about the ward associating with all the people that had meant so much to him or her?

People who don’t understand the harm isolation can do, should spend a couple of months alone in a room with no stimulation and the only human contact (and brief words exchanged) being when someone brings a meal and picks up the tray.  That experiment will give you a taste of what many under guardianship go through and what you may one day be looking forward to, if the laws are not changed.

The courts should not have the right to over-ride a person’s wishes, without true cause to do so.  This is a person’s life after all.  And family members and friends should be considered for guardianship prior to any professional being thought of.

Professional guardians should be held to the strictest of standards and there should be no immunity for them not also given to a family member or friend acting in the same capacity.

Guardians should not be allowed to create bills and then sell off the ward’s home and possessions to make payment, as easily as it seems it can be done in many jurisdictions.

Wards should not lose the right to fight for their freedom from guardianship, especially if it is a wrongful one.  As it is, if the guardian has all the say — the ward can be silenced and kept from fighting against an abuse guardianship situation.  How is that right?  Doesn’t that defeat the very purpose of guardianship?

Guardianship may have been created to help those who had no one to help them, but it has evolved into a money-making adventure too often gone wrong.  It’s time for review.  It’s time to fix the loop-holes and laws that allow the wards to become nothing more than pawns and products to use up, drain and throw away.  It’s time to limit judicial and guardianship control and to hold the system accountable!

CBS Calls Obamacare Website Launch ‘Nothing Short of Disastrous’

(CBS correspondent Jan Crawford)

Crawford also interviewed Luke Chung, a computer expert
and a supporter of Obamacare, who said, “I would be ashamed

and embarrassed if my organization delivered something like that.” 

(Washington Free Beacon)

Maybe that year delay ought to be seriously considered by the administration?

Death Panels: To Be Deemed the Most Non-Existent Reality of 2010?

Gary HarveyOver and over and over again, we hear how fear mongers and wing-nuts are falsely claiming there are “death panels” where death panels do not exist. Keith Olbermann goes so far as to claim that rather than death panels, there are “life panels.” He just doesn’t seem to get it that not everyone’s experience is like the one he had with his father’s passing, where his father’s wishes were upheld. Olbermann just doesn’t seem to get it that some people, instead, get to find out just how real the “death panel” concept is and has been for some time now.

I’m sorry for Olbermann’s loss on the one hand, but quite offended on the other. How dare he suggest his situation is proof there are no death panels and we are all just paranoid, if we say they do exist? (My interpretation of the Politico article, “Olbermann’s father dies” .) Not everyone is privileged to have a son in such a vocal position, or to have everything work out as the person and family wishes it to. There are actually some who find the so-called non-existent “death panels” stepping right into the middle of a fight for life situation and deeming it is time for them or their loved one to be dead.

Let’s talk Andrea Clark down there in Texas a few years ago.

The so-called ethic’s committee decided she was a futile care case and it was time to put her down. Didn’t seem to matter that wasn’t her wish or her family’s wish or that she was fully aware of what was transpiring.

This was the action of a “life panel”?

What about Ted Stith, Sr., from New York?

Ted goes on vacation down there in Florida, has a stroke and, immediately after he does, it is suggested that he be starved and dehydrated to death? Didn’t seem to matter that a friend is reported to have said he was aware, was reaching for water and was trying to communicate. On second thought, I guess it did matter. According to reports, she was banned from his room and the possibility of giving him food or water, even if it was his rightful request to be made, and so he was denied the mere necessities for survival.

This is what Olbermann considers the “life panel” process?

We also have Terri Schiavo, who was put to death by court order. A case where she, a brained damaged but otherwise healthy individual, was starved and dehydrated to death based upon heavily conflicted testimony. Perhaps the conflict itself should have been taken more seriously, as would have been, if the people fighting for her life had been considered of importance to the right audience.

Olbermann considers starving and dehydrating a healthy person to death to be what “life panels” do?

More recent in the news is the Gary Harvey case.

The so-called ethics committee decided Gary Harvey should be starved and dehydrated to death as well and put it before the court. He was, after all, at death’s door, wasn’t he? The order to put Gary Harvey to death was suddenly pulled after the media picked up on the story. Gary Harvey, who was supposedly at death’s door and needing to be starved and dehydrated to death last summer, is still alive. Looks like someone got something wrong about Gary being unable to survive and ready to die, and needing to be put down, especially by such a hideous method as starving and dehydrating him to death.

The fight for Gary’s life, by his wife, while a system suggests it’s time to kill him off, is Olbermann’s opinion of a “life panel” in motion?

Just how would Olbermann have felt, if he went up against a committee that decided they knew better and was going to disregard his father’s wishes?

Just how would Olbermann have felt, if his dad could have been saved, but the “system” decided otherwise?

No doubt, it would have been quite different if Olbermann was fighting for his father’s life, per his father’s wishes, and he came up against a system that does have so-called ethics committees (death panels), or the court system that makes mistakes and doesn’t necessarily listen to the truth and rule accordingly, or an insurance company that was refusing to pay for rightful care, or even a nurse that didn’t see the fight still in his dad.

Bet it would be different then!

Maybe Keith Olbermann ought to get out of the studio and talk with the people who have lost family members to his wondrous “life panel” concept that is actually what is becoming the non-existent reality of the 21st century.

Whether it be by denial of coverage, denial of care or courts deciding to kill people off, because of conflicted testimony…

Death panels do exist — and under the NewWorldCare proposal, they will become far more common!


Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


Originally published:  Death Panels: To Be Deemed the Most Non-Existent Reality of 2010?  By on March 17th, 2010 – Dakota Voice

Obama: If my word’s not good enough…

No, your word is not good enough.

Ask the foreign countries what they think of your “word”
or the “word” presented in your behalf.

  You dare ask us to trust you & take your word, after all the lies that have come out of your administration?

People have lost their minds…

mid section view of a woman cutting vegetablesExactly when has the NRA ever promoted gun violence?  (I’m asking for proven incidents, not something made up in the minds of people, who want to get rid of all guns, except those used to protect them.)  Never!

It seems that some people have this intense need to get rid of guns, because guns have been “used” by “some” people to kill or harm.  Though knives have also been “used” by “some” to kill and harm, I haven’t seen the wild and crazy anti-gun fanatics attempt to get rid of their set of pocket or kitchens knives.  They definitely don’t speak ill of the info-commercial hosts and accuse them of promoting violence — yet…  yet… look at all the people who die via being stabbed to death.

Interesting would be to see (in these “over-reacting schools & other public spaces”)…

If a person walked in with a NRA shirt promoting “hunting” (the obtaining of food) and another person walked in with a T-shirt promoting kitchens knives (companies) for preparing food obtained — who would be the most likely to get called out for a so-called and unacceptable “violent message”? I don’t think we have to suppose too much.

Too many people seem to have lost their common sense gene and minds!

“People” are responsible for their actions, not the “object” they utilize to carry that act out.  And just because there are people who happen to use guns for their acts of violence, doesn’t mean that the NRA (law-abiding citizens) had a single thing to do with it or has ever once promoted or condoned such behavior by anyone.

To blame the NRA for misuse of weapons by people, who aren’t even members, means that anyone selling or using kitchen knives are likewise responsible for any and all use of kitchen knives and they too should be held accountable for wrongful  use of them.

People have indeed lost their common sense and their minds!  It’s proven every day!

How dare you own a knife!  Are you promoting violence?  After all, it is someone’s weapon of choice. 

Oh, how deliciously ironic…

negotiate4Obama tells congressional leaders he won’t negotiate on shutdown, debt“???… oh, how deliciously ironic.  If Obama won’t negotiate on any of those things — or anything — what is he willing to negotiate on?

Things have gotten out of hand.  (Actually, they got out of hand long ago.)  There was no reason that the Democrats and the President of the United States of America could then (or now) truthfully feel their plan for health care reform was so perfect — so very perfect — so very, very perfect — because they are “all-knowing” — that a little devil’s-advocacy and balance wasn’t in order, rather than a defiant blow-off of everything and anything not-their-way.

No reason, but it happened.

Now we have tons of people losing their jobs, or at least their full-time hours, and definitely their certainty of what tomorrow brings.  No longer does the need of the worker matter — the only things that matter are the whims of Obamacare and the dear Democrats & Pals that claim to so care for the people’s well-being.

And, rather than try to explain what they were thinking and why they thought (and continue to think) they were right and meant/mean well — they start in with the name-calling (calm rhetoric) and low blows towards any who do not agree with them, not to mention those special terms …

 In recent weeks, however, Obama and his aides and Democratic allies have accused the Republican legislators of being anarchists, suicide-bombers, hostage-takers, arsonists, political terrorists, fanatics, blackmailers, and ideological crusaders.

 “What we’re not for is negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest,” Dan Pfeiffer, Obama’s top media adviser, said in a CNN interview this week.  ~Obama: I use ‘calm’ rhetoric, unlike ‘hostage takers’  (The Daily Caller — 7:16 PM 10/02/2013)

The irony of the Obama Administration — their willingness to call names (calm rhetoric), refuse to budge and then dare to project their words and behavior on others.  So, are we to be impressed and feel more secure in Obamacare and this administration now that we know they are pretty darn good at retaliating, hitting below the belt and name-calling (calm rhetoric)?  Sure makes me want to rush out and buy me an Obamacare plan — how about you?


Victims of Government Shutdown vs Victims of Obamacare

Businessman Thinking on StepsThere are numerous stories about the employees being affected by the government shutdown and we are only two days into their financial nightmare.  Understand that I’m not wishing for, or happy about, anyone losing their income, but wait a minute… the shutdown is only temporary — Obamacare financial losses are long term, if not permanent.  Why aren’t those Obamacare affected employees/former employees as important as the government ones?

Listening to everyone carry on about how unfair this all is, the thought “entitlement” keeps coming to mind.  It’s as though the government employees are entitled to their jobs, though no one else is entitled to theirs.  It’s as though everyone else is considered expendable and simply collateral damage.

I get it.

The news media is headed towards government run organizations.

Government employees are protected, while private sector is destroyed.

Then we come to the government being in complete control of every aspect of our lives and deaths.

Orwellian fiction is fast becoming our 21st Century reality.  And so few seem to notice what is happening around them or realize how they themselves are being led to what to believe and not believe.  As for now, it is a tragedy that the government employees have lost two days of pay, while a shoulder shrug that so many private sector workers have lost their jobs or the hours they were counting on.  Where is the outrage for their long term lack of pay?  Where is the fight to get the job killers talking and fighting to get the private sector workers back on the job?  Oh, that’s right… the job killers are the ones fighting to keep Obamacare intact regardless of what devastation and destruction it causes.

Government workers = entitled to job and pay.

Private sector workers = expendable and entitled to nothing.

This should be all it takes to open the eyes of the willing-blind.  Do you now see by the actual “Victims of Government Shutdown vs Victims of Obamacare” where we have come to be and where we are headed?  We should all be more than a bit concerned.  Is Obamacare, as is, really worth it?