A Lesson to Learn?

Is there a lesson to be learned that we have thus far failed to learn?  Perhaps.

Tolerance is an interesting word and used in so very many different ways.  It can be used to suggest one should not be so quick to judge.  Be tolerant of the slow worker.  Be tolerant of the blind who cannot hurry along such as we might like.  Be tolerant of the slow learner.  But I don’t think tolerance is considered a virtue when it comes to being tolerant of the perverts and perversions.

Some liberals, which are not what all Democrats are, seem to think anything non-traditional should be tolerated and welcomed.  Little do they know what door they are walking into.

Some things that are presently being tolerated make the tolerators look like complete imbeciles.  Some religions and cultures do not welcome nor tolerate outsiders.  It’s their way or no way.

Some religions and cultures do not tolerate free sex for the women.  Free sex brings with it a possible horrendous death penalty.

Some religions and cultures do not tolerate same sex marriage or same sex relationships or even being a same sex thinker.  It, too, holds threat of death and unspeakable torture.

Yet, these proud tolerators in the Liberal arena somehow think those religions and cultures will be so grateful as to give them a free pass out of gratitude.  No they won’t.

What fools these liberal tolerators are.  Fools that won’t listen.  Fools that know better than the rest of us.  Fools that think they are so enlightened and above the rest.

One lesson these tolerators will quickly learn is that the higher they set themselves above the rest of the people (and falsely suppose what they have no right to suppose), the further they have to fall.  The higher the cliff… the further the fall… and the harsher the smack.  That’s physics 101 — math before Obama.