Deceit Chuckles in Amusement

Deceit Chuckles 122312

Deceit cries out in hysterical laughter as it watches its pawns so obediently slither among the unsuspecting, spewing venomous lies and stoking ferocious hatred and insidious distrust. Oh, how pleased deceit has become and ever so proud of his willing pupils. Even he is amazed at the number and the ease with which they wish to please him and gain his utmost approval. It delights him so. Delights him so indeed.

The blind followers snidely proclaim their superior knowledge while looking down upon all who have not joined the cult of deceit. Oh yes, they do dance in taunting delight and dare any to challenge their diseased words and vile motives of ruin. It is their mission. It is their passion. It is their doom. Yet, they are oblivious to all but he — their god of deceit and his rising reign.

Deceit chuckles, as he watches in amusement, knowing his feast is going to be even bigger and better than he could have ever imaged. The souls will be fattened and delicious and the master of all deceit will know no hunger nor boredom during the celebration soon to be. A celebration where the entertainment will not be the ones that did not follow, but rather, those who followed so faithfully and easily. It shall be they that bring delight and amusement to the table and laughter shall mock them and call them fool. Oh yes, it shall be they and yet they do not see. Not yet. Not now. But soon. Soon the truth shall be revealed to they who lived in untruth, and in that moment, they shall see that it was they who were being led to this table to be devoured not honored — they who shall be left in shame and defeat — they who shall cry for mercy to find none exists — they who will claim they were promised a just reward. Deceit will smile! No words need be said.

Copyrighted 2012 & 2013 & 2014 by Carrie K. Hutchens

All Rights Reserved