Open Letter to the Offended

Dear Easily Offended:

Tell me…

Do you intend to live out your life as a perpetual toddler, or do you have plans to eventually grow up and act and think as an adult?  Watching & listening to you, one has to wonder.

News flash…

Unlike what you have thus far been taught, you are not the center of the Universe to all people within the Universe.  Other people live in this world with you.  Other people have wants and dreams.  Other people have thoughts and preferences.  And, perhaps to your surprise, some other people are totally offended by your seemingly constant state of seeking things to be offended by.

I, for one, am not impressed by your snotty, self-righteous, selfish, baby-brat ways.  I’m especially not impressed by those of you who destroy other people’s property; as though you think you have some right simply because it offends you.  No, you don’t have that right.  It isn’t yours.  Keep your hands off other peoples’ stuff.

Even less impressive are those of you that take it a step further and think you have a right to assault others simply because you don’t agree with them.  You all deserve to have the handcuffs slapped on you & some serious time in a jail cell.  You are nothing more than vicious little criminals.


Hilarious are those of you that claim you are fighting fascism, when in fact – YOU ARE THE FASCISTS!  (If you were as brilliant as you “think” you are – you readily see that to be true.)

To be quite honest, I’m tired of some government officials and radical lefties indoctrinating you and enabling your fascist little bratty easily offended ways.  It’s time you grow up and act like a respectful adult.  Or, do you plan to live out your life as a perpetual toddler, being played like an ignorant puppet by the elite seeking power that you’ll never have?

Just wondering.


A person tired of your inexcusable behavior

Copyright © 2019 Carrie K. Hutchens