Obama: Another Dr. Phil Fad?

Oprah Winfrey, a few years back, catapulted Dr. Phil into a massive fad that no one could seemingly escape.  His pictures… his books… his everything was everywhere.  It appeared there was no escaping this alleged expert on everything from relationships to diets to how to overwhelm the store aisles with his likeness.  Oh, the world was indeed in love with Dr. Phil and his advice became what some hung onto as though it was God’s own gospel with, “Dr. Phil said …“  Yes, “Dr. Phil said…” was almost as everywhere as his face and his books and his everything.

Obama Nose UpThen Oprah gave us Barack Obama as her golden one for president.  Suddenly his pictures…. his books… his everything was and is everywhere.   He’s supposedly an expert on so many things, but most wouldn’t know about that it would seem.  He has sealed his records, so we only know about what he wants us to know and little more if anything at all.  We’re just supposed to take his word, and his handlers’ words, that all is as presented or alluded to by any and all of them.

It’s amazing how fads can be carefully crafted and presented to be what will make them sell, rather than entirely what they are.  Just how much is truly known about these fads Oprah gave us?   Anything, or is it kind of like assuming Robin was Dr. Phil’s first wife, though she really wasn’t?  Likewise how much about Obama is really not as assumed either?   One can only wonder.

Maybe when the sparkle wears off, we’ll actually see the core, rather than the illusion that was carefully crafted and sold to the eager public hungry for whatever seemed to be lacking in their lives at that particular time.  Or, maybe the public will just move on to their new hero of the day and leave the guru and the so-called messiah to fade into the distant past where people are no longer fascinated and wonder why they ever were.