The Market for Brain Death


Life  Issues Institute, Inc

A silent and deadly epidemic is moving across America. No one is broadcasting it. No one is writing about it. Almost no one is even talking about it. But every day in hospitals, nursing homes and hospices across the country, more and more of our medically vulnerable loved ones are being euthanized.

Indeed, some physicians have admitted to this behavior. A 1998 article from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported that hastening death is occurring and is not rare. In a survey of 355 oncologists, “(15.8%) reported participating in euthanasia or physician assisted suicide,” and “38 of 53 (72%) oncologists described clearly defined cases of euthanasia or physician assisted suicide.1

Surgery-border Life Issues 092614These decisions are being made by paid medical professionals. And loved ones, to their horror, are finding they’re not even part of the discussion. The patients’ crimes? They’re charged with having insufficient quality of life, being too expensive to keep alive, and being beyond the reach of medical science and therefore beyond hope.

Such judgments may lie behind what seems to be an increase in the “brain death” diagnosis. The difficulty of making a pinpoint diagnosis in such complex neurological matters—and the lucrative financial incentives to harvest organs—will ultimately propel this issue into the forefront of public consciousness and discourse.

Not surprisingly, the current procurement market for human tissues and organs in the United States is booming, driven by insufficient supply and heavy demand. According to The Milliman Report (see page 4), if all 11 tissues and organs could be harvested from a single patient declared brain-dead, however unlikely, the going rate for procurement would exceed half a million dollars. If all costs related to those 11 transplants are counted—preparation, physicians’ services, post-op care and the like—the money involved exceeds $5.5 million.2

It’s crucial to shed a bright light on this menacing darkness, but we need your help. Here are four ways you can assist:

First, we need to hear from healthcare workers and professionals. If you’ve witnessed this happening in your work environment, please come forward and share your observations with us. Perhaps you or someone you know has inside knowledge of the organ donation process as it relates to a situation of euthanasia.

sad-woman-glasses Life Issues 092614Second, we need your personal stories. We’re also looking for family members willing to share healthcare experiences involving a loved one that are similar to what we’ve conveyed in this letter.

Please trust that if you request your identity be held in confidence, that confidentiality will not be violated.

Third, we need people willing to be interviewed on camera. We have a golden opportunity to educate more Americans to euthanasia in our midst. A special episode of the Emmy© award-winning pro-life television series Facing Life Head-On with Brad Mattes plans to feature real-life accounts of people sharing specifics of this American travesty. The program reaches tens of millions of American households, so imagine the number of people whose eyes could be opened. America will be told what is happening to the elderly, the chronically sick and the cognitively disabled. If necessary, we can keep the identity of our TV guests confidential.

Finally, we need your prayers. This is, first and foremost, a battle against powers and principalities. We cannot hope to win on our own. Only the power of prayer will permit us to expose this hideous and inhumane attack on precious human life.

If you prefer not to be on television, we still need you. Our ultimate goal is to build a network of people who can speak publicly about these issues to educate others regarding this horrific, unnoticed practice. This may entail speaking to pro-life groups or others sympathetic to protecting innocent human life; addressing a state legislative committee regarding pending legislation; or speaking to a hospital ethics committee as they struggle with a challenging situation or policy. Our goal is to develop a network of experienced experts who can speak directly to the issues at hand.

This is literally a life-and-death matter. And we who are blessed to have life and a voice must intervene to help those who are in danger of having life taken from them. We hope to hear from you soon.

Reach us by e-mail or visit the Euthanasia page on the Life Issues Institute website.

For more information about this troubling issue, visit and

Sincerely for the vulnerable among us,
Bradley Mattes                   Bobby Schindler
Executive Director            Executive Director
Life Issues Institute          Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network

1 http://www.hospicep


Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. For over 23 years, organizations and individuals around the world have depended upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.

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“Poor People” video

What is happening to our world & the people we once thought we knew?

Who stole our compassion?

Who decided we are expendable?

Who will rob us of our dignity & rights?

Who will pull the plug on us before we are ready to go?

The Dictators of Non-Compassion: Gary Harvey Case and the Unexpected Twist

Moving forward in the Gary Harvey case to still another holiday…

The Dictators of Non-Compassion: Gary Harvey Case and the Unexpected Twist

Sara & Gary Harvey

Sara & Gary Harvey

How long has it been since Gary Harvey fell down those basement stairs? Some days it seems as though it was only yesterday, but it wasn’t. It was January 21, 2006. It has been nearly seven years and little has changed, since the county took over and began their reign of merciless dictatorship.

Oh, Gary & Sara Harvey have gotten seven years older and he is no longer in the nursing home, but a ward connected to St. Joseph Hospital. Only his location has changed, as the desperate and uncalled for battle goes on with the power hungry feeding upon, demeaning, and controlling this husband and wife.

On December 10, 2010, I wrote:

Amazing! I can actually recycle my article as if it was current and remaining accurate. How often does that happen?

Here it is the holiday season of 2010 and Sara Harvey gets a letter from Bryan Maggs, Chemung County Attorney, stating that her visitations with Gary are suspended immediately. Isn’€™t that the same gift they offered last year? I’€™m so impressed with the repeat gift and the timing –” NOT! ( Wife’€™s Visitation in Jeopardy: The Recycling of Gary Harvey’€™s Holiday Restrictions)

Would anyone be surprised to learn that Sara didn’t get to visit Gary on Christmas Day 2012?

It isn’t often that one can continue to recycle articles and pretty much be assured that there is going to be some excuse… some mistake… some problem raising it’s ugly little head and taking away anything that could be considered special for Gary and Sara, especially during this special holiday season. It isn’t often, unless the articles happen to involve Gary and Sara Harvey, Chemung County and St. Joseph Hospital.

Anyone see a pattern?

Continue reading:  The Dictators of Non-Compassion: Gary Harvey Case and the Unexpected Twist

Wife’s Visitation in Jeopardy: The Recycling of Gary Harvey’s Holiday Restrictions

By on December 10th, 2010

Last year, I wrote the following article.

By Carrie K. Hutchens on November 7th, 2009

Gary Harvey is the brain injured man from New York, who seems to have his own private “death panel” determined to kill him off and to make his and his wife’s life as miserable as possible, until the sentence is carried out.  One might think it could get no worse than it has been.  One should never think such thoughts, lest one (or more) be shown that — for however bad — things can actually get worse!

Though it wasn’t Sara sitting on the so-called ethics committee that determined Gary should be starved and dehydrated to death — the Guardian and County (who actually were involved in the attempted death of an innocent person) — have suggested she is a danger to her husband.

Huh?  Did I miss something there?

Hasn’t a DNR been placed on Gary?  If something does go wrong — that’s it, isn’t it?  Those in charge have made it clear they have no intention of lifting a finger to save his life, but yet, it is Gary’s wife, Sara, that is considered the danger to him?

The Twilight Zone has competition!

Let’s see…

It is the Guardian, County, and So-Called Ethics Committee that decided Gary should die, but Sara needs to be supervised when visiting him?  So, what do they think she is going to do to Gary that they need to protect him from?

Certainly can’t be death!

Certainly can’t be torturing him to death by starvation and dehydration!

So just what are the supervised visits suppose to be accomplishing?  What protection are they allegedly providing?  What are they supposedly preventing?

I’m with you — I don’t know either!

I did get word though, that the bills for these questionable supervised visits are being charged to Gary and he is either out of money or running out of money to pay for them.  What does this mean?  No more visits with his wife?  And this is in Gary’s best interest how?

I don’t know who these people are that think they are looking out for Gary Harvey’s best interests, but I certainly wouldn’t want them in charge of looking out for my best interests under any circumstances.

Isolation is a form of torture.  It causes failure to thrive.  So now, when those in control of Gary didn’t get him starved and dehydrated to death, and have not been able to implement the DNR — they are going to deny him his wife’s visits?  Who are they trying to punish?  Gary for being disabled or Sara for fighting to bring her husband home?

One can only wonder!

Amazing!  I can actually recycle my article as  if it was current and remaining accurate.  How often does that happen?

Here it is the holiday season of 2010 and Sara Harvey gets a letter from Bryan Maggs, Chemung County Attorney, stating that her visitations with Gary are suspended immediately.  Isn’t that the same gift they offered last year?  I’m so impressed with the repeat gift and the timing — NOT!

Shame on these people!

If there was a problem, beyond Sara filing various motions with the court, where are the records of the official meetings where the hospital, county, guardian and all the heavy-weight personnel discussed any issues that might bring her to no visitation at Christmas time once again?

The court system is a strategy thing.  Attorneys do this and attorneys do that… and it is all a major game.  But Sara is not allowed to play back, even when the county and guardian and hospital feel free to do whatever and force her into a courtroom to challenge their inappropriate behavior?

If Gary were at home, and someone reported that his care was inappropriate, Sara would have to answer this challenge.  Why would the county, guardian and hospital think they should be beyond the same challenge?  It is, after all,  allegedly their actual job to be an “expert provider” and to provide excellent care in all ways.

If Gary were at home and Sara was starving & dehydrating him to death, the authorities would pull him from the home, put him in “protective custody” and most likely charge her with all kinds of things, including attempted murder.  Why haven’t the county and guardian and hospital been likewise challenged and charged?  Why hasn’t the court pulled them back in to answer why they tried to kill off someone not terminally ill?

If Gary was home with Sara, she could be challenged for this and for that and for anything someone wished to challenge her with, but she wouldn’t be able to simply write a letter and terminate visitation by all these people that thought she was not providing well.  Why then, can all these people so simply terminate her visits with Gary when they have been challenged?

It’s wrong!

It would be wrong no matter what, but it is really wrong that these people decide to terminate visitation during the holiday season.  It says a great deal about them.  It proves, by their actions, that compassion is not something in their list of priorities, yet they claim to have Gary’s best interest in mind?

How often can one recycle an article?

How often can one recycle an article where all one has to do is change the date?

It should make it quite apparent that something is totally wrong in the Harvey case, for one, and the system needs to get things right, rather than allow all this craziness and bullying to wrong the victim and the family that strives to fight to get it all back right.

It should.

Will It?

I don’t know, but is the holiday season a time to take away the moments a wife and husband have together, especially when holidays together are possibly limited by health issues?

I don’t know, but what can Sara Harvey possibly do to Gary Harvey that warrants supervised visits – that outweighs the county’s attempt to kill him off?

Nevertheless, here it is the holidays again… and Sara’s visits with Gary have been terminated once again!

Merry Christmas!

This article was originally published at Dakota Voice.  It can once again be recycled — holiday visits are off!  This year the doctor said either Sara goes or he goes!  Supposedly the guardians and attorneys can’t find a new doctor to replace him, so they booted Sara from visiting her own husband!  Welcome to the New World of cruelty & the power of government!


Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.

Death Panels: To Be Deemed the Most Non-Existent Reality of 2010?

Gary HarveyOver and over and over again, we hear how fear mongers and wing-nuts are falsely claiming there are “death panels” where death panels do not exist. Keith Olbermann goes so far as to claim that rather than death panels, there are “life panels.” He just doesn’t seem to get it that not everyone’s experience is like the one he had with his father’s passing, where his father’s wishes were upheld. Olbermann just doesn’t seem to get it that some people, instead, get to find out just how real the “death panel” concept is and has been for some time now.

I’m sorry for Olbermann’s loss on the one hand, but quite offended on the other. How dare he suggest his situation is proof there are no death panels and we are all just paranoid, if we say they do exist? (My interpretation of the Politico article, “Olbermann’s father dies” .) Not everyone is privileged to have a son in such a vocal position, or to have everything work out as the person and family wishes it to. There are actually some who find the so-called non-existent “death panels” stepping right into the middle of a fight for life situation and deeming it is time for them or their loved one to be dead.

Let’s talk Andrea Clark down there in Texas a few years ago.

The so-called ethic’s committee decided she was a futile care case and it was time to put her down. Didn’t seem to matter that wasn’t her wish or her family’s wish or that she was fully aware of what was transpiring.

This was the action of a “life panel”?

What about Ted Stith, Sr., from New York?

Ted goes on vacation down there in Florida, has a stroke and, immediately after he does, it is suggested that he be starved and dehydrated to death? Didn’t seem to matter that a friend is reported to have said he was aware, was reaching for water and was trying to communicate. On second thought, I guess it did matter. According to reports, she was banned from his room and the possibility of giving him food or water, even if it was his rightful request to be made, and so he was denied the mere necessities for survival.

This is what Olbermann considers the “life panel” process?

We also have Terri Schiavo, who was put to death by court order. A case where she, a brained damaged but otherwise healthy individual, was starved and dehydrated to death based upon heavily conflicted testimony. Perhaps the conflict itself should have been taken more seriously, as would have been, if the people fighting for her life had been considered of importance to the right audience.

Olbermann considers starving and dehydrating a healthy person to death to be what “life panels” do?

More recent in the news is the Gary Harvey case.

The so-called ethics committee decided Gary Harvey should be starved and dehydrated to death as well and put it before the court. He was, after all, at death’s door, wasn’t he? The order to put Gary Harvey to death was suddenly pulled after the media picked up on the story. Gary Harvey, who was supposedly at death’s door and needing to be starved and dehydrated to death last summer, is still alive. Looks like someone got something wrong about Gary being unable to survive and ready to die, and needing to be put down, especially by such a hideous method as starving and dehydrating him to death.

The fight for Gary’s life, by his wife, while a system suggests it’s time to kill him off, is Olbermann’s opinion of a “life panel” in motion?

Just how would Olbermann have felt, if he went up against a committee that decided they knew better and was going to disregard his father’s wishes?

Just how would Olbermann have felt, if his dad could have been saved, but the “system” decided otherwise?

No doubt, it would have been quite different if Olbermann was fighting for his father’s life, per his father’s wishes, and he came up against a system that does have so-called ethics committees (death panels), or the court system that makes mistakes and doesn’t necessarily listen to the truth and rule accordingly, or an insurance company that was refusing to pay for rightful care, or even a nurse that didn’t see the fight still in his dad.

Bet it would be different then!

Maybe Keith Olbermann ought to get out of the studio and talk with the people who have lost family members to his wondrous “life panel” concept that is actually what is becoming the non-existent reality of the 21st century.

Whether it be by denial of coverage, denial of care or courts deciding to kill people off, because of conflicted testimony…

Death panels do exist — and under the NewWorldCare proposal, they will become far more common!


Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


Originally published:  Death Panels: To Be Deemed the Most Non-Existent Reality of 2010?  By on March 17th, 2010 – Dakota Voice

The Illusion: Gary & Sara Harvey Supporters Will Fade Away

Vintage Balance ScaleIt would seem that some misguided individuals think that Gary & Sara Harvey supporters will simply fade away in time.  Perhaps some will.  However, it is an illusion and delusion to suppose we all will.  Some of us don’t like bullies and we don’t like injustice so much so that we don’t let go of the stench trail once we get hold of it.  And, believe me, the stench trail in the Harvey case is over-powering.

Who was it that approached the judge with a request to starve & dehydrate Gary to death?  It certainly wasn’t Sara, Gary’s wife.

Who is it that has ordered Gary Harvey into a world of isolation nearly void of any true stimulation?  Certainly not Sara Harvey.

Who is it that is in charge of medical decisions and care as Gary suffers from infection after infection?  Certainly not Sara, the wife who loves him.

Who is it that has benefited financially throughout the guardianship event?  Definitely not Sara Harvey.

Amazing how those who hold the reins and make the decisions, financially benefit (or cause others to receive financial benefit), continue to try to make Sara Harvey the bad person in this reign of terror.  Amazing indeed!

I don’t know who some of these people involved in Gary & Sara’s case think they are, but all-powerful and untouchable they are not.  It may not be today… it may not be tomorrow… but one day… all this cruelty and injustice will become known for what it is and the results of their actions will embrace them in a reward well deserved in the world of Karma and God’s Justice.  The illusions gone — the truth will strip naked the deceit and deceitful for all to see!

The stench is heavy.  The truth is powerful.  It’s time for Justice to take center stage!  And, rather than fade away, many of us intend to be in the audience!

* * *

Gary HarveyTragically, Gary Harvey of Horsehead, NY fell down the basement stairs in January of 2006 and received a traumatic head injury. Since that time, he has either been in a nursing home or in the hospital and is under the guardianship of the county. Ironically, the county, who claims to be looking out for their ward’s best interest, was involved in a so-called ethics committee decision that Gary Harvey should be starved and dehydrated to death. The judge over-ruled the call for execution of an innocent man, though a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) remains in effect. Sara Harvey, Gary’s wife, is desperately fighting to get him home. One can only wonder how much he knows of what is going on around him. The following could be what he is thinking as he lays alone in that room, so isolated from the world he knew and the wife and friends he so loves.

What Say You, Kevin Moshier?

Tragically, Gary Harvey of Horsehead, NY fell down the basement stairs
in January of 2006 and received a traumatic head injury. Since that
time, he has either been in a nursing home or in the hospital and is
under the guardianship of the county. Ironically, the county, who claims
to be looking out for their ward’s best interest, was involved in a
so-called ethics committee decision that Gary Harvey should be starved
and dehydrated to death. The judge over-ruled the call for execution of
an innocent man, though a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) remains in effect.
Sara Harvey, Gary’s wife, is desperately fighting to keep her husband
safe. One can only wonder how much Gary knows of what is going on around
him. Does anyone in charge even care? * * *


Sara & Gary Harvey

Sara & Gary Harvey

The Gary Harvey case haunts me, Kevin Moshier.  Does it ever haunt you?  Do you ever wonder, as his court appointed attorney and simply as a human being, if Gary actually knows what is going on around him, but merely can’t let others know? What if he does, Kevin? What if he knows everything that has been said to him or around him? What if he feels everything? What if he feels desperation when his needs aren’t adequately met and when he has to fight still another infection? What if he feels the isolation and misses the once frequent visits of the wife he so loves? What if… Kevin Moshier?… what if he is actually a human being, who once laughed and planned and thought tomorrow would be one day closer to his future plans and dreams? What if he still isn’t done hoping for a better tomorrow? What if he needs your help, Kevin? Will you help him? What if you don’t? What if you don’t, Kevin Moshier? What if you leave him to fight alone? Will his tomorrows then forever end?


Judicially Sanctioned Financial Exploitation
Vulnerable Elderly and Disabled Citizens
by Non-Family Court-Appointed Fiduciaries

The recent MetLife study[1] on the comprehensive subject of elder abuse once again focuses on theft by family members rather than by court-appointed fiduciaries[2] who too freely liquidate entire estates by means of exorbitant or fraudulent billings and proceedings.

The cold reality is that keeping the focus and the spotlight on families[3] enables the continued milking of the helpless by “professionals” appointed by the courts to protect them. How can MetLife and others almost completely overlook this entire category of elder abuse? How can Congress continue to ignore it, especially after GAO’s[4] September 2010 report[5] clearly substantiating this growing problem?

“Most of the allegations we identified involved financial exploitation and misappropriation of assets. Specifically, the allegations point to guardians taking advantage of wards by engaging in schemes that financially benefit the guardian but are financially detrimental to the ward under their care. Also, the allegations underscore that the victim’s family members often lose their inheritance or are excluded by the guardian from decisions affecting their relative’s care.”

NASGA has addressed guardianship[6] abuse by fiduciaries in three previous white papers to Congress and the White House[7]; yet, when any legislator has come forward to champion the cause of guardianship reform and propose legislation, the focus of said reform continues to concentrate on family members as guardians and is limited to suggestions of grants for certification, training, background checks – none of which addresses the growing threat of professional for-profit and “not-for-profit” fiduciaries freely bleeding their victims into indigence and onto Medicaid, at the expense of the currently unsuspecting taxpayers.

We reiterate: while training and certification may help courts operate more efficiently and will certainly be profitable for those providing the training and certification, neither even begins to address court-sanctioned exploitation and abuse (financial, emotional, and/or physical) of guardianship wards – not by family members appointed as guardians, but by nonfamily fiduciaries – “persons of trust,” including attorneys. We continue to ask: How are thieves “trained” not to steal other than by enforcing existing law and sending them to jail?

Who is going to speak up and protect vulnerable persons from potential court-sanctioned plunder in 50 different states with 50 different laws? Several states have recognized the need for and have begun to take baby steps toward reform, but victims have been waiting too long already!

In Elmira, NY, NASGA member Sara Harvey has been battling her husband’s guardian[8] in state court for six years, trying to protect her disabled husband from abuse and neglect.[9] Her efforts have been in vain and very costly. Sadly, Gary Harvey, a Veteran, remains virtually isolated,[10] languishing behind closed doors[11] at St. Joseph’s Hospital since 2009, when he could and should be spending his final days in the familiar surroundings and comfort of his own home, under his wife’s care.

Allowing Gary Harvey to go home would place him in the least restrictive environment, an objective of positive guardianship. Additionally, taxpayers would save approximately $20,000 a month or more, in the cost of his hospital room alone.

Mrs. Harvey has turned everywhere she could for help, including to her elected representatives. The responses all follow the same theme and pointed Mrs. Harvey back to the very system she claims is abusing her husband. Claims of abuse and neglect, they tell her, can only be filed by the guardian or the guardian ad litem.

Is it a surprise that the guardian sees nothing wrong with isolating Gary Harvey from family and friends? Is it a surprise that the guardian ad litem, whose first loyalty and duty is to the court instead of the ward, Gary Harvey, stands with the guardian?

With all the court-appointed “protectors” connected in some way to the same law firm, including the judge, who truly is looking out for Gary Harvey’s best interest other than his wife who has been at his side since his debilitating accident?

When the system is as broken as this case illustrates, who will speak up for those without a legal voice who are trapped and suffering at the system’s hands?

Our second Open Letter to Congress[12] highlighted the non-emergency “emergency” aspects of NASGA member musician/songwriter John Daniel (Danny) Tate’s case[13] in Nashville, TN. This poster case exemplifies how the practice of conserving a ward into indigence – contrary to the intent of the protective statutes – has become accepted, perhaps even anticipated, by judges who should be the last line of defense against fiduciaries who bleed estates dry using a pen as their weapon of choice. The Tate case is also a case for “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!”

♦ Four days after Tate’s estranged older brother filed a petition for conservatorship[14] (without notice to Tate), claiming a drug-related “emergency” which did not exist, Probate Judge Randy Kennedy ordered a “temporary” conservatorship, naming Tate’s brother as his “temporary” conservator,[15] in direct violation of TN statute, 34-1-108.[16]

The law requires a conservatorship operate in the “best interest”[17] of a ward, but Tate’s temporary conservator diverted all of Tate’s postal and electronic mail; dissipated Tate’s approximate $2.5 million in assets, interrupted his career and plunged him into debt. During this time, Tate’s temporary conservator stopped Tate’s child support payments,[18] homeowner’s insurance,[19] and health insurance, while paying his own lawyer regularly with Tate’s funds. When Tate’s cash assets ran out, his temporary conservator’s lawyer even attempted to put a lien on Tate’s flood-damaged home!

♦ On 5/24/10, thanks to Facebook, friends wearing “Free Danny Tate” tee-shirts showed up for his “final” court hearing,[20] Judge Kennedy “released” Tate from his two-and-a half-year “temporary” conservatorship. At that hearing, when Tate complained of his temporary conservator’s breach of fiduciary duty in open court, court watchers were stunned as Judge Randy Kennedy responded by admonishing Tate for not thanking his conservator “for all he’s done for you.”

The conservatorship had picked Tate’s financial bones clean; plunged him into not only indigence but snowballing debt as well; caused him to be sued by his ex-wife for child support payments, by his own attorney for ongoing fees; and left him without home and health insurance. Tate had no choice but to appeal the conservatorship from its inception, but he was indigent and could not afford to hire an appellate attorney.

Now to the “believe it or not”: Judge Kennedy, the same judge who refused to listen to Tate’s complaints that the conservatorship was devouring his estate and harming him and his young daughters financially, then turned around and approved Tate’s application for pauper status so Tate could file his appeal. From one side of his mouth, Judge Kennedy insisted that the conservatorship “protected” Tate and his estate. From the other side, Judge Kennedy approved Tate’s application for pauper status. Did the conservatorship protect or plunder? The figures don’t lie; Tate’s $2.5 mil estate disappeared under Judge Kennedy’s watch.

What did the conservatorship accomplish other than feed the lawyers? How could Judge Kennedy allow Tate’s temporary conservator and the lawyers to devour Tate’s estate and plunge him into indigence in the guise of protection and under color of law?

The injustice Tate has suffered – and continues to suffer – should be an urgent wake-up call to every American, especially Boomers, and certainly to members of Congress in a coming election year. Who is going to protect wards of the state when they are permanently harmed by the very system claiming to be protecting them? When will it end?

Where are we now, after more than 20 years of study and reports? Clearly, the answer is Americans are in more danger than ever before; and Congress is talking about grants for training and certification and looking the other way, as do the States, while permitting financial exploitation and criminal conversion to continue with little or no accountability.

ONLY CONGRESS CAN MAKE GOOD THE FORGOTTEN PROMISE of 42 U.S.C. 3001 of The Public Health and Welfare Law: “(6) Retirement in health, honor, dignity – after years of contribution to the economy;” and “(10) Freedom, independence, and the free exercise of individual initiative in planning and managing their own lives, full participation in the planning and operation of community-based services and programs provided for their benefit and protection against abuse, neglect, and exploitation.”

Please do not wait until it happens to you or a member of your family to step up and take action. Address this critical need now. Americans are suffering now; they need help now.

NASGA began seeking federal intervention in 2009. With Congress well aware of the aging of the Baby Boomers, and still sitting on the information, we are now shifting our focus to that very group of potential victims and the taxpayers who will have to pick up their Medicaid tab when the fiduciaries are finished with their feeding frenzy. As part of our mission, we will educate the taxpaying Boomers about how these laws are being misused and abused and no longer work in the “best interest” of the people.[21]

Forewarned is forearmed!

It is our continued hope and prayer on behalf of those presently entrapped in unlawful and abusive guardianships and conservatorships and the huge potential victims group nationwide, that Congress will step up and forcefully declare that open season on vulnerable persons (be they elderly, disabled, or children) has ended!

We respectfully ask for your support.

/s/ Elaine Renoire


1 “Elder Financial Abuse: Crimes of Occasion, Desperation, and Predation Against America’s Elders,” June 2011,

2 Nonfamily members, court-appointed guardians and attorneys

3 NASGA acknowledges that sadly, and perhaps more than ever due to the current economic conditions, some families do financially exploit and abuse their vulnerable elderly and/or disabled through misuse of powers of attorney and other financial controls or even in guardianships and conservatorships, while fiduciary abuse has become an actual industry. We applaud media’s growing attention to the general category of “elder abuse” and increasing response of various state legislators.

4 Government Accountability Office

5 “Guardianships – Cases of Financial Exploitation, Neglect, and Abuse of Seniors,” September 2010,

6 ”Guardianship,” as used here, is meant to include conservatorship.

7 “Reform of Unlawful and Abusive Guardianships and Conservatorships and Abuse by Courts and Fiduciaries”; “A Review of Unlawful ‘Emergency’ Guardianships,”; and
“The Fleecing of Medicaid and the Taxpayers,”

8 Chemung County Department of Social Services, Case number: Index 2006-1578/RJI No. 2006-0275M

9 See

10 Sara Harvey is permitted a mere six hours visitation per week – under guard. Her husband’s guardian refused to permit visits by friends.

11 Mr. Harvey is unable to ring his call bell should he have an emergency and need help.

12 “A Review of Unlawful ‘Emergency’ Guardianships,”

13 Davidson County Circuit Court, Docket # 07P1654

14 Tate’s brother was already in possession of a durable power of attorney (DPoA) which would obviate the need for a conservatorship, but neither he nor his lawyer brought the DPoA to the judge’s attention. Tate claims the DPoA was procured by fraud, was reproduced and altered and would not permit access to all of Tate’s significant assets. While acting in his capacity of DPoA, Tate’s brother wrote a $25,000 “retainer” check to his lawyer from Tate’s account, thereby launching the events that led to Tate’s loss of control of his life.

15 See YouTube videos of the ex-parte so called “emergency” hearing of 10/23/2007: and

16 TN statute 34-1-108 requires notice be given to the respondent for an emergency hearing to be held.

17 “Best interests” is the general language of “protective” statutes.

18 Tate has two young daughters.

19 Tate only learned that his insurance had been allowed to lapse when he filed a claim after his home and much of his remaining musical equipment were destroyed in the 2010 Nashville, TN flooding.

20 Kennedy had been told by a higher court to issue a final order. His earlier failure to do so had prevented appeal.

21 A detailed review of the events in the case can be seen at

22 and

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NASGA is a civil rights, public benefit nonprofit organization whose members are victims of unlawful and abusive guardianships and conservatorships seeking reform on a national basis.

As we have stated in all of our writings to Congress, the sole purpose of guardianship and conservatorship is to GUARD incompetent wards of the state to keep them from harming themselves or others; CONSERVE their assets; and PROTECT the public from the ward becoming a public charge.

Our mission is:
(1) To engage in outreach, education and advocacy regarding unlawful and abusive guardianship and/or conservatorship proceedings in state courts across the country, and the growing violations of due process, civil and human rights.

(2)  To end the unnecessary and growing Medicaid burden resulting from court-appointed fiduciaries’ use of their wards’ assets for self-profit and unjust enrichment.  Instead of their assets being conserved, the wards are forced into indigence and ultimately relegated to Medicaid services, contrary to law and at the expense of the unwary taxpayer.

(3)  To promote the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable persons subject to damages by unlawful and abusive proceedings; to be a support organization for victims and their families; and to work towards ultimate total reform.

This is our fourth request for Congressional intervention.

Sara! Sara, come back! Don’t leave me here.

MC900441763Tragically, Gary Harvey of Horsehead, NY fell down the basement stairs in January of 2006 and received a traumatic head injury. Since that time, he has either been in a nursing home or in the hospital and is under the guardianship of the county. Ironically, the county, who claims to be looking out for their ward’s best interest, was involved in a so-called ethics committee decision that Gary Harvey should be starved and dehydrated to death. The judge over-ruled the call for execution of an innocent man, though a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) remains in effect. Sara Harvey, Gary’s wife, is desperately fighting to get him home. One can only wonder how much he knows of what is going on around him. The following could be what he is thinking as he lays alone in that room, so isolated from the world he knew and the wife and friends he so loves. * * *

It’s so quiet. I think I hear someone walking down the hall. Do they know I am here? Where is my Sara? Why isn’t she here? I miss her voice and the special sound of her laughter. I miss her gentle touch. The gentle and tender touch that tells me she loves me and that everything is going to be okay. Why can’t I feel that now? Where is she? Why doesn’t she come to see me? Is she tired of me? Am I too big a burden? Is there someone else in her life now? How long have I been here? How many days have passed?

I’m sure of it. I hear someone walking down the hall. Are they coming to see me? Is it Sara? Why do they keep walking by? Don’t they know I’m here? Why doesn’t someone open the door and just say, “hi” and tell me that it is okay? Can’t someone tell me when my Sara will be here? When will she come to see me? I wonder if they would call her, if I ask?

I hear someone again. I hear them walking away. I want to call out. I’m trying to call out. Why can’t I? Why is there only silence? Am I dead?

No, I can’t be. If I were dead, I wouldn’t be able to hear them. I wouldn’t be able to hear their footsteps and the rattling of carts. I wouldn’t be able to hear their laughter and sometimes their whispers. So, why can’t they hear me? Why can’t I hear me? Why are there no sounds beyond the thoughts that ramble and torment? Sara! Sara, why aren’t you here? I need to talk with you. I need to know everything is okay and you still love me. Did I do something wrong? Did I make you hate me so much that you have left me here alone with them? Left me wherever this is? Left me alone to hear the echo of their footsteps and the isolation of such aloneness as I never knew was possible?

Sara, it’s cold here. It’s dark and there is no laughter to touch the moment. There is no you to say we are going home soon and that you love me still. You do love me, don’t you? We will be going home, won’t we? Is that you, Sara? Is that you that I hear walking down the hall? Is that you coming to take me home or to tell me when you shall?

Why are they whispering? Why are they saying I’m gone? I’m not gone. I’m here waiting for you. Sara! Sara, come back! Don’t leave me here. Don’t leave me in this darkness without you. I love you! I’ll always love you! I promise, I will be a better husband, if I wasn’t a good one before. Please, Sara, please don’t leave me here with them. I’m scared. I think they want me to die!
First published on Dakota Voice on August 18th, 2011

Gary Harvey Series: In Darkness & Isolation

SaraGaryHarveyGary Harvey of “warehoused scenario central”, New York, is living in an inexcusable isolation!  What visits this man is allowed are limited, restricted and supervised.  Permission must be obtained to even touch him.  A kiss on the cheek must also be approved by the authority now deemed in control of his very existence.  An authority that seems to enjoy toying with the lives and emotions of those they can control and the friends and loved ones that have dared to challenge or question their decisions, behaviors and directives.

Chemung County, New York, supposedly cares for its wards, even the ones they claim not to want, but then fight desperately to keep. Their decisions are always in the best interest of those wards, right? (That’s what they say anyway.)  This then makes one wonder why they would hesitate to make sure the eye care that Gary Harvey gets is top-notch (they certainly aren’t paying for it) and to stay on top of what might be an eye problem in the making or a condition getting worse.

Gary Harvey suffers from a traumatic brain injury.  That’s true. However, no one knows how far he could come along, if he were to receive therapy and stimulation, such as having frequent visitors who are allowed to touch him and give him a kiss on the cheek, just because giving him a kiss on the cheek might be a gesture of affection he is needing.  No one knows and it seems like those in control — simply don’t care.

Gary has been forced to live in this man-made isolation for years now.  One would think it couldn’t get worse, but it might.  Gary might end up in darkness as well as isolation.  Who will care though?  Chemung County authorities or Kevin Moshier?

(Article originally posted on American Clarion – March 7, 2013.)

God Will Remember the Touch Denied

You deny my touch, though it be one of love, and oh so familiar and comforting to he — the man I truly love.  The man who truly loves me, too.  The man who married me and chose to spend the rest of his life with me — not you or those you put in charge of his now lonely and desperate existence that never needed to be.

Does your cruelty to he and to me feed some hungry darkness within your heart and soul?  Does it give you utter pleasure to deny such a small gesture of love and comfort to he and to me – we whom you have such devastating and merciless power over this day and days that have been?  Oh does the thrill carry you into ecstasy of sinful delight?

I can only wonder at the pleasure our misery has brought to your day.  A misery you will be given credit for throughout eternity.  Your moments are yours to behold this day and all days to come.

God, the ultimate judge of all things, will remember those loving touches denied for no other reason than could be denied!

Yes, God will remember and there will be no delight left to behold!

Bobby Schindler Files Petition Requesting to be Gary Harvey’s Guardian


Bobby Schindler, brother of the late Terri Schiavo,  has filed a petition in the New York Supreme CourtChemung County asking guardianship of Gary Harvey be turned over to him.  How can the County refuse to resign or disagree with the petition?  How could they dare say this guardianship transfer would not be in the best interest of Gary Harvey?  Legitimately, they can’t.

Should the County fight Bobby Schindler’s effort, then the County (and those involved in the case on their side), shall have been proven to have lied to the court and the community.  The County claimed it did not want to be Gary’s guardian, but there was no one else.  Now there is.  So, if they fight to retain guardianship, that means there is an ulterior motive for doing so.  After all, just why would they fight so desperately to retain a ward they didn’t want in the first place or thereafter; have warehoused; and, seem to think is bothersome and time consuming in the isolation and hide the information (from his wife) health care plan they have prepared for him?

Bobby Schindler has an impeccable reputation.  He is knowledgeable about TBI (traumatic brain injury).  He has first-hand experience in dealing with a family member suffering from TBI.  He is compassionate and caring.  He is hopeful and realistic.  Just what part of all that he is, could the County honestly say is not good enough to be guardian of Gary Harvey?  Can we say – none?

Time will tell us what the County will do.  Let’s hope they choose the honorable path and agree it is in the best interest of Gary Harvey to appoint Bobby Schindler his guardian.  It is, after all, the right thing to do!

BREAKING NEWS! Terri Schiavo’s Brother Petitions Court to Intervene in Guardianship Case


Contact: Mary Foley, Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network, 484-278-4287,

Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 27 / — Attorney Christopher Johnson has filed with the Supreme Court of the State of New York, asking the court to allow Mr. Bobby Schindler, brother of Terri Schiavo to serve as Guardian for Mr. Gary Harvey.

In 2006, Mr. Harvey, a Chemung County resident, was involved in a home accident, which left him with a profound brain injury. His spouse, Mrs. Sara Harvey, sought guardianship only to be denied by the Chemung County Supreme Court who ultimately appointed the Chemung County Department of Social Services as Mr. Harvey’s guardian. Since that time, Mrs. Harvey has been in a prolonged court battle with Chemung County officials and the New York State Court System.

Indeed, it was in May of 2009 when the ethics committee from the hospital where Mr. Harvey was residing recommended the removal of his nutrition and hydration tube, and also issued a “do-not-resuscitate order” (DNR).

Fortunately, the court denied that request. However, inexplicably, the DNR stayed in place and Mr. Harvey remains under the control of Chemung County, despite the fact that the county tried to end his life.

“I have raised the question many times, ‘How can Chemung County, Guardian of Mr. Harvey, be acting in his best interest when they, in fact, tried to kill him?’ From all indications, it appears that Mr. Harvey has been warehoused and denied the opportunity to receive the care and rehabilitative services that would benefit his condition,” stated Bobby Schindler.

It is the hope that with this filing, the court will recognize that Mr. Harvey deserves the chance to receive aggressive therapy and rehabilitation. Certainly from Mr. Schindler’s experience with brain injured persons, he would afford Mr. Harvey the help he needs in the hopes to significantly improve his quality of life.

Bobby Schindler is the brother of Terri Schiavo and is the Executive Director of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network, established in 2005 to protect the rights of the medically vulnerable. For more information, please visit

Local Politics & the Alleged Compassionate Hospital


Welcome to St. Joseph Hospital of Elmira, New York, where they claim on their website:

St. Joseph’s Hospital, a Catholic health facility, is a voluntary not-for-profit community general hospital founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester in cooperation with the physicians and citizens of Elmira, NY. The St. Joseph’s Hospital community, by maintaining a deep respect for the dignity of each person, strives to heal, as Jesus did, in mind, body and spirit, all who come to us.

“Maintaining a deep respect for the dignity of each person”… except for Gary Harvey.

Oh, I’m so sure Jesus would be quite proud of the staff of the hospital, the guardian group of people and attorneys involved in the Harvey case.  Of course, I wouldn’t be counting on him having picked out everyone’s heavenly spot yet.

It was Thanksgiving Day and Sara Harvey had made the arrangements to visit her husband.  She and the guard arrived only to be told that the hospital hadn’t received an okay.  Guard is not authorized if visit is not authorized, but the dignity people continued with their refusal.

(Cliff Note:  A guard is required because Sara is supposedly a danger to her husband because she supposedly didn’t follow medical advice.  The hospital, guardians et al petitioned the court to starve & dehydrate Gary to death, but she is the danger.  Irony at its best.)

So, while all the important people, who should have made sure the visit was authorized and those who could have given the okay after the failed communication, enjoyed their Thanksgiving meals with the ones of their choice, Gary was denied a mere visit from his wife.  The wife that loves him… talks to him… reads to him.  Instead, he, a person who has always loved holidays and spending them with the wife he loves — got to lay there alone in the isolation that is his life.

What a group of people…

Local politics of control at its best with the dignity people so proud of their compassionate behavior — the refusal of a simple visit on a special holiday!  But then… it was only Gary & Sara Harvey!