Martha’s Vineyard residents lament lack of resources, even as island is flush with cash and beds

Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. – Playground of the powerful Martha’s Vineyard lacked the resources to care for the 50 migrants who landed there unexpectedly on Wednesday, local residents told Fox News Digital this weekend.

But real estate data and Massachusetts state resources show otherwise: island towns are flush with cash and plenty of extra beds to help needy people.

Edgartown, for example, boasts $9.8 million in free cash — budget surplus — according to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. It would have cost only $9.1 million to give all 50 migrants their own room for an entire year at Edgartown’s swanky $500-per-night Harbor View Hotel.  (Click to continue reading)

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Martha’s Vineyard residents lament lack of resources, even as island is flush with cash and beds

No Justice! No Peace!: It’s Time to Make It So

“No Justice!  No Peace!”?  Sounds like a  plan to me.  After all, actual justice (via the rule of law) would be deporting all the illegal aliens.  Peace would be in not having to hear the insults, attempts at intimidation and rude chants demanding what is not your right to demand.

I’m a compassionate person as are most people.  However, demand I bow to your will simply because that’s what you want and your wants trump mine (in your mind) – I’ll be doing anything but bowing.   And that is where we are today.  You demanding and me refusing to bow along with a great many other people.

Just who do you think you are to make demands and threaten to create havoc if those demands are not met?

I didn’t bring you to the United States and neither did anyone I know.  If you have a problem with the results of being brought here illegally – take it up with those responsible for having made that choice for you.  Be mad at them for putting you in the awkward position in the first place, if you are going to be mad at anyone at all.  Don’t be mad at me for what I had nothing to do with.  That’s justice.

I might have been more interested in your plight, if it weren’t for the attacks suggesting anyone not 100% on your side is a racist.

I might have been more interested in your plight, if people tried to win me over, rather than immediately go into attack mode and attempt to shame, mock and intimidate me.  How dare I not group-think with all the group-thinkers.  Darn!

I can’t know why you are being so aggressive, rather than diplomatic in your approach, but you have lost a great many people by your choice of attitude.  Count me right on that opinion.  I know I am.

The United States owes you nothing simply because you are here.  A fact you need to come to terms with.

People can believe all immigration should be “legal immigration” without being the slightest bit racist.

You don’t like being labeled “illegal”?  Well, many don’t like being falsely accused of being racist either.

Your behavior – you that I am addressing – is liken to slugging someone and then expecting them to be your friend and oh so grateful.  How dare they not wish to welcome you into their home?  How dare they not rush to every hilltop and claim you to deserve all things you wish for simply because you do?

The irony… the big irony… is all that you missed in the rescinding of DACA, as you reacted emotionally, rather than with thought.

President Trump actually did you a favor.

Obama’s Executive Order was unconstitutional.  It’s coverage – your deportation – was always pending and placing you all at the mercy of a court order that could come at any moment.  There was no safety or security to behold.  How could you have missed that little fact?  Shouldn’t that have upset you just a little bit?

Trump rescinded an unconstitutional Executive Order and bumped it over to Congress.  You know, that body of elected officials that draft, propose & pass legislation?  He did you a favor.  If you hadn’t let emotions get the best of you – you might have realized that.

Take note of all those people in Congress that think Trump is simply awful for having rescinded the Executive Order and then ask them what they are going to do about it.  Ask them what legislation they are going to submit (or vote for) to address this problem that has been plaguing all of us.  Yes, all of us.  You aren’t the only ones affected by all that has transpired.

I know it is easy to think you got the short end of the stick, but it isn’t just you.  Lot’s of people have been badly affected by this whole mess.  It’s time that reality be faced.  It’s time that activist, or simple rear-ends that love to stir trouble, stop with all these false accusations and attempts to destroy and demean any that don’t jump on the band wagon of their choice and yours.

It’s time to think with logic, rather than respond with emotion.

Trump did you a favor!

Perhaps it is time for you to figure that out and start acting with respect, rather than tantrum protesting with all the screaming of demands and hurling of insults.  Yes, perhaps it time you stop and think how you got in this position, who didn’t fix it when they could and how insecure your position has been all along.  Then think who has taken steps to bring about a permanent fix.  That would be Trump – the President of the United States!  The man you wrongly curse.

Copyright ©2017 Carrie K. Hutchens