Pelosi running again brings no sympathy from me…

I wasn’t surprised to see that Pelosi is running again because letting go of power is quite difficult for some.  However, I have no sympathy for those who live in her District, if they vote to keep her.  At that point, in my opinion, they ask for all the woes their district must then continue to endure.  So be it.  No sympathy from me.

Stop the Lies: There was no Insurrection or Domestic Terrorist Attack by Trump Supporters

By Carrie K. Hutchens

I don’t approve of violence, and while I wish no one had entered the Capitol building on January 6th, it certainly wasn’t a domestic terrorist attack or an insurrection.  Anyone who suggests it was, is either uninformed, an indoctrinated puppet or a sleazy gaslighter that has something to gain from the lie and the continued attack on Trump and his supporters.  Count on it.

I’m quite tired of the Collins, McConnells and all the others in Congress who present themselves as oh so righteous, while being both blind and bullheaded.  Yes, I am giving some of them the benefit of the doubt, though I’m not sure they deserve it.  They’re in Congress, after all, so they must know more than any of us, right?  At least that is how some of them come across as thinking.

Trump did not ask ole Pence to void the electoral votes.  He asked him to delay the count, until thorough investigations could be carried out.  I heard that was a legit request and it is one that should have been honored, not for Trump, but for the voters.  Hear that Pence?  For the “legally registered voters.”

I, for one, don’t want to hear how there was no evidence of voter fraud.  Kind of difficult to gather evidence when no one is bothering to look for any or half-arse doing so, don’t you think?

If a bank employee called and said there was money stolen from the bank, would you likewise merely say there was no evidence?  No, you would expect an investigation would be carried out.  Funds would be compared to what funds were supposed to be there per documentation.  And once that was completed, an investigation would ensue to ascertain who had access and by what means it was possible for any of those people to readily remove the missing money.

By the way, embezzlement can often go on for years before being detected.  But you think in 24 to 48 hours, one can ascertain that, though there was voter fraud, it wasn’t enough to change the outcome of an election?

I have a bridge for sale, as they say.

There are many questionable things that occurred Election Day and night.  Why would anyone blow it off?  Would they do so if it weren’t for the fact that everything odd (suspicious) went against President Trump?

The oh so righteous should especially ask themselves that question.  Does their hatred of Trump blind them to the truth or the desire to seek it?

I think it does.

The problem with thinking, even subconsciously, that it’s okay for cheating to have occurred because it is only Trump – is that once it is done to one – it can be done to anyone and everyone.  It opens the gate.  Yes, it opens the gate to a world of broken rules, cheating, lying and “by any means necessary” behavior.  No one is safe under such a realm – not even the self-righteous Trump hating people in Congress.

I’ll be honest.

Every time someone says things such as, “Trump’s false claims” or “without evidence” – I blow my stack. 

Those people sure have lit a fire under me and not in a good way.  They are calling me a liar.  They are lying to me about me.  They are telling me that what I saw I did not see no matter that I did.    And, of course, they are doing this very thing to everyone else that saw inappropriate behavior and/or discrepancies. This is called “gaslighting” and it is not acceptable behavior under any circumstances – not even by the so-called righteous.

I can truthfully say that if I saw the very same things occurring to a candidate I was totally against – I would feel it as wrong as I do with this situation with Trump and the 2020 Election.  I don’t believe in lying or cheating, even about or towards people I can’t stand.

Call it wrongful behavior.  Call it a criminal act.  But don’t call what transpired on January 6th an insurrection or an act of domestic terror by Trump supporters.  It was neither.  It was merely, by Trump supporters anyways, an attempt to be heard and a rightful call for an investigation prior to confirming as true what was actually questionable.  We voters do, after all, deserve election results that are assured to be true and accurate.  That’s how it is supposed to work.  Did it?

Copyright © 2022 Carrie K. Hutchens

I may not like you!

I may not like you!  Actually, it’s an absolute that I don’t and won’t like you, if you are one of those people who lie about others for personal or political gain!  PERIOD!… COMAS… and EXCLAMATION POINTS!

I’m not sure which is worse… those who think they have a right to use “by any means necessary” tactics to get what they want because they think their cause is so righteous or those who merely like to get what they want because lying and cheating is simply a means to get what they want and there is no righteousness involved.

It doesn’t matter.

If you ever lie about someone, how can you be trusted by anyone? 

How can you be trusted about anything?

Personally, I don’t think you can ever be trusted again because it takes some low-down evilness to lie about a person, who has done nothing, and yet, here you are trying to destroy their life… their livelihood… their future… their hopes & dreams – all for your benefit or entertainment.  You don’t deserve any trust and you certainly aren’t “righteous” by any means!

I often wish we had virtual reality perfected, so people could be put in various situations to see and feel the consequences of their efforts and wishes, or simply for them to see how it would feel if something were done until them that they are trying to have done unto others.  In some cases, it might be an effective tool.  In other cases, it would be a lost cause, unless the person could see “whatever” would have a negative effect on them, because nothing matters, except how it affects them.  They have no conscience.  They have no empathy for others.  They are defective!

Politicians get no pass from me!  For years, I have been saying that there needs to be a law put into place like “false advertising,” “fraud”, and “stealing by deceptive practices” related to election matters & performance of duties associated with the office obtained.  If they get elected on a lie – they should be immediately removed from office.  If they lie as Schiff & Pals have lied against others – they should be removed without the due process they attempted to take away from their target.  Likewise, the victim and the public, as a victim by extension, should be permitted to sue those, who wrongly tried to take away their chosen representative(s) and void their votes.

The media claims the status of a “free press” that is to be a watchdog for the public.  As such, they should then be held to a higher standard.  Suing the media for slander and libel should be much easier than it is at this point.  Furthermore, any media, whether by intent or neglect, that reports a falsehood to take down a duly elected official or candidate – should have its license revoked and forced to immediately close down its operation.  In short, Propaganda Rags should not be rewarded or allowed to sway public opinion in an attempt to achieve their agenda by deceit.

People make mistakes.  People sometimes state things as fact, believing they are, but they aren’t.  People sometimes have more confidence in one expert than another and there is a disagreement about which expert is right.  These are not lies.  These are honest mistakes (without intent to deceive) or merely difference of opinion.

On the other hand…

We do have the intentional liars.  Do I need to name names or can you name them yourself?  You know… the people that repeat debunked claims, as if they are true.  People who repeat the lies over and over, no matter how many times the actual videos or audios are presented to them.  Or, the people who simply pull whatever out of the air on the spur of the moment simply to be able to do a putdown of their target, which seems to usually be President Trump, his administration and supporters.

Can’t they find anything truthful to support their position?

Probably not!

The media… the politicians… the puppet masters… the indoctrinated and simply uncool people, who live life lying about others for personal gain, entertainment or to lift yourself above others – so you think – I don’t like you… I will never like you… I will never forget and most likely – I will never forgive you for the evil and destruction you have attempted or accomplished.

May you be shamed with accountability for all the heartless words and deeds you have showered upon the innocent!

May no one trust or believe you again!

I won’t!

I don’t like you!

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!

Open Letter to the Democrats in Congress

Dear Impeachment Obsessed:

The facts are simple!

Ukraine received the approved aid.

Ukraine received the approved aid by the deadline.

End of story.

You have no case.

You have no legit grounds to impeach President Trump.

You only have lies & spin.

It’s time to stop the Alinsky tactics.

It’s time to act with integrity.

It’s time to vote “NO” on impeachment.


An Informed & Angry Voter

What do you non-truthers and non-truther supporters have against the truth?

truth liesIs lying supposed to be the new fad?  One would think so with how so many are playing loose with the truth at a minimum and outright-blatantly lying at the not-so-minimum.  Personally, I’m tired of all this lying and want to know what the non-truthers have against the truth?  I mean, if your position and your facts and your ideas are so great — shouldn’t you be able to sell them with truthful presentation and defense?

I don’t know about anyone else, except my closet friends, but I don’t like or trust non-truthers.  No one can or should trust them.  After all, if they will non-truth about one thing or person to get their way — they will be prone to non-truth about anything and anyone to get their way next time, too.

Once upon a time, I was intimidated and threatened in an effort to get me to lie about another person.  I refused, but I also said something very true that I hope they remember to this day.  “If I will lie for you now, what makes you think I won’t lie about you later for someone else?”

People, who will lie about others, can’t be trusted.

People, who insinuate non-truths about others or things, likewise cannot be trusted.

People, who lie about polls or say false things to get elected or to get what they want passed — can’t be trusted either.

It’s all the same.  It’s all wrong.

It’s cheating to win and then bragging about the win won unfairly, as though there was reason for praise.

You supporters of the non-truths are no better than the outright liar.  If you didn’t support and excuse and look the other way, the non-truthers wouldn’t be able to pull off all these wrongful wins they are racking up.  But then… today… you seem to see it as a win for your side and it’s kewl stuff to win however your side has to win, right?

Non-truthers aren’t the most loyal kids on the block.  Watch out for when you get in the way or become useless to them or you might find yourself at the other end of their non-truth.  Might not seem so righteous or rightful then, but who will care anymore than you cared for what was happening to those before you?

What do you non-truthers and non-truther supporters have against the truth?  Never mind, I think the rest of us know that answer.  The truth would cost you the game and you would no longer enjoy wrongful wins.  After all, if your position and your facts and your ideas are so great — shouldn’t you be able to sell them with truthful presentation and defense?  Well, shouldn’t you?

The Right Thing to Do!… The Right Thing to Do!… The Right Thing to Do!

Give meI am so sick of hearing, “It’s the right thing to do!”… that I could spit nails and talk to the wall!  The only problem is I’d have to wait in line, because the wall’s pretty packed right now with wall-talkers.

Where do these people get the idea that all their ideas are so ideal and you are just a bad person for not going along?  You would if you were a good person, you know, because it’s the right thing to do.  Nooooo!  No, it’s not always the right thing to do.  Sometimes it would be the biggest and dumbest thing in the world to do.  Sometimes it is simply dumb, but that’s good enough for not wanting to do it.

Women need YOU to pay for their birth control pills because that is the right thing to do.  How’s that?  Women can get birth control for little or nothing at Planned Parenthood, so somebody else is already paying for them.  It’s probably YOU, but at least you don’t know it or remember that tax dollar going into PP’s greedy little pockets.  But if a woman can’t get some free pills, she can’t wait for sex, until she does?

Sex.  Sex.  Sex.

Sex on television.  Sex in commercials.  Sex down the street and up the street and even in the park.  And we aren’t even in Pleasureville where their hair is all blown back to announce to the world what they have been up to.  Geez has any of the desperate for sex crowd ever heard about reading a book every now and then?

Don’t get me wrong…

Sex can be a good thing.  It brings new life.  You know, those adorable little bundles with the tiny little features and those little cries that wake us throughout the night… and the day… and whenever we just get to sleep.  But for sex to be the center of the universe and attached to all things at all times… well… that’s a little… a little… shall we say — sick?

Sex isn’t everything.  It’s simply a small part of the big picture.  It isn’t meant to be people’s purpose in life, though I’ve met a few people who would differ with me on that thought.  Nevertheless, if someone is going into actual withdrawals, because he or she has to wait a few days to get a refill on the birth control pills because YOU didn’t pay for them to be had from somewhere other than the free or low cost place — that someone ought to be asking self what’s up with that.  How do they figure you are responsible for making their sex possible?  Oh, I know… ’cause… It’s the right thing to do.”

The right thing to do is to get back to thinking normal.   Normal meaning realization that there is a world out there that doesn’t center around each of us, immediate gratification is not an entitlement, nor are we entitled to avoid the consequences for our actions and lying is not supposed to be in a politician’s job description.

Me… me… me… is way out of style, but some elites seem to be clinging to the old attitude and trying to groom the younger generations to support and be apart of their whiny little, “You must do what I want because… It’s the right thing to do.”

I want.  I want.  I want.

Me.  Me.  Me.

Give me.  Give me.  Give me.

Tantrum.  Tantrum.  Tantrum.

Stomp a foot.  Stomp a foot.  Stomp another foot.

Lie.  Lie.  Lie.

I get.  I get.  I get.

You pay.  You pay.  You pay.

Know why?… this person might ask?  “Because it’s the right thing to do.”  And this person will probably be thinking on in that crazy little way of thinking, “… and I want my way at all costs because what I want is all that matters.  And because it is all that matters — It’s the right thing to do!”

Oh, I hate that saying.  Is there a space for me at the wall yet?

The “So-Called” Racist Word List that Makes Me “Angry”

This world went totally nuts while many of us apparently weren’t looking closely enough!

I’ve been in job related positions where people had to be identified by race per the rules, and every person in the same job as me, no matter their race, followed the race defining requirement as well.  It certainly wasn’t my idea, nor single race activity or focus.  We all checked the appropriate box to acknowledge “everyone’s” race, no matter what it was with no regard to what ours was.

You see… it had to do with necessary race-facts  — not race insults, but I bet there are some who would try to say differently, because they think the entire world and every breath taken revolves around race (racism) and gender (sexism), rich and poor and whose got the best car or dresses the finest, and lives in the urban area or maybe the suburbs, owns a company or belongs to a union and follows Obama or follows anything not Pelosi-like.

People can believe differently and still not be racists or sexists or radicals from either side.  They can actually be mere people with opinions.  Opinions that might actually make sense or spark a fantastic idea,  if allowed to be voiced and not immediately yelled down or ignored or called racist or sexist ideas and comments as too often it appears the Pelosi & Chris Matthews’ side does to anyone not in line perfectly with their opinions.

“Angry” is a racist word?  Really?!?!?  What fantasy world did that come from?

Not agreeing with Obama, as Chris Matthews’ has the tingle up his leg, is being racist?  Give me a break.  What is it then when I don’t agree with John McCainMcCainism or is it that I simply don’t agree with John McCain?

People need to step back and see how ridiculous things have become and decide enough is enough.

Get angry (racist according to some) and say, this is it.  Let’s start acting like intelligent adults and stop with the childish games, name calling and bullying.  Let’s protect the books, our history and our integrity, and burn the “so-called” racist word list instead.  It is, after all, about as important and reliable as a tingle up Chris Matthews’ leg anyways.

Calling the Non-Existent Bluff

It would seem many thought potential layoffs were merely a bluff.  It was never a bluff.  It was explained why layoffs would be necessary in the face of Obamacare and such.  Look at all the people who couldn’t seem to comprehend facts and went with the false illusions instead.  Enjoy, dulled ones, for your uninformed and misguided votes will come to bite you in the non-existent bluffing rear quite soon.  Problem is… the rest of us get to pay your price right along with you.   I, for one, am not happy at all.

You stand in line giggling like you’re off to see a rock star, rather than getting ready to do something quite important that is going to affect an entire country for a very long time.

You know the “talking points”, yet are clueless about what has been actually going on in the world.

You want equal pay for women and yet haven’t a clue that Obama wasn’t paying women equally from what has been reported.

You want contraception and think Obama is protecting your access to it, when no one … NO ONE… was ever trying to take it away.

You vote with your “lady parts” and then expect to be taken seriously?

Four people died in Benghazi.  Was it due to the administration being inept or worse?  Do you even know where Benghazi is?  Do you know who died and how?  Did you know that help could have been sent, but wasn’t?

Don’t know who Nancy Pelosi is?  How’s that possible if you are an informed voter?  She played some key roles that make her stand out from the crowd and not necessarily in a positive light.

You don’t know who Harry Reid is?  You know, the guy who wrongly used his position to suggest that Romney hadn’t paid taxes though he had.

This is important stuff that you missed, but as long as you got those “talking points” right, I guess you think you are the brightest bulb in the room of same watt bulbs.

Can people outgrow dumbed-down?  I certainly hope so.  Maybe they’ll invent a cure for it.  Oh, they have.  I almost forgot.  It’s called objective education and critical thinking.  Too bad so few decided to take part in the offer.  Might have saved us all from the dumbing results to come.

Thanks a lot.  Oh, by the way… the potential layoffs… were never an idle bluff.  Maybe that little bit of information will catch up with you sooner than later.  Let’s see if you are still giggling your way down the welfare line when it’s your time to pay for your dumb vote and there might not be enough help to go around.

Good luck in your little world of same watt bulbs.