Racism… Racism… Racism

wolfOnce upon a time, as the tale goes, there was a boy that cried wolf when there really wasn’t one.  Then one day, he cried wolf because there really was a wolf, but no one paid any attention because of all the times he had duped them.  (Now replace “wolf” with “racism” or “discrimination”.) 

The moral of the story is simple.  Keep throwing the false allegations out there and one day, when the allegation is true, people aren’t going to believe it because it was never true all the other times.  And that is where we are at today.

How dare anyone disagree with Obama.  To do so was and is alleged to be racism.  Except it wasn’t and isn’t racism to simply disagree with another person.

For people such as Oprah Winfrey to say Obama is a victim of racism is a slap in the face to all who have been the victims of racism, sexism and whatever other form of discrimination that has been unjustly played upon them.  The simple truth is… if there was racism in this country to the degree that Oprah and other Obama followers try to say there is — Oprah would never have been deemed the Queen of Talk Shows and Obama would never have been elected in the first place.  Can’t have it both ways.

On the other hand, since Oprah and these racism allegers dwell on the thought of racism as a motive to all things, might it be that they are the ones that are the actual racists?

I’m sorry if Oprah was ever discriminated against, but I have news for her — so was I.  So were a great many people for various reasons and in various situations.  Though sometimes it is… and though I have been burnt big time…  I don’t look at every negative situation in my life as being the result of the fact that I’m a woman or that I’m a Catholic or that I chose a career in a male dominated field or that I’m not as rich as some think I should be.  Sometimes things happen that haven’t a single thing to do with me personally.  And… sometimes… just sometimes… people actually think I’m wrong and feel they have a right to say so.

People need to grow up and let go of the past and start living in the present!

Yes, there was a time that slavery existed in the US.  It was also a time when women and children were considered property of the husband/father.  Let’s not forget that little bit of history, when we think of all the wrongs done unto a group… any group… of people.  And how about the Native Americans?  They’re part of the history of peoples wronged.  Oh… oh… and we can’t forget the Irish Catholics that were so hated either.  Then there are the Jews that supposedly lied about the Holocaust and were taking over the world via the banks.

The list goes on and on.

Numerous groups of people have found themselves discriminated against at one time or another somewhere or another, but somehow “exceedingly rich” Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama take top billing on the victims’ list?  I don’t think so.

Again… if racism truly existed now days as Oprah and the Obama team try to suggest — she would never have been Queen of Talk Shows & he would never have been elected president — especially over Hillary Clinton.

It’s time to get rid of the false allegations of racism and start dealing in honesty, in reality and in the present where sometimes — disagreement is simply a difference of opinion because people have different opinions — period!

 * * *

If you like your opinion – you can keep it.  Period.

Divide & Conquer: A Statement We Desperately Need to Remember

divided we fallDivide and conquer is what an organized enemy does before going in for the win.  It’s perhaps time that “we” take note of what has been happening in our world.  We have been divided and we are being defeated at every turn.  “We” meaning all of us that are not on the elite pedestal of exemption.  “We”, the ones who will be first to feel the results of this run-away train of arrogance, ignorance and lack of empathy for all but their special and chosen groups of whom — “we” are not a member, nor ever shall be.

People are stepping forward and letting it be known that they do not want ObamaCare as it now exists.  The voices are not only ignored, but to listen to the MSM, and speeches from Obama down to his lowest communication agent — the citizens are instead quite elated.  It’s those bad Republicans that are trying to do mean and dirty things.  Just who is it that is not living in reality?  Perhaps they hope we will believe it is us, rather than they.  And truthfully… if they are able to isolate us — so we can’t or won’t compare notes — they have a very real chance of creating their illusion and presenting it as authentic.  That should give one a shiver or two.

Racism does still exist today, just as sexism does.  However, it isn’t as it once was.  It isn’t the dominate trend — it is the exception.  However, there are those who stoke the fires and attempt to make everything about racism or sexism or whatever other “ism” necessary, so as to create an illusion of victimhood that can be utilized to herd the targeted person or group towards whatever belief and action is beneficial to the agitators goal. 

Sadly, too many fall for the scam and eagerly follow to whatever hate and discontent they were assigned to be a part of.  Yes, assigned to.

Can any actually believe this chaos simply happened on it’s own?

We must remember that the enemy strives to divide so they might easily conquer.

Our world, as it now is, is being driven and directed for the benefit of someone, or someones, who definitely are not looking out for the best interest of “We the People”.  Whoever these specific people are — they have proven to be masters of deception, division and defection.  Their mastery is our threat — our realization is theirs.

Divide & Conquer —  A Statement We Desperately Need to Remember!

The “So-Called” Racist Word List that Makes Me “Angry”

This world went totally nuts while many of us apparently weren’t looking closely enough!

I’ve been in job related positions where people had to be identified by race per the rules, and every person in the same job as me, no matter their race, followed the race defining requirement as well.  It certainly wasn’t my idea, nor single race activity or focus.  We all checked the appropriate box to acknowledge “everyone’s” race, no matter what it was with no regard to what ours was.

You see… it had to do with necessary race-facts  — not race insults, but I bet there are some who would try to say differently, because they think the entire world and every breath taken revolves around race (racism) and gender (sexism), rich and poor and whose got the best car or dresses the finest, and lives in the urban area or maybe the suburbs, owns a company or belongs to a union and follows Obama or follows anything not Pelosi-like.

People can believe differently and still not be racists or sexists or radicals from either side.  They can actually be mere people with opinions.  Opinions that might actually make sense or spark a fantastic idea,  if allowed to be voiced and not immediately yelled down or ignored or called racist or sexist ideas and comments as too often it appears the Pelosi & Chris Matthews’ side does to anyone not in line perfectly with their opinions.

“Angry” is a racist word?  Really?!?!?  What fantasy world did that come from?

Not agreeing with Obama, as Chris Matthews’ has the tingle up his leg, is being racist?  Give me a break.  What is it then when I don’t agree with John McCainMcCainism or is it that I simply don’t agree with John McCain?

People need to step back and see how ridiculous things have become and decide enough is enough.

Get angry (racist according to some) and say, this is it.  Let’s start acting like intelligent adults and stop with the childish games, name calling and bullying.  Let’s protect the books, our history and our integrity, and burn the “so-called” racist word list instead.  It is, after all, about as important and reliable as a tingle up Chris Matthews’ leg anyways.

Sexism: The Unforgivable Offense

Life is full of injustice, but all claims of injustice are not necessarily so.  One of the claims that gets me steamed the quickest is for someone to scream “sexism” because someone dared to challenge a female type’s behavior, actions or words, or fail to give her a job that doesn’t even exist.

One of my favorite stories to tell is about the time I was in the back, when I heard a woman screaming in the front office.  Of course, I went rushing up there to find out what was going on.  There was this out-of-control woman screaming discrimination and threatening to sue.  Okay.

The man she was screaming at, said something to the effect, “There she is.”

The woman gave me an ugly smug look and said she was not talking about a secretary.

He said, ” She is the owner.”

With that, the woman turned and huffed her little rear on out of the office.

I’ve never forgotten that moment.

The woman had come in and asked to apply for a job.  All she was told was that there were no openings at the moment, but if she would leave, or drop off, her resume she would be considered when something did open up.  She went ballistic claiming she was being discriminated against because she was a woman etc. etc. etc.  He kept trying to tell her that wasn’t the case because… , but she was too busy yelling to listen.

I wouldn’t have hired that woman under any circumstances after the tantrum I witnessed.

As a female law enforcement officer, I never asked to be excused from responsibility for my actions because the big bad male officers were picking on little ole me.  If I screwed up — “I” as a law enforcement officer screwed up.  If I were held accountable, it was as a “law enforcement officer” and not a single thing to do with my gender.  So, I don’t take too kindly to women trying to claim a right to a position, while then claiming special treatment rights that forbid accountability expectations, or they are the victims of discrimination and sexism.

Discrimination also includes the expectation of being held to a lesser standard than anyone else in the same position.

Sexism also includes the expectation of being held to a lesser standard than anyone else in the same position.

The unforgivable offense of sexism and discrimination is to claim it when none exists and thus makes the “claimer” guilty of the claim instead.  It becomes an unfair ploy.  There is no excuse!