President & Congress Not Needed In Gun Control Matters


President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden practice their putting on the White House putting green April 24, 2009. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

It’s amazing how the administration hasn’t been able to take responsibility for Fast & Furious and weren’t able to protect our personnel in Benghazi, but now they think they need to take over gun control laws and further dictate to the civilian population?  How ironic is that?

Instead of worrying about law abiding citizens having and purchasing firearms, since there are already laws governing same, maybe the president and Congress ought to worry about the budget, the deficit, Benghazi, Fast & Furious and all the other matters they are responsible for and should have been attending to all along.  What a concept.

What happened in Newtown, Connecticut is heartbreaking, but it isn’t a gun control issue — it’s a mental health issue!  To say otherwise changes nothing.  What is, will be, no matter what spin is spun or what lie is spread.  Only perception changes and isn’t that exactly what is thought to have led to this heartless massacre of the innocent?  Hasn’t it been suggested that perhaps the shooter “thought his mother loved these children more than he?  So, perhaps it is “false perception” that a task force should be addressing instead of those other issues suggested.

Perhaps we should go even further.  Perhaps we should ban and arrest those who make a living creating, building and selling lies in the guise of news.  Perhaps we should ban the faulty and self-serving bills that are being rammed down our throats and arrest those who hang out in Washington, DC pretending to be lawmakers and representatives of the people.

Yes, rather than worrying about matters that don’t need the attention of the federal government, the president and Congress need to tend to their own business — assigned by “We the People” and the Constitution of the United States — that it has been neglecting for far too long.  Let’s see a responsible budget.  Let’s see some responsible discussion about how the deficit can be addressed.  Let’s see Obamacare repealed and constitutional laws considered as needed.  Let’s see some answers and accountability with the issue of Fast & Furious.  And, let’s not forget the Benghazi lies by the president and his Susan Rice.  Those are things they need to worry about and address.

One thing I guess some of the Washington, DC crowd needs to be reminded of — we don’t “need” them to survive, but they “need” us to survive a political career.  (Job description:  to serve and represent the people — not dictate to.)  With that in mind, rather than grand standing, playing to the cameras, pursuing their own personal agendas and appointing themselves the ultimate authority to tell us what to eat, what to wear, what to do, when to sleep and what slant to believe — these elected & appointed officials need to get busy doing the jobs they were sent there to do.  What?  A concept?  What a concept indeed.

One thought on “President & Congress Not Needed In Gun Control Matters

  1. Exactly it is a “mental issue” and where is MHLS? I know in our county and is my opinion and observations that they much rather target the sane, disabled, elderly, innocent or vulerable people rather that the mental issues and cases they have.

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