Surprise: Obama & Carney, Romney isn’t president yet

Romney is a presidential candidate.  You see, he hasn’t yet made it to president-hood.  He was apparently discussing campaigning strategy during that secretly filmed fundraising event, not what American people he would represent as President of the United States of America.  Don’t tell me that Obama & his personnel haven’t likewise had such discussion.  The difference is that no one secretly filmed it and then put it out there.

It would be so hilarious, if it weren’t so pathetic and Animal Farm/1984ish, as they attempt to tell us a different story than what has been and once upon a time documented.

Obama, according to Carney, wouldn’t ignore any group of people, because as president he represents them all.  Carney might want to tell that to the Black preachers who feel Obama is ignoring the Blacks.  Or, perhaps he would like to tell those who see Obama ignoring the white working class.  Maybe he would even like to tell that to the Christians that feel Obama only cares about their vote — not their religious freedom.  Yeah, he might want to do that, but he won’t.  Instead, he will probably pretend none of that (or the articles) exists, but they do anyway.

I hate to break it to Obama and Carney, but Romney isn’t the president.  He is still campaigning — not acting as president and not representing the people as the president yet.  But… give him time.

Romney Caught Talking: Media Pounces

The hidden camera scheme seems to be getting coverage and trying to make Romney the bad guy for saying that a percentage of Americans don’t pay taxes and that some feel they deserve assistance.  It appears to me that Mitt Romney was saying that he could not worry about a certain segment of these voters, because they would lean towards Obama and his government assistance programs, regardless of what he (Romney) says or does.  What is the big deal about that?

It is amazing what people will pounce on and try to make a big bad deal of when there is actually nothing to it in the first place.  This is one of those cases.  This is where the audience should be going, “So?  What’s your point?”

I woke up to a whiny voice going on and on about how Romney doesn’t care about these people.  Oh, let’s insert our opinions in there and decide what he does or doesn’t care about.  Why bother saying it appears he doesn’t care?  Let’s make sure we say it as fact.  After all, there are people that won’t stop to think that we can’t possibly know what Romney is thinking, unless he tells us or by some action shows us.  Thus far, he has done neither.  He has merely said that he can’t worry about these voters, because they will stand by Obama and his government projects.

When the media is forever talking about campaign strategy, we don’t get that the candidates sometimes need to pick and choose the voters they will focus on?  Obviously, when there is limited time, it wouldn’t make much sense to focus on a group that most likely can’t be swayed for whatever the reason.  In this case, Romney apparently felt he couldn’t sway a certain segment of Obama’s following and said so.

I say again …

What’s the big deal about that?