What is wrong with you people?

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Let’s have some honest talk here.

Would you dare say that all Blacks should be wiped out? If not, why not?

Would you dare say that all Muslims should be wiped out? If not, why not?

Would you dare say that all Mexicans and others of Spanish speaking countries should be wiped out? If not, why not?

Then why do you think it is okay to call for all Jews to be wiped out?


Give justification.

You can’t. You honestly can’t.

Hamas is not a race. It’s a group of people just as the KKK is not a
race. And, it looks to me as though if so-called pro-Palestinians were
actually for the Palestinians – they would be against Hamas, a group
that brings them harm.

Hamas attacked and brutally killed babies and children, not to mention
all the other horrendous acts they are reportedly responsible for. They
brought destruction and death in Gaza. Yet, some blame Jews and
Israel? Get real. Use your brains and stop falling for the propaganda
play book material of terrorist and gaslighters.

If…and let’s say “if” … Israel had mistreated anyone in Gaza and
Hamas fought back against the troops – that might be one thing. Going
after civilians, especially babies and children, has absolutely no

So, tell me again, just how you can support a GROUP that attacks,
tortures, rapes and kills, such as Hamas is reported to have done?

Should Hamas decide you and yours should be wiped out because you aren’t
Palestinians or didn’t support them enough or for some other reason –
would you be okay with that? Would it be okay? If not, why not?
You’re supporting them doing it to others. Why wouldn’t it be just as
okay for them to do it to you?

People need to take back their brains and learn to think rationally again.

What is right for one is right for all. What is wrong for one is wrong
for all.

In short, it would OBVIOUSLY be wrong to wipe out all Blacks, Muslims,
Mexicans etc. It is just as wrong to wipe out Israel and all Jews. If
you can’t comprehend that little bit of reality, YOU PEOPLE, need to get
you some de-indoctrination before “Animal Farm” is a story about you and

Think about it. Think about it with your own brains – not the one
filled with the wrongful and hateful propaganda. You might be surprised
what conclusions you come to. You might even, as already suggested, avoid being represented in the “Animal Farm” scenario. It’s up to you.

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Trump Deserves to be Indicted

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Donald J. Trump deserves to be indicted. Just ask people like Stephen King, Rob Reiner, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Nancy Pelosi, the gaslighting crew and indoctrinated puppets. On second thought, you won’t have to ask them. They’re busy trying to draw you into what appears to be their cult of, “Let’s take down Trump By Any Means Necessary.”

People may not like Trump for a variety of reasons and tell others why. That’s their right.

People may not want Trump to be president again and argue their position. That’s their right, too.

What is NOT anyone’s right is to lie about the former president, whether by outright lie, half-truths, word/phrase meaning changes, or things taken out-of-context.

What is NOT anyone’s right is to seek indictments by the above means and/or creative application of the law.

Some are laughing and carrying on about what appears to be political indictments because it is Trump. Would they be laughing and carrying on if it were they or one of their family members who had gotten on the wrong side of whoever is in power only to be the recipient of all done to Trump being done unto them?

It’s dangerous to think what is transpiring is okay “simply” because it is Trump. Think. Step back and think. Reality is… if it can happen to “one” person, it can happen to “any” person. No one is safe no matter how much one believes they or theirs are. That’s a simple truth. Grasp it.

Obviously, there was election interference in the 2020 Election. Yes, obviously. Yet, you wouldn’t know it if you listen to the liberal media and others that hate Trump. They seem to conveniently ignore anything and everything that goes against their gaslighting narrative that portrays Trump as the perpetual bad guy.

I don’t know how many times I cursed the media as I listened to them claim Trump was lying about something that I knew for an absolute fact he wasn’t lying about because I saw and heard whatever personally. How dare they call me a liar. How dare they tell the public that I was a liar or a fool if I dare defend the truth because that is what they were doing.

How many times has the media been busy gaslighting and falsely labeling when creating or defending the chosen narrative of the day, especially when it is against Trump and anyone who dare defend him because they were defending the truth – not just the man?

It – what is happening and my writing about it – is redundant.

What is happening to Trump keeps happening to Trump. Over and over and over, attempts are made to lie about the man or twist his words or actions. It’s beyond tiring. It’s beyond wrong.

I’m tired of hearing people change the meaning of words and phrases and then applying their change as if it is the absolute meaning and what someone meant and intended to mean if they use one of them.

I have a good example.

Trump once said something to the effect that Megyn Kelly had blood in her eyes. Next thing one knew, the mob of Trump haters was claiming he was talking about menstruating, etc, etc etc.

Unbelievable. That’s not what the phrase means. No relationship at all.

I, for one, know that saying. Lots of people know what it means. How many spoke up? How many shouted out the truth as loudly as the liars (or misinformed) were shouting the lie?


Why? Because it was only Trump?

People… important people in important positions… lied about Trump and Russia. It was a lie, yet some continue repeating it.

People lied about Trump mocking the disability of a reporter. He didn’t, yet the lie continues by some.

Trump was told the numbers at his inauguration were larger than Obama’s and he repeated it. He, rather than the people that told him, was called a liar. And that is just a tiny fraction of what transpired that is ignored.

Even Fox News failed to assure that the whole truth was told.

Chris Wallace showed a picture of the alleged crowd. It was apparently early in the day before everyone arrived that was coming. Another employee did state at least once that the picture was of early morning and that was it. Fox News, to my knowledge, never made Wallace correct the misrepresentation, much less apologize. His lie was allowed to stand.

Two things.

I don’t remember the channel, but one did announce at least once that the Port Authority, I believe it was, reported that Trump’s crowd was bigger than Obama’s. I remember that because I commented to someone about it.

I have searched and searched for a video of that day, but of all things one might find – guess what I couldn’t find. Something I know happened (was said), because I heard it myself, is either hidden or permanently missing.

(I didn’t know it would become so important to note the channel and reporters, or I would have readily documented it all as it happened.)

CNN, I believe it was, had a live interaction program on their site that day and I spent a great deal of time using it, while the television was also on broadcasting the event. That’s one of the reasons I knew for a fact that Wallace was giving out inaccurate information about the crowd. But as I said, I didn’t see even Fox News stand up and say, “Whoa, that’s not right.”

Of course, this only happened to Trump, so some seem to think it is perfectly okay.

I remember people, including one of Nancy Pelosi’s daughters, trying to find a way to stop Trump from being sworn in. Where are their indictments?

        How Democrats Attempted a 2016 Electoral College Coup

        Despite Objections, Congress Certifies Donald Trump’s Election

        Christine Pelosi would face scrutiny of past comments if she runs for mom’s House seat

I remember people pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court. Where is the investigation of them and the indictments?

I could go on about things I saw and heard personally that were twisted, denied, or re-created into a narrative of lies, but who cares? It only happened to Trump. That’s right. It only happened to Trump so it’s okay. It doesn’t count as wrong. Right?

I don’t think so.

It doesn’t matter if one takes down Trump today because there is always tomorrow. There is always a day of truth that will arrive, even if not as fast as one would like. A day when the gaslighters will be outed for the liars they are. A day when the indoctrinated will realize they were wrongfully programmed or merely move on to the next mission assigned to them by their handlers. A day when the gaslighting media will either become honest or be seen as the fiction-producing programmers they are.

Yes, there will be a day when the truth steps up and refuses to be denied any longer by the masses. Until then, we are exposed to what appears to be an overwhelming crusade to take down Trump by any means necessary – even by intentional and unintentional untruths.

Some say Trump deserves to be indicted. Perhaps, instead, it is their motive, claims and reasoning that should be indicted? After all, we need to ask if we are seeing a guilty man being held accountable or dirty politics gone wild? It is essential that we find and accept the truthful answer to that question and many more. Our Constitutional Republic, well-being, and freedoms depend upon it.

Simply put, as Adrian Monk would say, “I may be wrong, but I don’t think so.”

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Open Letter to Bill Barr

Dear Bill Barr:

You seem to think that “because you said” there was no widespread election fraud that would alter the outcome of the election that everyone, especially President Trump, should take your “opinion” as gospel. Well, I didn’t and I don’t.

You, Sir, apparently were aware of election interference and did nothing, right? What do you call election interference, if not a fraud upon the American people? Votes were cast based on that fraud. So, what were you saying again? There wasn’t widespread election fraud? In your dreams perhaps, but not in reality.

Trump had a right to question the election results. Bill Bar, as Attorney General of the United States, you had a duty to call for, and oversee, a fair and thorough investigation. No way did you. No way could you have done so in the brief time from accusation to your declaration. And just what was your declaration again? Well, there was fraud, just not enough to change the election results.

You, Bill Barr, try to declare yourself to be oh-so righteous and knowing. However, you, Sir, in my opinion, show yourself to be a pompous arse that demands agreement with your views or be cast into the realm of criminal or at the very least – ignorant.

Trump may or may not have lost the election, but he, and we, the American people, had, and continue to have, the right to question and demand proof the results were fair and accurate. To be accused of lying because any believe the election was not fair is an abuse of power, as well as slander and libel by those doing the accusing.

Your dislike for Trump was obvious to me. You seemed to always find fault with him. When you said, “always something” were you EVER referring to the people that were ALWAYS trying to block Trump’s efforts or take him down? What did you do when you knew those 51 were signing a letter that implied a lie? You couldn’t interfere in an election? Isn’t that exactly what you were doing with your silence?

Perhaps you don’t remember Nancy Pelosi’s daughter being involved in trying to stop Trump from being voted in and taking office, but I do. Where are the charges against her and the others that were involved?

Why is Trump the only one being charged and having to prove that either he isn’t guilty or it isn’t a crime to do whatever he did do? Why do others get a free pass to do whatever. That’s justice?

Unlike so many involved in the “get Trump by any means cult,” I happen to believe in fairness to all, including people I can’t stand. And, if I know a lie is a lie being told about someone I dislike, I step up and say so. Can you truthfully say you do?

It’s bad enough that you were aware of the election interference and allowed it to continue, but you can’t stop throwing gas on the fire, can you? You have to keep finding fault with Trump. Everything has to be his fault. It can’t be that others are abusing their office and oaths, right?

I’m ashamed for once having thought you, as attorney general, would ensure that there would be justice and fair play for all. I was obviously wrong. Think not? The treatment of President Trump is an obvious example of just how wrong I was.

In closing, I would like to say one thing that says it all.

I don’t agree with you.

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens

Stop the Lies: There was no Insurrection or Domestic Terrorist Attack by Trump Supporters

By Carrie K. Hutchens

I don’t approve of violence, and while I wish no one had entered the Capitol building on January 6th, it certainly wasn’t a domestic terrorist attack or an insurrection.  Anyone who suggests it was, is either uninformed, an indoctrinated puppet or a sleazy gaslighter that has something to gain from the lie and the continued attack on Trump and his supporters.  Count on it.

I’m quite tired of the Collins, McConnells and all the others in Congress who present themselves as oh so righteous, while being both blind and bullheaded.  Yes, I am giving some of them the benefit of the doubt, though I’m not sure they deserve it.  They’re in Congress, after all, so they must know more than any of us, right?  At least that is how some of them come across as thinking.

Trump did not ask ole Pence to void the electoral votes.  He asked him to delay the count, until thorough investigations could be carried out.  I heard that was a legit request and it is one that should have been honored, not for Trump, but for the voters.  Hear that Pence?  For the “legally registered voters.”

I, for one, don’t want to hear how there was no evidence of voter fraud.  Kind of difficult to gather evidence when no one is bothering to look for any or half-arse doing so, don’t you think?

If a bank employee called and said there was money stolen from the bank, would you likewise merely say there was no evidence?  No, you would expect an investigation would be carried out.  Funds would be compared to what funds were supposed to be there per documentation.  And once that was completed, an investigation would ensue to ascertain who had access and by what means it was possible for any of those people to readily remove the missing money.

By the way, embezzlement can often go on for years before being detected.  But you think in 24 to 48 hours, one can ascertain that, though there was voter fraud, it wasn’t enough to change the outcome of an election?

I have a bridge for sale, as they say.

There are many questionable things that occurred Election Day and night.  Why would anyone blow it off?  Would they do so if it weren’t for the fact that everything odd (suspicious) went against President Trump?

The oh so righteous should especially ask themselves that question.  Does their hatred of Trump blind them to the truth or the desire to seek it?

I think it does.

The problem with thinking, even subconsciously, that it’s okay for cheating to have occurred because it is only Trump – is that once it is done to one – it can be done to anyone and everyone.  It opens the gate.  Yes, it opens the gate to a world of broken rules, cheating, lying and “by any means necessary” behavior.  No one is safe under such a realm – not even the self-righteous Trump hating people in Congress.

I’ll be honest.

Every time someone says things such as, “Trump’s false claims” or “without evidence” – I blow my stack. 

Those people sure have lit a fire under me and not in a good way.  They are calling me a liar.  They are lying to me about me.  They are telling me that what I saw I did not see no matter that I did.    And, of course, they are doing this very thing to everyone else that saw inappropriate behavior and/or discrepancies. This is called “gaslighting” and it is not acceptable behavior under any circumstances – not even by the so-called righteous.

I can truthfully say that if I saw the very same things occurring to a candidate I was totally against – I would feel it as wrong as I do with this situation with Trump and the 2020 Election.  I don’t believe in lying or cheating, even about or towards people I can’t stand.

Call it wrongful behavior.  Call it a criminal act.  But don’t call what transpired on January 6th an insurrection or an act of domestic terror by Trump supporters.  It was neither.  It was merely, by Trump supporters anyways, an attempt to be heard and a rightful call for an investigation prior to confirming as true what was actually questionable.  We voters do, after all, deserve election results that are assured to be true and accurate.  That’s how it is supposed to work.  Did it?

Copyright © 2022 Carrie K. Hutchens

President Trump & the Democrat Saga of Incoherence

Copyright © 2017 & 2021 Carrie K. Hutchens

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I Don’t Care

By Carrie K. Hutchens

I don’t care if people accuse me of being pro-cancel culture. It is, after all, the least of what I have been called over the past few years by the gaslighters and indoctrinated puppets that fail to use the brains God gave them, as a tool to process and conclude based on reality, rather then “as told to.”

I used to willingly watch various shows on Fox News, such as “The Five,”       “Outnumbered” and “Greg Gutfeld.” Now I only willingly watch Tucker and Greg’s show, if I watch anything at all.       Why? Because I do not like liars. I do not care to listen to them or watch their stupid facial features meant to call the other person’s comments untrue. Or, how about the Richard Fowler types that take over the segment with their interrupting, talking over everyone and just downright being rude? I don’t need it.

I have often said – and definitely mean – that it is one thing to have differing opinions presented and quite another to allow lies to be spouted and unchecked by people who insist on finishing their incorrect and untrue comments. And there you have it… this is why I won’t watch my once favorite shows on Fox News. Too many Libs get by with repeating over and over and over – things that aren’t true, especially about, but not limited to, Trump and/or his supporters.

I’m not over-protective of President Trump. I have no hesitation to call him out, if he has done or said something wrong.       However, as we all know (or at least those of us that think with our own brains), Trump is always blamed for everything and then some by the MSM & other Trump haters, even when he hadn’t a thing to do with it or NEVER SAID WHAT THEY SAY HE SAID.

I can’t stand liars and do not associate with them in real time. Why would I waste my time in front of a television listening to them and watching those eye-rolls, smirks and shaking heads? I wouldn’t and I don’t and I won’t.

It’s one thing for Fox News, for example, to have Libs or anti-Trumpers on to provide the opposing view-point, but quite another to allow distortions that amount to lies. Fox News should have a rule that only the truth is allowed and if caught lying – the person will be suspended, until they can control their urge to lie about those on the other side of the aisle, including President Trump.

If Libs think my opinion makes me a hypocrite and part of the “cancel culture” – so be it! I don’t care. As a matter of fact, I’ll proudly claim to be a member of the “Cancel Lies & Propaganda Culture!” It is, after all, a culture worth developing and being a part of!

Copyright © 2021 Carrie K. Hutchens

Thank you for Supporting Carrie’s Take!

Donald Trump Plays ‘Creepy’ Halloween Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Video at Pennsylvania Rally

Donald Trump Plays ‘Creepy’ Halloween Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Video at Pennsylvania Rally


Still image from – “Hello Baltimore by Lloyd Marcus the Unhyphenated American” video – 2015

By Carrie K. Hutchens

I’ve met some gaslighters throughout my life-time, but never in the abundance found in present day society.  It’s overwhelming.  It’s maddening.  It’s enough to make a pacifist go ballistic and not so gently put some faces (along with the bodies) in a corner for a major forced time-out.

Oh, and those little indoctrinated puppets that think they are so very smart and righteous make a polite person want to scream all those words we thought we would never use. 

Who raised those brats who have no impulse control and think they have some special right to kick people in the head (attempted murder in my book) and not have anyone fight back?  Who taught them that it was pure and good to run in packs in search of a helpless victim to viciously beat, stomp and kick without mercy?

The feral monsters roaming the streets looking for prey have lost their way – if ever they had it to begin with.  They are nothing more than a plague the masters have released upon society to cause a chaos they blame on the opposition… a chaos they claim they can save us from.

It’s all a game.

A dirty game.

A game only the dishonest and vicious would instigate.

The masters have no conscience, as they seek power and more power and even that isn’t enough – they must have the ultimate power to control all people and all things at all times.

The indoctrinated have no clue.

It’s said quite frequently that Trump supporters are a cult, which would suggest that they mindlessly follow him with no thought of their own.   How wrong those are who say it and those who believe it.  Trump supporters are not of “one mind” or “one thought” and definitely not into “talking points” such as seen on MSM, where it seems everyone is following the same script hour after hour, day after day.

Nope!  You aren’t going to see Trump supporters parroting talking points like good little puppets.  They think and talk for themselves – obviously so.

I’ve never seen or heard of Trump supporters stopping traffic, pulling someone out of the vehicle, beating the heck out of them and kicking the person in the head for the heck of it, but I have seen the feral monsters of the Left do so and so have you, if you follow the chaos on the internet.

All that violence is from the Left… allowed by the Left… and protected by the Left.

(Who encourages them… allows them to do… and bails them out after they have?)

MSM spews the lie that the rioters are the victims (or champions of same) and we are all to blame, and therefore, by insinuation, if not direct claim, that we deserve the violence, destruction, injury and even death at the hands of these so-called victims, aka champions.


Yes, that is right.

I call BS, as you should.

I call it as I should, as you should, as every normal and law-abiding person should.

The feral monsters are obviously physically dangerous and meant to terrify the population.  There seems to be no reasoning with them, once they have their sights on a chosen victim.

Then there are the indoctrinated puppets that get on Twitter, for example, and proclaim they are all knowledgeable and everyone else that doesn’t agree with them are ignorant racist Trump-supporting Walmart shoppers who probably live in trailers and don’t have degrees, because after all, that is what they are told the opposition either is or to accuse them of that anyways.  Alinsky tactics come to mind, as well they should.

The latter indoctrinated puppets are quite dangerous in their own way.

While the feral monsters are meant to gain power and conquer the population by fear, the latter indoctrinated puppets are used for mind control, so to speak.

They sound smart and in control.

They lie.

They say lies well.

They toy with peoples’ minds.

They are gaslighters-in-waiting.

They may not even have a clue they were gaslighted.

Maybe they do.

What they don’t do is refer to history or even current events about how this story has played out elsewhere and will play out here, if they win the game.

They “think” they will be the winners.


They are only tools… only a means.  They are/were never meant to be anything more, should the Left win this battle of the souls.  After all, there are only a few slots at the top of the power grab and only a select few were ever intended to occupy them.

Think a puppet would be given one of those precious slots?

I hate gaslighters and indoctrinated puppets.

(Did I say that already?)

Both try to convince you truth is a lie and lie is a truth.

One is trying to redefine truth into what they say it is for the purpose of taking control.  The other is a fool that has fallen for all the gaslighting and is nothing more than a tool to be tossed aside, should the gaslighter win the game.

The irony…

Only a few slots exist in a realm of dictatorship.

(Did I say that already?)

Not all gaslighters get a slot either, but I guess they haven’t figured that out yet.

I enjoy knowing that I am far smarter than the puppet, since I think for myself, rather than think what someone feeds me to think.

I enjoy being smarter than a gaslighter as well.  I don’t need to make others think they are crazy, so I can win by forcing wrongful thoughts and illusions upon them.

I enjoy not having to chase people down and beat them to death, or near death, for the lack of impulse control and whatever else creates such feral monsters that I am not.

I hate gaslighters and indoctrinated puppets.

Oh yes, I do.

I’m ready for sanity and law and order to return and put them out of business.

It’s time.

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

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