Still image from – “Hello Baltimore by Lloyd Marcus the Unhyphenated American” video – 2015

By Carrie K. Hutchens

I’ve met some gaslighters throughout my life-time, but never in the abundance found in present day society.  It’s overwhelming.  It’s maddening.  It’s enough to make a pacifist go ballistic and not so gently put some faces (along with the bodies) in a corner for a major forced time-out.

Oh, and those little indoctrinated puppets that think they are so very smart and righteous make a polite person want to scream all those words we thought we would never use. 

Who raised those brats who have no impulse control and think they have some special right to kick people in the head (attempted murder in my book) and not have anyone fight back?  Who taught them that it was pure and good to run in packs in search of a helpless victim to viciously beat, stomp and kick without mercy?

The feral monsters roaming the streets looking for prey have lost their way – if ever they had it to begin with.  They are nothing more than a plague the masters have released upon society to cause a chaos they blame on the opposition… a chaos they claim they can save us from.

It’s all a game.

A dirty game.

A game only the dishonest and vicious would instigate.

The masters have no conscience, as they seek power and more power and even that isn’t enough – they must have the ultimate power to control all people and all things at all times.

The indoctrinated have no clue.

It’s said quite frequently that Trump supporters are a cult, which would suggest that they mindlessly follow him with no thought of their own.   How wrong those are who say it and those who believe it.  Trump supporters are not of “one mind” or “one thought” and definitely not into “talking points” such as seen on MSM, where it seems everyone is following the same script hour after hour, day after day.

Nope!  You aren’t going to see Trump supporters parroting talking points like good little puppets.  They think and talk for themselves – obviously so.

I’ve never seen or heard of Trump supporters stopping traffic, pulling someone out of the vehicle, beating the heck out of them and kicking the person in the head for the heck of it, but I have seen the feral monsters of the Left do so and so have you, if you follow the chaos on the internet.

All that violence is from the Left… allowed by the Left… and protected by the Left.

(Who encourages them… allows them to do… and bails them out after they have?)

MSM spews the lie that the rioters are the victims (or champions of same) and we are all to blame, and therefore, by insinuation, if not direct claim, that we deserve the violence, destruction, injury and even death at the hands of these so-called victims, aka champions.


Yes, that is right.

I call BS, as you should.

I call it as I should, as you should, as every normal and law-abiding person should.

The feral monsters are obviously physically dangerous and meant to terrify the population.  There seems to be no reasoning with them, once they have their sights on a chosen victim.

Then there are the indoctrinated puppets that get on Twitter, for example, and proclaim they are all knowledgeable and everyone else that doesn’t agree with them are ignorant racist Trump-supporting Walmart shoppers who probably live in trailers and don’t have degrees, because after all, that is what they are told the opposition either is or to accuse them of that anyways.  Alinsky tactics come to mind, as well they should.

The latter indoctrinated puppets are quite dangerous in their own way.

While the feral monsters are meant to gain power and conquer the population by fear, the latter indoctrinated puppets are used for mind control, so to speak.

They sound smart and in control.

They lie.

They say lies well.

They toy with peoples’ minds.

They are gaslighters-in-waiting.

They may not even have a clue they were gaslighted.

Maybe they do.

What they don’t do is refer to history or even current events about how this story has played out elsewhere and will play out here, if they win the game.

They “think” they will be the winners.


They are only tools… only a means.  They are/were never meant to be anything more, should the Left win this battle of the souls.  After all, there are only a few slots at the top of the power grab and only a select few were ever intended to occupy them.

Think a puppet would be given one of those precious slots?

I hate gaslighters and indoctrinated puppets.

(Did I say that already?)

Both try to convince you truth is a lie and lie is a truth.

One is trying to redefine truth into what they say it is for the purpose of taking control.  The other is a fool that has fallen for all the gaslighting and is nothing more than a tool to be tossed aside, should the gaslighter win the game.

The irony…

Only a few slots exist in a realm of dictatorship.

(Did I say that already?)

Not all gaslighters get a slot either, but I guess they haven’t figured that out yet.

I enjoy knowing that I am far smarter than the puppet, since I think for myself, rather than think what someone feeds me to think.

I enjoy being smarter than a gaslighter as well.  I don’t need to make others think they are crazy, so I can win by forcing wrongful thoughts and illusions upon them.

I enjoy not having to chase people down and beat them to death, or near death, for the lack of impulse control and whatever else creates such feral monsters that I am not.

I hate gaslighters and indoctrinated puppets.

Oh yes, I do.

I’m ready for sanity and law and order to return and put them out of business.

It’s time.

Copyright © 2020 Carrie K. Hutchens

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Open Letter to the Offended

Dear Easily Offended:

Tell me…

Do you intend to live out your life as a perpetual toddler, or do you have plans to eventually grow up and act and think as an adult?  Watching & listening to you, one has to wonder.

News flash…

Unlike what you have thus far been taught, you are not the center of the Universe to all people within the Universe.  Other people live in this world with you.  Other people have wants and dreams.  Other people have thoughts and preferences.  And, perhaps to your surprise, some other people are totally offended by your seemingly constant state of seeking things to be offended by.

I, for one, am not impressed by your snotty, self-righteous, selfish, baby-brat ways.  I’m especially not impressed by those of you who destroy other people’s property; as though you think you have some right simply because it offends you.  No, you don’t have that right.  It isn’t yours.  Keep your hands off other peoples’ stuff.

Even less impressive are those of you that take it a step further and think you have a right to assault others simply because you don’t agree with them.  You all deserve to have the handcuffs slapped on you & some serious time in a jail cell.  You are nothing more than vicious little criminals.


Hilarious are those of you that claim you are fighting fascism, when in fact – YOU ARE THE FASCISTS!  (If you were as brilliant as you “think” you are – you readily see that to be true.)

To be quite honest, I’m tired of some government officials and radical lefties indoctrinating you and enabling your fascist little bratty easily offended ways.  It’s time you grow up and act like a respectful adult.  Or, do you plan to live out your life as a perpetual toddler, being played like an ignorant puppet by the elite seeking power that you’ll never have?

Just wondering.


A person tired of your inexcusable behavior

Copyright © 2019 Carrie K. Hutchens