Giggle, Giggle Goes John McCain

love horsesJust a thought…  Maybe instead of gleefully giggling, John McCain ought to look around and see where he’s at.  Ole Mr. Maverick there, appears to have trotted on over to the liberal section of the room and is apparently grazing on their “free” Kool-Aid.

Senator “once upon a time maverick” McCain, many people agree with Ted Cruz about Obamacare and the devastation it is causing.  If you want to worry about “shame”, then perhaps you should be putting it where it belongs.

Shame on everyone involved in pushing through a bill they probably didn’t read, and apparently didn’t understand.

Shame on everyone in Washington, DC that is walking all over the middle and poor classes, while claiming to be their champion.  Champion my southside.

Y’all that are involved in allowing Obamacare to get passed and stay passed — ought to be ashamed of yourselves.  You are fools and that is not one bit funny!

Giggle, giggle all the way to the shame corner!

Today’s Logic Moment – 10/16/13

The Question People in DC Apparently Did Not Consider:

 cancellation stampPeople are receiving cancellation notices from their insurance companies.  To have like coverage, with the AHC requirements, is being reported as either exceeding higher in premiums and deductibles or not offered by the preferred insurance company.  Like coverage via Obamacare, if one can find out, is apparently a cause for sticker shock.  People are in a desperate position.  Did this administration consider any of these possibilities before plowing through anyone who objected or had concern?  Do they intend to address this devastating mess they created?

Okay DC: What About the Other Americans Who Lost Their Private Sector Jobs?

busyIsn’t this quite delightful!  The government employees will be returning to their jobs after a short break.  They knew they would be.  It was a short-term  hurt.  What about all the other Americans in the private sector, who have lost their jobs, or their hours, and are facing an uncertain future?  They don’t know when they will be getting back to work (or hours returned), if ever they will.  Theirs is a long term nightmare.  Why are they forgotten?  Why are they deemed the non-important?

Obamacare did, and continues to, cost jobs.  If DC can’t see it, then perhaps they need a refresher course in reality.  After all, only they and their oblivious cult followers, are blind to the true plight of the American people all at the hands of Washington, DC politics and politicians.  Thanks for nothing.

I do hope politicians are feeling proud of themselves for their lack of concern and compassion for the families that are suffering as a result of idiotic politics and selfish legacy fights.  That will mean a great deal to them in the hereafter, when they are shown up for the self-centered and selfish individuals that they are.  Oh yes, they will be remembered for the pain and suffering that they needlessly caused.  There will be no mercy given to their memories.  What a true legacy that will be.

So, now that we know Obamacare was slopped together and has done nothing but cost people their jobs, their insurance, their financial well-being, and so on — what are you going to do about it, DC?  How are you going to fix this mess?  Will it be within the next two weeks or so?  (Isn’t that about the time it took you to get the government employees back to work?)  Well, you better get on it then, because the American people aren’t too happy with you and your crazy, selfish plans.  It’s time to do what you are supposed to.  It’s time for you to represent the people — not dictate to them.  It’s time to get the private sector Americans back to work and their good insurance returned!  Get busy!