Libs Should be Required to Commit to Same Playing Field

by Carrie K. Hutchens

Since some elected officials and others in authority seem to feel it is appropriate to take away a “level playing field” for girls in sports, let’s force them to accept the same terms for themselves. A trans will receive preferential treatment in all situations because, after all, their lives matter and apparently matter more than their non-trans peers. It is what is stated when bio females are forced to compete (?) against bio males that are by nature far stronger than the average female. Compete is a key term. Is there any fair competition when the female can only lift 75 lbs to the bio male’s 250 lbs or are the females just there in a hopeless situation?

My theory is…

If all these lib people in charge and those libs elected feel it is okay to cheat the bio girls out of their chance to compete against other bio females for scholarships and other awards – then let’s spread the favor around.

A trans person should get credit for three times the votes their non-trans liberal competition receives in elections.

A trans person should always be promoted over the non-trans liberal so they feel accepted and included.

A trans person should always receive all the awards and bonuses because they are matched only with those who have no chance in a fair competition.

Two things can be true at the same time.

One can not wish harm upon a trans person and not wish harm upon a bio female at the same time. Why should the bio-female be the only one to sacrifice opportunities, while the enlightened act as though the ones sacrificing, and their supporters, are being cruel if they dare try to address and explain the unfairness?

Again, I guess the only way to open the eyes of the so-called enlightened is to force them into like situations of sacrifice. Let them have no chance to win no matter what.

It’s one thing to want to be kind and fair to a group of people and quite another to give special treatment to a group at the unfair expense of another group.


What would your opinion be if you were to see a team of 20-year-olds playing a sport against a team of 80-year-olds? Would you think it was a “level playing field?”

Those liberals (and their indoctrinated following) in positions of authority and elected offices need to make up their minds. Either they should agree to live by the same “playing field chances” as they are forcing bio girls to live by or get busy and find another answer that is fair to the bio girls that have worked so hard to have a fair shot at the win and the rewards that come with it.

Fair is fair.

Copyright © 2023 Carrie K. Hutchens