Obamacare Realities: Pulling things out of the horse’s rump

horse rumpI don’t just pull things out of a horse’s rump and throw it out as truth. I actually read and search and verify, unlike some of the seemingly brainwashed and vicious Obama defenders of today’s society.

Obama said, “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

That came out of Obama’s mouth. His own mouth. His own words. His own promise. I didn’t pull it out of a horse’s rump, but he must have.

Thousands upon thousands of people are getting cancellation notices. Yet, in the mist of all this, Obama Zombies (the fainting following) are swearing that if people have insurance — they won’t have to change. But they are having to change. It’s happening. It’s real. It’s all around. And it isn’t done yet.

Of course, once it is shown by a source other than Fox News that cancellations are in the high numbers, the argument becomes that the policies were lacking in quality coverage. Excuse me, it should be up to the insurance seeker and insured to decide what coverage best meets his or her particular needs and budget. People don’t need the government playing Nanny, especially when it isn’t Nanny that must cough up any and all additional costs associated with these uninvited decisions.

It doesn’t matter. Obama said repeatedly: “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

What happened to that guarantee? Would people have voted for AHC if they had known what Obama said wasn’t true?

Then we have the website issues and Amanda Marcotte saying she wants a screen shot proof or people are lying:

Yes, “she” makes an accusation and then demands others prove her wrong, rather than “her” proving her statement true. It’s not supposed to work that way, but in this flipped universe we are living in, it’s happening way too often.

Amanda says:

Well, Amanda, here’s a screen shot for you:

How Stupid Are We: Pretty Darn Stupid According to Big Government Supporters

stupidIt’s amazing how stupid “big government supporters” think everyone else is.  We are too stupid to make our own decisions about the size of soda we buy, so the government will help us.  They will deny us the 32 oz. option.  Now, that is really going to help all on its own.  Oh, never mind.  That ban is only the beginning.  With the government in control of insurance, they’ll soon be able to tell us what we can’t eat and what we must eat.  Probably tell us how many times a day to go to the bathroom, too.  And, never fear, we will probably receive instructions on the proper way to wipe the bottoms we have somehow been taking care of for years without their help.

Drink water?  What a unique idea.  I’m sure that most of us never once thought about grabbing a glass of water when thirsty.  And how about those water fountains? They aren’t just for decoration?  Well, what do you know about that.  Learn something new every day.

I have a control freak relative that will walk into the kitchen, see someone is doing the dishes and tell that person she (or he) needs to do the dishes.  It is as though the event is not real… not happening… unless “control freak” gives the order for it to be done.  Does my relative sound like anyone you know?  You know… like someone who thinks they know more about our health, health needs and coverage than we — the people who happen to be living our lives — do?

My “control freak” relative got involved where there was no need and really messed things up.  After the blunder, “control freak” walked away and left everyone else to suffer the major consequences involved.  Looks like our government is planning a likewise move.  They screw everything up for us — like cost us perfectly good insurance coverage — then, as it all falls apart, they go, “ooops” and walk away with their coverage still intact.

Many of the elite in government haven’t the slightest clue what it is like to be in our less-elite shoes, so their edg-i-ka-sion is limited to that book larning that was written by others who probably didn’t have the slightest clue either.  So, who are they to suddenly walk into our lives and tell us what to do and when to do it and how to do it, as though we hadn’t been living a life prior to their decision to decide for us?

We may not know everything about everything, but we do certainly know what we need to survive.  We know what is “affordable” in our situations, no matter what amount they decide upon.  Better yet, they talk about all these people that didn’t have insurance because of pre-existing conditions and life-time limits.  So, why didn’t they deal with those problems?  Why didn’t they find a way to get those people covered?

I’m trying not to laugh or cry.  Rather than deal with the “specific” issue at hand, the “control freaks” in government decided that they needed to tell everyone they have to have insurance — including the ones who already had insurance and didn’t need to be told to get it.  (But it wasn’t really REAL until “control freaks” told them they had to.)  And to top it all off… as the government took over to make sure everyone was covered… they caused people who already had coverage to lose it and become uncovered.   Yep!… that’s some progress and a success story to be proud of — NOT!

The government mingled where it had no business mingling and now people, who had made the good decisions for themselves and family, are in one heck of a mess.  Many have lost hours and jobs.  Many have or will be losing coverage.  Many are facing exceedingly high premiums, co-pay and deductibles.  But the government knows best, or so it thinks.

How stupid do they think we are?  Pretty darn stupid.  And just remember this conversation when they tell you that you HAVE TO eat your veggies, how to wipe and how to have sex with your spouse.  Yeah, I know you didn’t know how to do that properly either.  But… never fear… they’ll get you up to speed as soon as they get the glitches fixed in the O-care site.  In the meantime, don’t hold your bladder or your breath.

Today’s Logic Moment – 10/17/13

The Question People in DC Apparently Did Not Consider:

blameWho makes negative comments about others and takes action to punish anyone not in lock-step?  Who is it that then projects this attitude, words and behavior onto those who refuse/refused to willing step in the mess with the lock-steppers?


Giggle, Giggle Goes John McCain

love horsesJust a thought…  Maybe instead of gleefully giggling, John McCain ought to look around and see where he’s at.  Ole Mr. Maverick there, appears to have trotted on over to the liberal section of the room and is apparently grazing on their “free” Kool-Aid.

Senator “once upon a time maverick” McCain, many people agree with Ted Cruz about Obamacare and the devastation it is causing.  If you want to worry about “shame”, then perhaps you should be putting it where it belongs.

Shame on everyone involved in pushing through a bill they probably didn’t read, and apparently didn’t understand.

Shame on everyone in Washington, DC that is walking all over the middle and poor classes, while claiming to be their champion.  Champion my southside.

Y’all that are involved in allowing Obamacare to get passed and stay passed — ought to be ashamed of yourselves.  You are fools and that is not one bit funny!

Giggle, giggle all the way to the shame corner!

Today’s Logic Moment – 10/16/13

The Question People in DC Apparently Did Not Consider:

 cancellation stampPeople are receiving cancellation notices from their insurance companies.  To have like coverage, with the AHC requirements, is being reported as either exceeding higher in premiums and deductibles or not offered by the preferred insurance company.  Like coverage via Obamacare, if one can find out, is apparently a cause for sticker shock.  People are in a desperate position.  Did this administration consider any of these possibilities before plowing through anyone who objected or had concern?  Do they intend to address this devastating mess they created?

Okay DC: What About the Other Americans Who Lost Their Private Sector Jobs?

busyIsn’t this quite delightful!  The government employees will be returning to their jobs after a short break.  They knew they would be.  It was a short-term  hurt.  What about all the other Americans in the private sector, who have lost their jobs, or their hours, and are facing an uncertain future?  They don’t know when they will be getting back to work (or hours returned), if ever they will.  Theirs is a long term nightmare.  Why are they forgotten?  Why are they deemed the non-important?

Obamacare did, and continues to, cost jobs.  If DC can’t see it, then perhaps they need a refresher course in reality.  After all, only they and their oblivious cult followers, are blind to the true plight of the American people all at the hands of Washington, DC politics and politicians.  Thanks for nothing.

I do hope politicians are feeling proud of themselves for their lack of concern and compassion for the families that are suffering as a result of idiotic politics and selfish legacy fights.  That will mean a great deal to them in the hereafter, when they are shown up for the self-centered and selfish individuals that they are.  Oh yes, they will be remembered for the pain and suffering that they needlessly caused.  There will be no mercy given to their memories.  What a true legacy that will be.

So, now that we know Obamacare was slopped together and has done nothing but cost people their jobs, their insurance, their financial well-being, and so on — what are you going to do about it, DC?  How are you going to fix this mess?  Will it be within the next two weeks or so?  (Isn’t that about the time it took you to get the government employees back to work?)  Well, you better get on it then, because the American people aren’t too happy with you and your crazy, selfish plans.  It’s time to do what you are supposed to.  It’s time for you to represent the people — not dictate to them.  It’s time to get the private sector Americans back to work and their good insurance returned!  Get busy!

Oh, that ticks me off…

madI just love it when people send P.R. (propaganda) mail and call me names or otherwise insult me in their little pep talk aimed at getting money from me , no less.  I guess I’m supposed to be one of their Zombie followers or too stupid to get that I’ve been insulted or that insulting me will make me feel I must be wrong and must rush over and become a Zombie, too.  Who knows.  Who cares?  Whatever they are thinking — they are WRONG!

It reads:  “We are the largest grassroots movement organizing every day to knock down those roadblocks, one by one.”

They call people in Congress — who are actually representing their constituents — roadblocks?

They are going to knock them down one by one?  Really?  And just what’s the plan?  How are they going to do that?  Will they pull a Harry Reid on the roadblock Congress people?  You know… throw some “misinformation” out there about the person, in an attempt to challenge his or her credibility?

It goes on…”We have an aggressive plan for the months ahead — that’s because building the kind of organization that can stand up to the powerful interests and the obstruction -focused members of Congress takes a lot of grassroots power.”

Takes a lot of arrogance, too.

The “powerful interests” in this situation happens to be you and me and anyone else that is a citizen.  People have spoken and some Congress members are actually doing what they are supposed to be doing — LISTENING & ACTING ON THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.  Then we have this grassroots group that is going to aggressively knock down any of these Congress members who have dared represent their districts… who have dared represent US and our wishes?

Am I to be impressed or something?

Oh… oh… and then they put… “Since we launched ___, we haven’t slowed down.  You’re the reason for that…”

Beg pardon?

I’m what?

I think they have mistaken me for someone else.  I deserve no credit for their existence or anything they have done or attempted to do, nor do I want any.  As a matter of fact, I consider their efforts to be insulting to the American citizens and representative of nothing more than “Bully Power”!

Government isn’t supposed to be a playground with everyone going around, “Let’s pretend this is true…” or “Let’s pretend these are the facts…” or “Let’s pretend I’m the good guy and you are the bad guy…”  This is REAL LIFE and REAL LIVE PEOPLE are being affected by decisions being made.  Needless to say — the games need to stop!  The games need to stop and people need to take a REAL look at what is taking place right in their face!

The “roadblocks” are Congressmen & Women, who are listening and responding to those they are representing.  How dare anyone suggest to remove them one by one.  That sounds like a threat!

Oh, that ticks me off…

Who Cares What Celebrities Hollywood Is Unhappy With?

I happened upon “15 Celebrities Whose Politics Have Made them Unpopular” and wanted to see if it happened to be the same celebrities on my list.  Instead, I found that it was a list of celebrities that are unpopular in Hollywood because of their conservatism.  I should have guessed.

Hollywood, there is something I would like to share with you.  You don’t pay me enough to watch your stuff.  As a matter of fact, you have never paid me a dime to sit through some of the garbage you have put out.  On the other hand, my money — as well as many other peoples’ money — has (have) supported you.  It  has bought tickets, rented movies and been free advertisement for you.  So, maybe you should be a little more concerned about who is unpopular with us, rather then who doesn’t agree with your radical liberalism.

I don’t require all celebrities to support the people and positions I do.  I respect their right to make their own decisions in these matters.  However, when they start blatantly suggesting that anyone who doesn’t agree with them (or Obama) is a hater or a racist or intolerant or a homophobic or whatever other insult they choose to use — I have a real problem with them.   And yes… they jump right on my list.

Let’s put it this way…

Interior of a Movie TheaterI will never intentionally go to, or begin to view, any movie or show with the celebrities that are on my list.  They are free to believe whatever they want, but they’ve never earned the right to insult me for not agreeing with their radical liberal views and I’ll not reward them for those insults by supporting their careers.

Maybe it is time for Hollywood to stop worrying about who isn’t liberal enough for them and start worrying about who is on our (the public’s’) unpopular list.  After all, what worth is any movie or actor without an audience?

I’d be embarrassed if…

embarrassedI’d be quite embarrassed if I woke up one morning and realized that what I thought and was thinking and believed was actually what someone else decided I should be thinking and believing.

I’d be quite embarrassed if I couldn’t think rationally or detect truth from fiction though the evidence was right in front of me and left no room for doubt.

I’d be embarrassed if I couldn’t think for myself or employ the concept of simple problem solving that didn’t involve possible plans for government takeover of even replacing the toilet paper in private bathrooms.

I’d be quite embarrassed if I couldn’t review information and give it a chance to be what it is, rather than what I perceived it to be due to being programmed to think as “one” with all other “thought clones“.

Yes, I would be embarrassed if I woke up one morning and found myself to have been indoctrinated into believing the propaganda of the liars.

Yet, I watch all these people on televison and the internet proudly following the lies as though the lies are the gospel truth.  And then… and then… they — the “thought clones” — have the gall to call others (who don’t blindly follow & still use their own brains) stupid and idiots and racists and intolerant and haters and whatever other bully-like term they can think of (or is thought of for them and sent via the talking points memo).

Yes, I’d be totally embarrassed if I gave up reality and my ability to process thoughts and information.

Maybe there is a good reason why I would be embarrassed and the “thought clones” aren’t.  Maybe it’s because I can still see and respond to reality, while they gave it up for progressivism and the fulfillment of the Animal Farm and 1984 prophecy!

Walking Into A Wall: Living With the Liberal Perspective

Walking into a wall would be more pleasant and less of a slam than trying to live with the out-of-control liberal perspective that is tainting the world and daily in our face with lies and distortions.  Yet, while we would be trying on a strait jacket if we picked walking into the wall, it’s considered normal and sane to silently endure the liberal politicians and media game of in our face lying and telling us what we heard or saw is not what we really heard and saw?

It’s a dizzy and strange thought that we are to know something is a lie and yet accept it as the truth because it is the present popular thing to do according to they.

One day we are told it — whatever it might be — will never happen.  It is simply wrong to even consider it and the other side is definitely wrong for suggesting it.

Next day we are told it — whatever it was — has happened because it was “the right thing to do” and it was done in spite of the other side trying to block it.

Okay.  Does that then mean that yesterday was erased from the calendar or is it verifiable evidence that there is a segment of our society that seems to suffer from delusions and disconnect from the rational reality realm the rest of us live in?

Excuse me.  I think I’ll go check out the nearest wall.  Care to join me?