by Carrie K. Hutchens

Dear Radical Lib,

You annoy me and that is saying it politely and mildly. Actually, in truth, you spend a great deal of time making me furious and regretting that I saw or heard what you falsely claim. You see, I have no tolerance for gaslighters or indoctrinated puppets that are so vicious and willing to spread lies about others. BAMN is not a righteous cause. It is anything but. And if you have difficulty comprehending that to be true, perhaps you should spend some time asking yourself how you would feel if someone disagreed with you and, for no other reason than disagreeing, decided they should destroy you by any means necessary. Yes, ask yourself how you would feel if you were wrongly on the other end of it all? And while you ask yourself that question, don’t be smug and think it can’t ever happen to you, because… actually… it could.

I have come to not like a great many people, but I would NEVER lie about any of them. Nor would I stand by and let a lie about them pass, if I knew about it and had chance (means) to respond and set the record straight. That’s how it should be. A disagreement should never be won by lie and neither should an election, court case or any other situation.

Truth and honor should matter to everyone, including the radical lib, but it doesn’t seem to.

Likewise, truth and honor should definitely matter to the media that was once anointed as a special, and honored, group entrusted to hold the government accountable. However, that concept has become a joke as it – the MSM – appears to be little more than a propaganda mill for the Democrats and radical libs.

What a shame when such trusted groups become the distrusted.

To say the very least, I’m tired of the liars and especially tired of the liars calling the truth-tellers liars and trying to wrongly destroy them. It’s old. It’s time it is stopped. It’s time you, the radical libs, are held accountable for your wrongful behavior. With that said, I don’t believe you should be held accountable in a wrongful manner. I don’t suggest you should be doxxed or be cancelled or lied about to get back at you for what you have done. On the contrary, I suggest that only the truth be used to identify your wrongs and that you are treated justly.

It’s more than you have given others, but what should be given to all, including you.

May today be the day you wake up and take steps to be the honorable person you have the ability to become.



Copyright © 2022 Carrie K. Hutchens