The Allegations of Racism

Earlier, I read a column suggesting that Republicans are racist.  I became quite annoyed.  Okay, I became far more than annoyed at the careless allegations being so freely and wrongly thrown around for what appeared to be a self-serving motive to promote Democrats and demonize Republicans.

I have known a great many Democrats and Republicans in my life.  Never do I knowingly associate with racists no matter what skin shade they might happen to be, because I don’t like racists.  Never have and never will.  And, contrary to the opinion of the author of the piece that annoyed me so, the majority of racists I have ever known have been Democrats, not Republicans.  That’s right!  Democrats.

The difference between that author and me is that I don’t assume all Democrats are made out of a single mold, nor do I think Republicans are either.  Libs on the other hand, I’m not so sure about.  Their craziness seems to come from a singular mindset and no one knows what they are going to come up with next.

Back to racism though.

The Democrats are the ones that started up the KKK and encouraged what was to become Planned Parenthood, not for the good of women, but to get rid of as many of the unacceptables as they could.  The KKK didn’t like Blacks or Catholics or Jews or anyone who supported any who were.  So, just how can people now claim the Democrats are not racists and trying to protect the Blacks from the mean ole Republicans?  You know, the Republicans that fought for Civil Rights and such as the Democrats fought against it.

Some true history needs to be read, rather than simply reading these outlandish claims that are anything but representative of the truth.

Authors such as the one I am referring to, can propaganda it all they want, but it’s not our obligation to believe these horrendous fables simply because they do.  It is our obligation to seek out the truth and be willing to accept it once it is found.

Just like it is a lie that Republicans are trying to take away women’s contraceptives, it is a lie that they, as a group, are racists.

Public Relations is meant to sway people to think and act in a particular way.  Propaganda is PR on steroids, with no concern about truth in advertising.  It is meant, or most often used, to promote a known lie and to obtain a goal by whatever means is necessary.

False accusations of racism against the Republicans (as a whole) are just that.  It is propaganda.  It’s a known lie.  That is something that should matter to us all.  It’s time to say, “No more!  No more lies!”

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