Hillary Clinton Lies About Bosnia Sniper Fire: Bill Blames Media

by Carrie K. Hutchens * Friday, April 11, 2008 * Dakota Voice

Hillary ClintonI woke up to a clip of Bill Clinton blaming the media for what he considers unjust coverage of Hillary’s “misstatement” of the 1995 Bosnia trip. Poor Hillary, it was late at night, he claims. Besides the fact that the trip was in 1996, rather than 1995, he had some other facts wrong, too.

Hillary made the sniper fire statement on more than one occasion, contrary to his claim of once and at 11 at night when she was supposedly tired. But, of course, it wasn’t his fault he brought it up again, or that Hillary lied in the first place — it was all the fault of the media.

Speaking of confusing the facts when it is late at night — if Hillary gets that confused at 11 PM, just how confused is she going to be at 3 AM when that phone rings?

Then we have Bill, who apparently can’t get things right in the light of day, yet he has no hesitation blaming the media for worrying about it or reporting it. How dare they? That’s unfair coverage according to Clinton it would seem.

The Clintons also suggest that Hillary was the only first lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to visit a combat zone. Guess Pat Nixon and Barbara Bush don’t count. Maybe the Clintons meant to say the only “Democrat” first lady and it just “slipped their minds” to add that little added description.

Bill did give me an additional chuckle. He suggests when others get to be 60 (which Hillary is) that they might forget something when they are tired at 11 P.M., too. Is he saying, that at 60, people start getting to be feeble-minded and we should over-look their forgetfulness on major issues — like being shot at? Yep, I want a feeble-minded president that confuses smiles, hand shakes, welcomes and a little girl’s poem with sniper fire and need to duck and run immediately to waiting vehicles.

Did I mention that if Hillary gets THAT confused at 11 PM, we might have concern about a 3 AM call? Oh well… never mind, I’m sure if she gets too confused, it will be the media’s fault and she can always go talk to Jay Leno about it.


Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


Originally published :  Friday, April 11, 2008 * Dakota Voice

In A Fury of Pure Hatred

burned buildingScreams pierce the night, as sirens wail against the blasts that light up the darkness in a fury of pure hatred.  Smoke smothers the air.  People seek to flee, running in desperation, but with no destination, except away… away from the blasts and the stench of burning flesh.

How long?  How long has there been warning unheeded?  Warning mocked as mere delusions of some?  How long has the laughter rolled from the lips of the all-knowing and all-enlightened ones?  Does it now matter?

Hearts pumping wildly as sweat flows freely.  Blasts closer and closer.  Breathing loud and labored against the sounds of people stampeding in blind flight.  Away.  Away from the nightmare and the murder surrounding and encircling.  The nightmare devouring hope, with lungs fighting frantically for the next breath.  Just one more breath.  The breath that doesn’t come.  The awareness of suffocation. 

The terror.  The tears.  The prayers.

Suffocating.  Falling.  Numbness.  Nothingness.

A silence that no one hears.

(c) 2015 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved!
No Reproduction Without Permission

The Icy Chill

Photo by: Carrie K. Hutchens

Photo by: Carrie K. Hutchens

The icy chill of winter, clinging beyond its time, mocks and dances against the lonely night of darkness where no friendly voice speaks and no hopeful hand rests.

The chill… the darkness… the hopelessness embraces and suffocates.

Cries begging for mercy race to the heavens, as man drags still another unwilling soul into the pit of vile corruption that seeks to crush and devour.

The chill… the darkness… the hopelessness embraces and suffocates.

A hopeful challenge sings against the confusion, with no one to listen and few to remember the days when the world was not encouraged to sink into the incomprehension of utter insanity.

The chill… the darkness… the hopelessness embraces and suffocates.

Madness and rage erupt into boiling lava of confused hate and lost reason, as the masses seek to feast upon the spirit of all others not they or theirs.

The chill… the darkness… the hopelessness embraces and suffocates.

A dream, or a nightmare, there was a moment… a moment somewhere within time… a moment touched with a vague sense of humanity and good purpose.

The chill… the darkness… the hopelessness embraces and suffocates.

Where… where did those moments of a dream go?  Did they travel far or just beyond the glimpse of a horizon hidden?

Did the chill… the darkness… the hopelessness embrace and suffocate all hope of a tomorrow to be as once was? 

The answers await within the night not present.  Only in a distant tomorrow will the truth be revealed to survivors of the icy chill that dances within the darkness where no friendly voice speaks and no hopeful hand rests. 

The saved or the damned?  Only they shall know as they emerge into whatever has become.

(c) 2015 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved!
No Reproduction Without Permission

One Judge to Judge

dead tree 3Words slash against the heavens in insult and bitter shout.  No mercy.  No empathy.  Only cold and destructive touch to caress the moment born of last.

Judgment reigns and ever reeks.  Confession for the soul not owned.   The stench of waste to overpower.  Control demands of mandate bile to heap upon the pile. 

One set of rules.  One judge to judge.  In arrogance the attitude of dashing stain.

Trust betrayed.  Truth mocked in spittle spray.  No cloth to dampen.  Only tissues of utter despair to wipe the walls in story told of the history once defined to be.

Shadows fill the day in whispers made of sin.  No sun to shine.  No birds to sing.  The ascension of wrongs to devour the gentle breeze of yesterdays lost in once upon a time.

One set of rules.  One judge to judge.  In arrogance the attitude of crushing disdain.

In flights of thought and worries more — no answers touch… no reason sowed … the words of harvest feed upon the innocent soul so mocked and left in withered silence muted.

Anger’s birth.  Seed of demise.  Hope dashed in vast delight.  A world evolved in destructive path.  Crushed spirits to pave the trail sunken in muck and rank decay.

One set of rules.  One judge to judge.  In arrogance the attitude without refrain. 

A sin of betrayal.  A sin of cruelty harshly inflicted once and again.  Oh yes, the righteous attitude so proudly donned in crowned tarnish and spiked venom slithering .  A stigma of toxic shame to carry throughout all eternity and beyond in the never-ending of forever and just one day more.

(c) 2015 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved!
No Reproduction Without Permission

Nonsense Card: Over-the-limit & Declined

Nonsense card 1

I started reading an article at a site that I normally avoid. My reason for avoiding it is that I feel it has over-the-top in leanings and often claiming absolutes that I know to be false. I find that irritating — not amusing. Nevertheless, I started reading and sure enough, by the sixth paragraph — and they weren’t large paragraphs — he says he suspects there are a lot of people who do not like Obama for no other reason than his skin color. The nonsense card in play again. Give me a break!

Obama is in his “second” term of office. If his skin color was such a major issue, he wouldn’t have been elected the first time, much less a second. What part of this does the “skin color” fetish cult not get?

On the other hand, this nonsense card that people have been using for political and personal gain, has been way over-used and is now over-the-limit and being declined. It’s nonsense. People can actually disagree with Obama and his inept team and it not have a single morsel of anything to do with anybody’s skin color. I’m serious. It’s true. It’s reality. Get a grip on it.

People trying to play the nonsense card, need to step back and take a long look at their motives. Are they standing with Obama & Pals because they believe he is right or because they feel they are some new breed of people championing the “skin color” war they perceive in their delusional world? If it is the latter, perhaps it’s time to look around at all the shades of color in high places. This isn’t the 1800’s or 1960’s. We’ve come a long ways from those days — a very long ways!

Is the world cleansed of all discrimination? No, and it never will be. Somewhere… sometime… someone will be discriminated against for some reason. However, discrimination is not wide-spread as has been suggested in the past six years, and especially since Ferguson, MO. Not everything that happens good or bad has to do with race. It can happen for all kinds of reasons. It can happen because of poverty. It can happen because of age. It can happen because of disability. It can happen because of lack of knowledge and/or skills. And… get this… not everything (not to our liking) that happens has anything to do with discrimination of any sort. It can happen for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes a person can be wrong. Sometimes it can happen because of attitude. That’s right. It can happen to a person because the person’s attitude stinks.

People have a right to disagree with Obama & Pals, just like anyone has ever had a right to disagree with any president before. It happens. It happens because it happens. Playing this nonsense card to try to make a disagreement of policy or actions or words into a race issue instead, is an attempt to distract from the possibility the accused is right and Obama might just be wrong. (Sorry to burst a bubble, but Obama can be wrong, too!)

It’s time to get honest. It’s time to deal with real issues and not ones created for political and personal gain. It’s time to stop immediately seeing every disagreement with Obama as a matter of “skin color” and thereby ignoring the possibility there is good cause for disagreement. It’s time the nonsense card be declined and cancelled. Yes, it is definitely time.

The Obama Woes

helping handsI’ve been reading the woes of the Obamas and it’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking coffee or my screen would have been splattered.  You’ve got to be kidding.

Michelle Obama was at Target — dressed like everybody else — and someone asked her to get something off the shelf and that was an act of racism?  Well who would have known?  I mean, shorter people and wheel chair bound individuals have often asked me to help them out by getting an item off a shelf that was out of their reach.  I never knew that meant they were treating me like the help or that they were racists in disguise, instead of just regular people asking for a friendly helping hand .

I’ve also been asked if I worked in various places, where I was likewise a customer.  I didn’t know, until I read the woes of the Obamas that I was being insulted.  Now I know.  Well, not really.

Listening to the Obamas, it is verified that some simply look at the entire world and all things that happen to them (and everyone else) through the eyes of race.  Everything must be due to racism — can’t ever be anything else.  And yet these people cry racism and/or race insensitivity when speaking of others?  I think some have thin skins no matter what shade those skins may be.

Helping someone by getting something off a shelf is being treated like the help?  Heaven help the Obamas if they think their examples represent actual racism or that they were being treated like the help.  It’s called life among people and helping out when one can.  It’s called being part of the “human race“.

DC Top Profilers to Announce New Ban Rules: Exempt Self

Obama and profiling I’ve been reading,Obama’s black cabinet heads spar over racial profiling banand find it quite amusing in a sarcastic sense.  The following is example of the discussion going on up there in Washington, DC.

The new guidelines expand the definition of racial profiling to include religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Most federal agents can’t consider any of those factors, as well as race, during criminal investigations or routine immigration cases away from the border.

As this profiling discussion takes place, I guess these men forgot to take a look at themselves and what has transpired in Ferguson and New York.  Is it not true that investigations are taking place by the federal government because “white” officers, in the line of duty, killed black suspects and were then not indicted by the Grand Jury ?   Would the investigations be taking place or would Al Sharpton and Eric Holder have shown up had it been a black officer or white suspect under the same circumstances?

President Obama and Eric Holder best look in the mirror.  They seem to be regulars when it comes to profiling.  It’s white so it must be guilty of racism and denial of civil rights.

The short of the opinion is…

holder and profiling 2No one may consider race, unless it is the president and attorney general and/or their staff.  They, it appears, may profile and immediately look to make the “white” guy the villain and a racist to boot.  The “white” officer could not have simply been doing his job and trying to effect the arrest of a suspect, who happened to be black.  No, it calls for an investigation to determine if that “white” officer was guilty of civil rights violations or some other federal crime.

Seems quite ironic that the attorney general can readily profile and proceed based upon those preconceived notions about all “white” folk and police officers, but it’s wrong for everyone else.  Does he, the president and others, not get that they themselves actually profile and in doing so are causing grave injustice and devastating harm?

It looks as though these DC Profilers need to look in the mirror and think of how many times they profile.  How many times do they make judgments based upon their perception, rather than the facts?  Maybe they really need to do a soul searching before judging others and making guidelines that could hinder, rather than help.  And just maybe they shouldn’t exempt themselves from the rules and behavior they want to force upon others.  Maybe, of all people, they — the DC Profilers — shouldn’t be exempt after all!

Hands Down, Let’s Talk

 handshakeIt’s time to stop the madness.  False allegations and selfish cause do not a solid foundation create.  Instead, the distortion fuels hostility and closes minds to the truth that could lead to door opening conversation and actual solutions and hope for the future.  Why would any not wish for the latter to become today’s reality?

The past is not the present.  Nothing once upon a time can be changed.  It can only be learned from.  And, in studying the blueprint of the past, we have chance to see what went wrong, why it went wrong, and who made it go wrong, so as to give opportunity to understand and to avoid repeating the bad, while then building upon the good and striving to repair the damage once caused and not forgotten.

Various groups of people have been wronged in one way or another.  Sadly, too many rally not against the wrong itself, but rather, to the wrong seen as being done unto them.  Some, simply cannot, or will not, comprehend there are others — other groups of people — who have also been wronged and harmed equally and perhaps even more so.

Women were once property first of their fathers and then their husbands.  Some were beaten and treated as nothing more than servants to use and abuse.  There was a time women couldn’t vote or own property or even have authority over their own children.

Modern day activists often forget about the plight of the women and even the indentured servitude that existed during much of the slavery period.  Some whites were also kidnapped and brought to American against their will and sold into service.  True, their service was supposed to be for a term and then released, if they survived, but it, too, was slavery and treatment could be beyond harsh to violent and deadly.

“The Grapes of Wrath”, though fiction, gives a glimpse of the desperation and deplorable way some people were treated during that period of time known as the Great Depression.  (It also comes in movie form for those who rather not read.)  Yet, it seems it is a horror story lost somewhere between then and now.

This is not to compare who had it worse.  It is merely to remind that life has been unfair, devastating and horrific to many, many individuals and groups of people throughout the years.  To cry foul only for self and blame present day people for things they had nothing to do with, only creates new hostility to go along with the old, and does nothing to solve the actual problems.

Tonight, someone presented me with a picture of a black man hanged.  The picture was from long ago.  Though it is a sad reminder of what once was — and where we (as a society or individually) should never go again — it should not be held as an example and excuse to react as though it is present day behavior, norm or mentality.  It is not!

Many things seem to be forgotten, as present day radical activists spew hate and stoke the fires of discontent and rage with lies, half-truths, and a message blaming the white man for all the ills ever befallen to any of color.  It must, after all, be the white man’s fault or the radical activists face losing relevance and all the benefits associated to that self-made relevance.

How often do you hear a radical activist mention that African tribesmen captured Africans from other tribes and sold them into slavery?

How often do you hear radical activists point out that if it is reasonable to hold all present day whites accountable for some long ago whites owning slaves or condoning slavery, that it would then be likewise reasonable to hold all Africans accountable for some long ago Africans capturing fellow Africans and selling them into that slavery?

How often do you hear a radical activist admit the majority of white men did not own slaves or condone the practice?

How often do you hear the radical activist talk about all the white people, who helped slaves escape and fought to abolish slavery?

How often do you see radical activists pointing to the pictures that give example of the overwhelming number of whites that were involved in the Civil Rights Movement and stood with Martin Luther King, Jr.?

How often do you hear the radical activist remind that the Ku Klux Klan purportedly didn’t just hate blacks — that they hated Jews and Catholics as well?

How often do you hear the radical activist speak of “The Murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner” and that it wasn’t just a black man that was killed in Mississippi on June 21, 1964?

Things happened in the past that none of us — regardless of skin shade — had a thing to do with.  We weren’t born yet.   We weren’t there.  We weren’t involved.  We had no ability to influence or stop what might have transpired during that horrendous time.

White society is not perfect — nor is the black community.

All law enforcement officers are not without sin — neither is any segment of society.  Improvement may need to come from the entire community by changing behavior and attitude — rather than single groups of people being asked to excuse and over-look wrongful behavior of some.  It’s a reality that needs to be dealt with and not ignored.  Some examples are glaring.

If a police department trains officers to be more “sensitive” to the community it serves and to be mindful of the plight endured or claimed to be endured, while leaving the community gang, drug and violent ridden — what good result is expected?  The crime will still be there.  The drugs will still be there.  The hate and the violence will still be there.  And, “The Man” will still be considered the common enemy to hate and distrust.

Blaming law enforcement for ticketing or arresting a large number of persons from a specific group, when that group is the majority in the community, is rather brow raising.  Who would they be in contact with most often, if not the majority of people who live in their jurisdiction?  But taking a moment to weigh this bit of deduction is not often exercised or pointed out, because it doesn’t fit into the agenda of many radical activists.  What if people came to realize that they weren’t targeted racially, but rather, confronted for “actions” that they are responsible for?  That would be bad for the radical business.

Before blaming law enforcement for enforcing the law — or claiming they are enforcing it unfairly — people in the various communities need to step back and take a good look at their neighborhood and what is taking place in it.  Are there an overwhelming number of arrests?  If there was a true and fair study by non-radical activists, might it show that the reason there are an overwhelming number of arrests is because there are an overwhelming number of crimes? 

People committing crimes should be the immediate concern of the community, rather than — without proof — crying that the officers unfairly target one group or another.  They are, after all, supposed to target those who break the law, regardless of race, gender, nationality or religion.

Using the wrongs of the past as excuse for inappropriate behavior of the present, does nothing to move towards healing or correcting the actual problems of present day.  Instead, it is an attempt by many of the radical thinkers to put up a smoke screen to keep the truth hidden and the fire burning.  What would happen, after all, if communities did take a good look at self, accept any blame due and came together to define actual problems, followed by fixing and rebuilding and moving ahead to make a better life for all the interested parties?

What would happen?  Might radical activists become useless and left in the past where most of their accusations did once exist?

It’s time to put the hands down.  It’s time to look around at the madness.  It’s time to see who is profiting from the half-truths, false accusations and rage that is being stoked.  It’s time to look at the agitators (claiming to be champions of the cause) and honestly determine if the communities are any better or safer than before, or if agitation only caused more harm and hate to grow and threaten to explode in coming days, months or years?

It’s time to put hands down.  It’s time to really listen.  It’s time to accept responsibility as well as demand accountability.  It’s time to define, plan and work together to create safe communities people are proud to call their own.  It’s time to talk.

Well look who is here! Great to see you!

WelcomeDear “Truly Appreciated Visitor”,

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Thank you again for taking the time to visit!  I do hope you enjoy and will come back often!

Best wishes sent to embrace,


Hypocrisy: A Story in Gray

I’ve just finished reading, in part, Black lawmakers against recognition of Virginia tribe , and find it quite ironic and amusing.

Several members of the Congressional Black Caucus are urging the Obama administration to withhold federal recognition of a Virginia Indian tribe because of its history of banning intermarriage with blacks.

In January, the Interior Department proposed recognizing the Pamunkey tribe in southeast Virginia, which would make members eligible for special benefits in education, housing and medical care — and allow the tribe to pursue a casino. A decision on recognition, which would be the first for a Virginia tribe, is due by March 30.

The Congressional Black Caucus members urged Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Attorney General Eric Holder to hold off until the Justice Department investigates any discriminatory practices by the tribe.

Let’s see… the “Congressional Black Caucus” which is made up of only Blacks dares to suggest that others might be discriminating and excluding?

Native Americans were here first.  They have suffered discrimination and yet… here… in the 21st Century, we have the “Black Caucus” not worrying about discrimination in and of itself, it would appear, but only concerned if maybe it might be… or could be… an exclusion of Blacks from something?

My question to the “Congressional Black Caucus” — How many Native Americans, Whites or any other race or nationality are in your caucus?

Darkness of the Corruptor

Photo by Carrie K. Hutchens

Photo by Carrie K. Hutchens

Once again, I strove to be… to thrive and with dreams to see, but the darkness of the corrupt — it seems — had no mercy this day for me.

Reaching for truth has lost its sparkle of golden rays.  Instead, how many laugh at honesty and bid one to take another’s position, possessions and earned rewards?  It has come to be the way of some, who haunt the ones of righteous heart.  It has become a taunt and a tease and a call to appease the lord of darkness too many have come to honor in such merriment and giggly delight.

Why don’t we all join, so we can be one, they seem to wonder — never understanding why we say, “no” and go on trying to reach the bright light of hope and success in goodness and effort true.

It is a time of darkness that looms within the day to defile our efforts, as it delights in mocking us at every turn and blocking every path of chance to be.

It is a darkness that suffocates and pulls us down into the whirling slime of efforts failed… efforts failed at the hands of others far too strong for us to fight.

It is a darkness that needs our souls, if it is to become the ruler of the Universe it so covets and so long fought to conquer and destroy.

Oh yes, it is a darkness… a darkness that is embracing the world with hate and violence and an intolerance for anything that is good and pure.  It hates and bids others to hate.  It kills and bids others to kill.  For it has no heart.  It has no compassion.  It only has greed and desperate need to be all-powerful this day and all days ever left to be.

Today becomes yesterday.  One day survived.  Tomorrow moves on to a new today where darkness will follow and not only fight to remain — it will fight to reign over all that remain, including you and me.  For, alas, that is where we have come to be, unless tomorrow we see and take back all that we once were and fought so desperately to be.

(c) 2014 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved!
No Reproduction Without Permission

Living in the Past: Dying in the Present

violenceFerguson, Missouri unrest is an “in-your-face” example of a wrong getting wronger and wronger as time goes on.  It shows where living in the past, causes dying and destruction in the present.  If in doubt, think of Michael Brown, Officer Darren Wilson, the looting and the threat of rioting  and bloodshed if the officer isn’t arrested and convicted regardless of whether he is or is not actually guilty of anything beyond being white.

It’s beyond sad that slavery ever took place, but it isn’t a situation unique to the Blacks of the 19th and 20th century.  Slavery has been experienced by many other peoples at various other times throughout history.  (White women and children were considered property of fathers and husbands in early America, too.)  Why then should it be a free pass (according to some) for present day Blacks to do whatever and demand whatever or scream injustice and racism without proof in any given situation?  It shouldn’t be. It serves no good purpose.  It serves no one, but the activists and politicians that profit from keeping the “victim” mentality alive and active, while continually stirring up the hate.

Blacks, according to the activist-minded, supposedly have no future because no one will let them out of the realm of poverty and violence?  Who is no one?  Who teaches and encourages the sense of hopelessness and helplessness?  Who teaches the Black child he or she is “entitled” because of the wrongs of the past? Who teaches that the Black child should take whatever, because the white man will never let him or her succeed?  Who tries to keep the Black voter in line and tells him or her who to vote for?  Who teaches that everything that happens is because of racism on the part of a white person?  Who teaches to hate the people called “white”, simply because they are Caucasian?  Who teaches the child they are neither responsible, nor accountable… because whatever happens… it happens because of what the white man once did?

I’m sorry, I have no sense of “white” guilt.  I wasn’t involved in any of the wrongs done unto the Black community ever.  However, I have been done wrong and targeted to be attacked and even targeted to be killed at the hands of some Blacks.  I don’t blame all Blacks for the actions of some. I blame the people responsible.  What a concept.  Blame those who did the deed, not those who simply look like the deed do’ers.  Maybe it should be a lesson quickly learned by others, especially, but not solely, those in present day Ferguson.

Blacks have no chance, because the white man will hold him down and not let him succeed?  Perhaps those who believe that account of possibilities ought to go talk to Dr. Ben Carson.  Tell him that’s how life is and must be and will always be.  Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t agree.  He is, after all, a shining example that proves there is a way out of the victim-hood.  A way out and a way to a successful end.

It doesn’t matter how the Black man and woman have been wronged in the past.  It doesn’t even matter how Blacks have been wronged by the Ferguson police force in particular.  (That’s another story to be dealt with on its own.)  Right now, what matters… all that matters… is what took place on August 9th between Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson.  Those events and the “facts” … “actual facts”… involved, are all that should be considered — not the declaration of automatic guilt because the officer happens to be white and the young man happens to be Black.  Justice — true justice — should be color blind from all sides involved.

How would the Ferguson community react if the officer was Black and the young man was white and riots were threatened, unless the Black officer was immediately, without an investigation completed, charged, arrested and convicted because whites said so?  It would be a different story then, wouldn’t it?

Rather than let the Al Sharptons of the world stoke the fires meant to invoke emotions of raging hatred and burning revenge with unproven claims of racism, perhaps the community should ignore him and the likes of he and dwell on the actual… real… wrongs and what can be done to correct them.

Rather than threaten bloodshed and riots, if a police officer isn’t indicted — perhaps the community should be waiting on the facts to be established and then let those facts determine the outcome.

Rather than call for justice, with that so-called justice already determined to be the indictment of a police officer, though the investigation remained (and remains) incomplete, perhaps people should actually be seeking the truth and actual justice. Yes, truth and “actual” justice based upon the “actual” facts, rather than revenge for the wrongs real or perceived from the past or other events involving other people.

It doesn’t matter how any officer from the Ferguson police department has ever acted towards anyone or everyone.  What matters… all that matters… in this particular case, is what transpired between one young man — Michael Brown, and Officer Darren Wilson on that fateful day in August.  After all, Officer Wilson is not, and has never been, responsible for the actions of all others.  Any attempt to hold him accountable for the wrongs of others, or the wrongs of the past, does not call for, or offer the hope of,  justice or solutions to evolve.  It only calls for injustice to continue and wrongs to fester.  It keeps people living in the past wrongs with hate that leads to dying in the present.  Is it really worth it?  Or is it time to seek justice because what is “actual justice” can lead to healing and getting the real wrongs righted?  What a concept! 

Forbidden: The Fool’s Challenge

harrassmentAll you people claiming to advocate for the elderly and disabled, just who do you think you are to challenge judicial decisions, facilities, attorneys, conservators, guardians and fiduciaries?  They are, after all, proven, by their positions, to be above reproach.  How dare you challenge their intent, actions and/or character!

Judges, attorneys, CEO’s and others in charge have proven by the stations they have risen to, to be of perfection… the elite of the world… the all-knowing… and the all honest.  Never do they take advantage of their positions for personal financial gain nor to have a personal agenda in play.  Never do they do anything beneath their position.  To suggest otherwise is to be singled out to be disgraced and to possibly be labelled a threat or even mentally unbalanced.

I’m not sure what has happened to common sense and healthy thought process, but some kind of virus has been on the attack, it would seem.  Facts seem to be subjective or totally irrelevant.  It’s almost as though we are living in the “mad house” out here in the everyday world.  Too many things, arguments and decisions are outright crazy.

We have various Courts that worry about individuals taking advantage of the elderly or disabled, while signing off on outrageous fees for attorneys, appointed guardians and so forth.  What is the difference between the latter and the former?  Oh, is it because the latter is condoned by the courts and protected by some carelessly written law or skillful misinterpretation?  That somehow makes one right and the other wrong?

Worse than the money drain by the courts and appointed anointed-ones is the power to isolate the victims.  (Yes, victims.  What else would you call the people, who suddenly are imprisoned and forced to be and have done unto them what they would not, and do not, want done unto them and theirs?)

How can someone that robs another of companionship, enjoyment, freedom, money, property and simply an existence called living, be considered humane?  Animals are treated better than many of the elderly and disabled thrown into the system, because they could be thrown into the system — even if by a wrongful technicality in the law or by a court that is complicit due to bias or simply doesn’t look beyond the surface or listen to the bothersome advocates or nobodies that dare speak against the supposed “perfect” attorneys, professional guardians and such?  They never lie or steal or do unethical things, now do they?

In recent news, we have heard…

“WASHINGTON — Three central Ohio nursing homes were among 33 in 11 states cited for improper care and billing practices yesterday as part of a $38 million settlement among a major nursing-home company, the U.S. Department of Justice and the state of Ohio.

“The announcement in Washington and Columbus resolved an investigation by the federal government, Ohio and seven other states into charges that Extendicare of Canada provided services at those 33 homes that were “materially substandard” or “worthless” because the company did not provide care to residents that meets federal standards, according to the settlement agreement.”  (Federal investigation finds three local nursing homes lacking )

Now wait a minute.  I thought “all” facilities provided only the best of care and that complainers were just making things up or exaggerating.  They weren’t?

More recent news…

“The Ohio Supreme Court has suspended Akron attorney Rami M. Awadallah from practicing law after ruling that he fraudulently and deceptively represented several of his clients — including some in Lorain County — during court proceedings.”  (Ohio Supreme Court suspends area attorney)

What’s that?  An attorney “fraudulently and deceptively represented several of his clients”?  But… but… but… I thought that was impossible?  I thought “all” attorneys “always” spoke nothing but the truth and “always” acted in the best interest of the client or ward.  He didn’t?  What’s up with this?

More in the news…

“Paul S. Kormanik, a Columbus attorney considered up until two months ago to be legal guardian to more incompetent people than anyone else in the nation, was indicted today on theft charges by a Franklin County grand jury.

Prosecutor Ron O’Brien and Attorney General Mike DeWine will announce the charges this afternoon after the grand jury determined there was sufficient evidence that Kormanik stole about $41,000 from two of his wards.”  (Lawyer indicted for theft from those he was supposed to protect)

An attorney — a legal guardian — was indicted for what?  Stealing?  Stealing from people he was the guardian for?  Oh my!  Bubble buster!

While we are talking about a system lacking perfection and often tilted towards the powerful, though not necessarily the righteous or side with the cleanest of hands, let’s return, for a moment, to discussion involving isolation of the wards.  What judge or guardian or facility could possibly think isolation of a non-violent, non-contagious person is a good thing?

Decades ago, researchers found there is such a thing as “failure to thrive”.  It actually exists.  There is no question.   Why then, would anyone place another person in isolation and risk that person dying due to “failure to thrive”?  Why?  How can it be justified?  It can’t!  Therefore, I believe, anyone involved in isolating a non-violent, non-contagious person, should have to answer why they should not be charged with kidnapping and abuse or even murder, should the person die as a result.

I can think of numerous cases where people have been thrown into isolation and the ironies surrounding it all is out there in a suburb of the Twilight Zone.  Yes, so amazing is it all that I’m surprised a “duh” isn’t permanently imprinted upon both the perps and the out-of-touch — can’t get it — zombie followers that go around drooling false talking points, as though it is gospel, while alleging the truth-tellers are the liars.

 When a ward is put into isolation, who is the threat?  The one that ordered the isolation or the one challenging it?

When a petition is presented to starve & dehydrate a ward, who is the threat?  The person who did the petitioning or the one that fights for life, visitation, rehabilitation and stimulation?

The answers should be quite easy to figure out, but instead, it looks as though too much power and trust has been placed where not deserved.  It would seem, according to recent news, that we can’t always assume the courts and appointed anointed-ones are of perfection and holier than thou after all.  Maybe sometimes they are up to no good and their word isn’t worth what comes out of a donkey’s rump.  And, maybe sometimes people are wrong, but without any ill-intent.  Maybe they just lost sight and are blinded by self-preservation and inability to admit error.  But how do we know?  How do we know, if we don’t inquire and investigate behind the curtain, especially a curtain pulled tightly, as if to keep any from peeking in?

Advocates are necessary in a world that seems to have lost its way.  A world with too many who have come to believe good is evil and evil is good.  People that see the lie as truth and the truth as lie.  People who often admire the wrong-doer and find fault with the victim and the victim’s advocates.  People who aren’t even aware any longer that they might be wrong, because they are somehow “entitled”.  Aren’t they supposed to get more and be treated better than those they treat so poorly?

No?  Who says?  Who dares to challenge the new rule of they who control the lives and assets of vulnerable ones ordered to be incompetent, even though they — the vulnerable — might not be as incompetent or alone as decreed by a court?

Who dares to give challenge?

The advocates, whether they be professional advocates or family or friends or even concerned citizens made aware of someone’s plight — that’s who dares give challenge!

Yes, true advocates are necessary as long as the madness and wrongness reigns.  May the war be quickly won and the vulnerable-victims placed in the hands of those who dare to truly and unselfishly care!

It’s time to challenge!  It’s time to win!  It’s time to give lives back to those who have been violated by a system gone wrong!

Still Another Day More


Carrie K. Hutchens

Terror fills my being in the shadows of this night.  I know not what tomorrow shall bring, but I do know what has been promised to be my fate at human hands.  How can this be my destiny?

Tears stream down my burning cheeks.  Sobs take my breath as if to suffocate all that I am… all that I have been… all that shall ever be or not be for me.

Hope mocks the moment and dares me to believe.  Dares me to believe that there shall be anything beyond this moment and the darkness that fills every space where hope once rested.

I feel empty… oh so empty.  It feels so strange… so foreign… so alone… so of nothingness.

Did my spirit die in this night before the execution of my fate?

Must I… did I… have I… submitted to the wrongful sentence cast upon me?

Tomorrow shall perhaps give a hint of answer, if light does greet the morning’s dawn and a breath whispers upon my lips in still another prayer of hope and a chance to survive one day more… still another day more.

(c) 2014 Carrie K. Hutchens
      All Rights Reserved!
      No Reproduction Without Permission

Without Mercy

Wolf 1By

Carrie K. Hutchens

What dark spirit filled your soul and gave you desire to destroy our lives?  What voice called to you, as you smiled in such delight at our destruction and the hopelessness that you led us to?

Oh, the innocence that you pretended to be yours… the victimhood you strove to call your own… what hypocrisy that only fooled a few.  Sadly, for us… it was the few in control to judge and award you what was not yours to be rewarded with.

I remember your words well.  I can hear the promises you made.  The words of such promise, followed by a viciousness without mercy.  How were we to suppose?

Such darkness rests hidden within your heart.  A soul of contempt to lay feast before your feet.  A pride unchecked and forever written within the clouds above.

Today is your day to celebrate the wrongful win.  Your judgment rests within the tomorrows to be.  Someday, you will be called to answer and the judge will not be fooled.  He knows the truth and he shall award you with the reward you have earned.  May He have mercy on you, though you had none for us this day or any day to follow.

(c) 2014 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved!
No Reproduction Without Permission

For Me

IMGA01051by  Carrie K. Hutchens

I call into the night begging to know why truth is used as a sword to pierce my heart, as lies dance in such delight.  Oh such delight.  Such dancing.  Such laughter to reek against the skies and shatter the goodness of all thought.

The tears blind me.  My cheeks burn.  The sobs of betrayal so intense to crush any hope that might have ever been or might to ever be.

Is there even a chance of tomorrow for me?

The soft voices of offer give guise.

Sweet words of hopeful promise tease each breath ever given this day or even before.  Who said they were not to be what they were meant to be?

Is there even a chance of today for me?

I cry within the night begging to know why truth is so readily dismissed and why lies are left to feast and devour.

Who called this banquet to tease and to test this humble servant of the Lord of all good?  Who indeed blessed this evil offense and in glee grabs a stolen win?

Is there even a chance of a moment for me?

Is there a tomorrow to come or has it been taken in celebration of still another soul left to wither in agonizing pain of truth crushed and no justice to remain? 

(c) 2014 Carrie K. Hutchens
      All Rights Reserved!
      No Reproduction Without Permission

Night Screams in Silence as Darkness Comes to Conquer

skullNight screams in silence, as darkness slides into the shadows of unknown reflection.  There is no whisper to touch the moment… no hint to see… no tear to hear… the echo calls out to none and cries merely in apprehension of the awaiting fate that stirs near and yet rests so far away.

How did this become all that is, while all else remains somewhere in the vast dimension of all forbidden, though only to some… just to some… just to those shuttered on the outside of things to be?

Night creeps further into the harsh moment, where eyes peer cautiously and anguish threatens to devour all not cloaked in its sweet scent of remorse and the haunting thoughts pursuing.

When did it call out in demands of utter defiance?  What hand lay it into the midst of all that is and all that might ever be?  Who is the shadow birthing the terror and snuffing the flicker of breath once given freely to all?  Where did this beast travel from that does prey upon all those isolated and helplessly devoured by the shadows of ghostly destruction destined in the early hours before the dawn to come?

Did the darkness of madness come alone or has it been descending in a mass of existence not supposed in possibility?  Who bid it come?  Who holds the power to send it back into the nightmare of its creation?  Who is it that walks in mocking tones and dares us to see truth in the moon’s rays or the breath of spring before the death of winter?

Oh yes… it is a question to unfold and to cause recoil.  A sight terrifying in hideous form of drooling madness dripping from the being of twisted shapes and words deformed in presentation to embrace the masses of ignorance who shall dance in thrilling ecstasy at the banquet of their destructive sacrifice of self.

Ah, the beast with blackened heart and stench of rotting soul, standing just beyond man’s sight in his tremoring wake, still leaves wonder as to who beckoned the vile creature to dine upon the world?  Are there any so mighty in deed and wing of righteous spirit to swoop away the obscene presence of perverted flesh and the master who bid it come to feast in such great delight?

The night screams in silence and the desperate cry does remain forever sobbing in the dark corners of time as it asks again and ever again…

Are there any… any at all… who embrace the power to rise in mighty force and sling the deadly beast back into the netherworld of nightmares and the haven of its shadowed nest?  Are there any…  any at all who can save us from this doom of madness and agony once foretold and ever written of a time when the beast of darkness came to conquer the unwilling souls in the land that has come to reek of perversion and mock all once held in sacred covenant of old?

©2014 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved!
No Reproduction Without Permission

Tears Unheard


Carrie K. Hutchens

WhippoorwillI walk tonight wondering why this day is no more than yesterday.  Where has the hope hidden upon the path so dark and lonely?  Is there anyone?  Is there anyone near?  Is there anyone to hear?  Do my tears touch the ears of any or do they fade into aloneness somewhere along the roughed trail of hopes forbidden and too often stolen?

I pause.

I search the shadows.

Nothing touches the moment in hope or chance of a tomorrow beyond what has ever been.

Silence calls out in a whisper not heard.

Sunlight fades into blinding darkness.

No birds sing.  No crickets dance.  It’s all as if the world has stopped with dreams no more as nightmares soar.

As I begin to sink into the failed moment of twisted thought and hope forever lost, a Whippoorwill calls out into the dusk to sing of the dawn to be.

The little Whippoorwill refuses to see the darkness and sings of all the wonders in the sky above, with twinkling stars to dance in delight and the moon to smile upon the night.

The path, no longer frozen in the isolation of despair, bids me follow the songs of the nightly choir.  The choir so often unheard, but always there to assure we are never truly alone or in a void untouched by a God ever present.

Darkness may engulf us and reek of vile intent at the hands of man, but it shall never do so at the hands of He who loves us and bids us hear the choir He created to comfort and lead to delight.  A choir to remind us — we are never truly alone and our tears are always heard!

(c) 2014 Carrie K. Hutchens
All Rights Reserved!
No Reproduction Without Permission

Truth: Has it lost its value and its worth?

truth liesIn this day and age, it seems that truth has lost its value!  Which leaves to question — is it really worth anything anymore?  Isn’t it only the liars, who get ahead and have a chance to grab the golden ring and stuff their pockets full of wealth and all things good?  Isn’t it only the liar that wins and the truth that nearly always loses?

There have been my moments when I felt truth was a lost cause.

Truth seemed to stop mattering, as bullies began to invade in masses as if from a foreign bully-land that no one had known existed.

Truth seemed to stop mattering, as liars threw out the lies and the world ran with them, rather than care about what the “un-exciting” or “inconvenient” truth really was.

Truth seemed to stop mattering, as technicalities, lack of counsel or activist judges gave reward to the lie and damned the truth as if it were something totally irrelevant.

Truth seemed to stop mattering when so many journalists became propaganda spreaders, rather than the excellent investigative reporters they had once set their goals to become.

Truth seemed to stop mattering when it got in the way of agendas and self-reward.

Yes, truth seemed to stop mattering for so many reasons, but it really didn’t.  It still matters.  It matters far more than some might think at any given time.

Truth is steadfast.  It does not sway with the winds.  Nothing ever makes a truth an untruth, contrary to what some might wish us to believe.

On the other hand, liars are like criminals.  They steal results and opinions.  They wrongly assault people’s reputations and by their lies lay claim to results, property, money and rewards not due them.  They might even destroy lives beyond repair, but “hey”, if they get what they want — that’s all that counts, right?


Truth is solid because it is what it is.  Lies are without true substance.  There is nothing to anchor them on or to.  Eventually, it all plays out and the truth is proven to be the truth and the lie proven to be the lie.  It’s just a matter of when.  That’s all.

Truth is priceless.  And, if you die being “only” an honest person, you will have died being one of the wealthiest to have ever been.  No one will ever be able to actually take your truth away, and no one will ever be able to make the lies reality.  You will die knowing you are on the right side of history and more importantly — on the right side of God!


Let Me Say This Very Slowly: Rude is Rude “Period”

Rude Free Zone 5I get so tired of people being rude and when called on it, start trying to point figures at the opposition.  So what if the other side has rude people — that changes nothing.  That doesn’t make the person less rude.  That doesn’t suddenly make a rude statement un-rude or ok-rude.   Instead, it sounds like a bunch of little kids caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing and trying to throw blame and attention elsewhere.  “Johnny did it first.”  “April did it more.”

Let me say this very slowly…

I don’t judge rude by who is doing the rude.  Rude is rude no matter who says or does it.

I don’t give free passes to one set of people, while holding another set accountable for the same thing.

So, don’t whine to me about what Bush or his administration or any Republican might have said or done two terms ago.  Changes nothing.  Gives no free pass to this administration or any radical liberal running around insulting anyone and everyone, who doesn’t happen to agree straight down the line with his/her/their beliefs or demands.  Rude is rude no matter who is doing the rude.

And just in case my message was missed…

Let me say this very slowly — rude is rude “period.”  Count on it.  You see, I don’t say things I don’t mean.  And I don’t do “rude” thinking it is going to win a debate for me.  I use facts, logic and common sense.  Rude Radicals & their Zombie Followers ought to try it some time.  It might give “surprising” and “refreshing” new meanings.

What do you non-truthers and non-truther supporters have against the truth?

truth liesIs lying supposed to be the new fad?  One would think so with how so many are playing loose with the truth at a minimum and outright-blatantly lying at the not-so-minimum.  Personally, I’m tired of all this lying and want to know what the non-truthers have against the truth?  I mean, if your position and your facts and your ideas are so great — shouldn’t you be able to sell them with truthful presentation and defense?

I don’t know about anyone else, except my closet friends, but I don’t like or trust non-truthers.  No one can or should trust them.  After all, if they will non-truth about one thing or person to get their way — they will be prone to non-truth about anything and anyone to get their way next time, too.

Once upon a time, I was intimidated and threatened in an effort to get me to lie about another person.  I refused, but I also said something very true that I hope they remember to this day.  “If I will lie for you now, what makes you think I won’t lie about you later for someone else?”

People, who will lie about others, can’t be trusted.

People, who insinuate non-truths about others or things, likewise cannot be trusted.

People, who lie about polls or say false things to get elected or to get what they want passed — can’t be trusted either.

It’s all the same.  It’s all wrong.

It’s cheating to win and then bragging about the win won unfairly, as though there was reason for praise.

You supporters of the non-truths are no better than the outright liar.  If you didn’t support and excuse and look the other way, the non-truthers wouldn’t be able to pull off all these wrongful wins they are racking up.  But then… today… you seem to see it as a win for your side and it’s kewl stuff to win however your side has to win, right?

Non-truthers aren’t the most loyal kids on the block.  Watch out for when you get in the way or become useless to them or you might find yourself at the other end of their non-truth.  Might not seem so righteous or rightful then, but who will care anymore than you cared for what was happening to those before you?

What do you non-truthers and non-truther supporters have against the truth?  Never mind, I think the rest of us know that answer.  The truth would cost you the game and you would no longer enjoy wrongful wins.  After all, if your position and your facts and your ideas are so great — shouldn’t you be able to sell them with truthful presentation and defense?  Well, shouldn’t you?