What do you non-truthers and non-truther supporters have against the truth?

truth liesIs lying supposed to be the new fad?  One would think so with how so many are playing loose with the truth at a minimum and outright-blatantly lying at the not-so-minimum.  Personally, I’m tired of all this lying and want to know what the non-truthers have against the truth?  I mean, if your position and your facts and your ideas are so great — shouldn’t you be able to sell them with truthful presentation and defense?

I don’t know about anyone else, except my closet friends, but I don’t like or trust non-truthers.  No one can or should trust them.  After all, if they will non-truth about one thing or person to get their way — they will be prone to non-truth about anything and anyone to get their way next time, too.

Once upon a time, I was intimidated and threatened in an effort to get me to lie about another person.  I refused, but I also said something very true that I hope they remember to this day.  “If I will lie for you now, what makes you think I won’t lie about you later for someone else?”

People, who will lie about others, can’t be trusted.

People, who insinuate non-truths about others or things, likewise cannot be trusted.

People, who lie about polls or say false things to get elected or to get what they want passed — can’t be trusted either.

It’s all the same.  It’s all wrong.

It’s cheating to win and then bragging about the win won unfairly, as though there was reason for praise.

You supporters of the non-truths are no better than the outright liar.  If you didn’t support and excuse and look the other way, the non-truthers wouldn’t be able to pull off all these wrongful wins they are racking up.  But then… today… you seem to see it as a win for your side and it’s kewl stuff to win however your side has to win, right?

Non-truthers aren’t the most loyal kids on the block.  Watch out for when you get in the way or become useless to them or you might find yourself at the other end of their non-truth.  Might not seem so righteous or rightful then, but who will care anymore than you cared for what was happening to those before you?

What do you non-truthers and non-truther supporters have against the truth?  Never mind, I think the rest of us know that answer.  The truth would cost you the game and you would no longer enjoy wrongful wins.  After all, if your position and your facts and your ideas are so great — shouldn’t you be able to sell them with truthful presentation and defense?  Well, shouldn’t you?

I thought about writing about today’s events…

redundancyI thought about writing about today’s political events, but quickly realized it would be redundant.  Anyone following the happenings of this current life-mess read it all yesterday or perhaps even several weeks ago.  Oh… yes… there are a few technicalities that might have changed, but the outcome is right back where it started.

Radical liberals are still calling other people names, while whining if they think they’ve been called one.

We have the radical liberals deciding the Confederate flag is a statement of the Tea Party, Republicans & Senator Ted Cruz attitude, but the OFA thinks it is unfair to suggest they are less than sensitive to the disabled after having a sign that says, “Tea-Tards”.  (Like we don’t get the reference to the term – retards.)

Oh, and then there are those radical liberal writers that suggest Tea Party members have all these characteristics that are quite unproven?  Does truth matter at all to the radical liberal?

But it’s all a mess.

One moment it looks like progress is being made.

Never mind.

Then there is ole Harry Reid… you know… the senator that wrongly threw out a rumor during the election year and hoped it would stick?  Harry Reid is blocking any effort the House makes to try to provide funding, yet then tries to blame the Republicans for the failure to fund?

Oh how delicious is that?

The constant is Obama with his rhetoric and wrongful descriptions as he always blames someone — anyone — except Obama!

On and on we go… where we stop… no one knows!  But stop we should!  Stop we must! It’s time to bring sanity back into government and into our lives.  After all, we really aren’t their little zombies, unless we allow ourselves to be.

Time to pay attention!

Time to use our own minds! — the ones not cluttered with irrational thoughts!

As for writing about today’s events — never mind — tomorrow is soon enough!

The White House & Congress: The Home of Court Jesters

court jester and puppetHave the White House and radical liberals of congress begun to believe their own propaganda media?  They certainly don’t seem to have the slightest clue what the ACTUALLY INFORMED PUBLIC is thinking and how they are responding to this childish and unnecessary behavior.  Maybe someone should tell them that the public, beyond their cult, isn’t sympathetic to their message?

The attack on Veterans has outraged Americans — not endeared the president and his followers to the People!

Perhaps the president doesn’t care.  He is after all “The One They All Have Been Waiting For”, is he not?

Whatever is going through the minds of this administration and radical liberals of congress, the People are paying attention and the lapdog media reps are NOT portraying the reaction as it truly is.  This administration and the radical liberals may have some people on their side at this point, but I’m betting many more will desert once they get a good look at their insurance options.  Then… they, too, will have a chance to feel they were deceived and mocked just like those they use to mock.

The White House and Congress seem to have become the home of the court jesters, who spend their time fooling the public into thinking they truly care.  And, dare a representative or a senator actually be concerned and want to work for the People — he or she or they can be assured to be labeled something not pleasant.  Perhaps even to be called one of the “Tea-Tards”, which we all know is likening Tea Party members to retards.  (You know — that politically incorrect term none of us are supposed to use anymore?  Well, unless we are radical liberals.)

Yes, the White House & Congress have become the home of Court Jesters!  “Jest” how unfunny is that?

Victims of Government Shutdown vs Victims of Obamacare

Businessman Thinking on StepsThere are numerous stories about the employees being affected by the government shutdown and we are only two days into their financial nightmare.  Understand that I’m not wishing for, or happy about, anyone losing their income, but wait a minute… the shutdown is only temporary — Obamacare financial losses are long term, if not permanent.  Why aren’t those Obamacare affected employees/former employees as important as the government ones?

Listening to everyone carry on about how unfair this all is, the thought “entitlement” keeps coming to mind.  It’s as though the government employees are entitled to their jobs, though no one else is entitled to theirs.  It’s as though everyone else is considered expendable and simply collateral damage.

I get it.

The news media is headed towards government run organizations.

Government employees are protected, while private sector is destroyed.

Then we come to the government being in complete control of every aspect of our lives and deaths.

Orwellian fiction is fast becoming our 21st Century reality.  And so few seem to notice what is happening around them or realize how they themselves are being led to what to believe and not believe.  As for now, it is a tragedy that the government employees have lost two days of pay, while a shoulder shrug that so many private sector workers have lost their jobs or the hours they were counting on.  Where is the outrage for their long term lack of pay?  Where is the fight to get the job killers talking and fighting to get the private sector workers back on the job?  Oh, that’s right… the job killers are the ones fighting to keep Obamacare intact regardless of what devastation and destruction it causes.

Government workers = entitled to job and pay.

Private sector workers = expendable and entitled to nothing.

This should be all it takes to open the eyes of the willing-blind.  Do you now see by the actual “Victims of Government Shutdown vs Victims of Obamacare” where we have come to be and where we are headed?  We should all be more than a bit concerned.  Is Obamacare, as is, really worth it?

Games on the Hill: The DC Crowd at Play

whistleThe DC Crowd is on the field prancing around, flexing their muscles and making sure their ear-muffs are firmly in place.  Watch out — there it goes — first insult slammed into right field.  Cruz runs wide… back… back… there he goes… he jumps… and it’s a leaping catch right into his corner.

Reid calls it an incomplete and declares no points for Cruz.

Next ball down the center… oh… whoa… look at it go!  Lee jumps up catches it… passes it down the court to Cruz… Cruz does a jump shot… in it goes… a basket in one!  The crowd goes wild!

Reid calls out, “I told you I wasn’t going to let you make that play, so it doesn’t count.”

Volley over the net and no one on the other side to send the ball back.  Instead, they are sitting on the sidelines waiting for the touch down they think they have no hope of stopping.

Reid calls out again, “Time for a break.”

Confused yet at exactly what game the DC Crowd is playing and what the rules actually are?  Most people are.  The rules keep changing depending on the team up-to-bat in would seem.  After all, it appears to be an unquestionable line-drive right down the winning lane and someone in power calls it a “foul ball” and readily dismisses it.  Umpire goes with the power-person and everyone else is standing around going, “Huh?  How did that happen?”

Instant and long term replay doesn’t seem to have much influence over what was versus what is said to have been.  (Kinda Orwellian history in the making.)  So, while the DC Crowd is at play, playing whatever it is they are playing, it’s the other crowd that is being turned away from the stadium gates and left in limbo to pay the price for however these games turn out.

I wonder how much those ear muffs have cost “We the People” thus far?


Divide & Conquer: A Statement We Desperately Need to Remember

divided we fallDivide and conquer is what an organized enemy does before going in for the win.  It’s perhaps time that “we” take note of what has been happening in our world.  We have been divided and we are being defeated at every turn.  “We” meaning all of us that are not on the elite pedestal of exemption.  “We”, the ones who will be first to feel the results of this run-away train of arrogance, ignorance and lack of empathy for all but their special and chosen groups of whom — “we” are not a member, nor ever shall be.

People are stepping forward and letting it be known that they do not want ObamaCare as it now exists.  The voices are not only ignored, but to listen to the MSM, and speeches from Obama down to his lowest communication agent — the citizens are instead quite elated.  It’s those bad Republicans that are trying to do mean and dirty things.  Just who is it that is not living in reality?  Perhaps they hope we will believe it is us, rather than they.  And truthfully… if they are able to isolate us — so we can’t or won’t compare notes — they have a very real chance of creating their illusion and presenting it as authentic.  That should give one a shiver or two.

Racism does still exist today, just as sexism does.  However, it isn’t as it once was.  It isn’t the dominate trend — it is the exception.  However, there are those who stoke the fires and attempt to make everything about racism or sexism or whatever other “ism” necessary, so as to create an illusion of victimhood that can be utilized to herd the targeted person or group towards whatever belief and action is beneficial to the agitators goal. 

Sadly, too many fall for the scam and eagerly follow to whatever hate and discontent they were assigned to be a part of.  Yes, assigned to.

Can any actually believe this chaos simply happened on it’s own?

We must remember that the enemy strives to divide so they might easily conquer.

Our world, as it now is, is being driven and directed for the benefit of someone, or someones, who definitely are not looking out for the best interest of “We the People”.  Whoever these specific people are — they have proven to be masters of deception, division and defection.  Their mastery is our threat — our realization is theirs.

Divide & Conquer —  A Statement We Desperately Need to Remember!

Embarrassed Yet: The People Want to Know

eagle blueWell, Congress, many things have been left up to you as representatives of “We the People”.  Sadly, many of you did it your way in spite of all the outcries and questions that loomed right in front of you.  The people weren’t smart enough.  The people weren’t aware of all the facts.  The people were over-reacting.  The politics and political careers out-weighed any of the bad stuff the people might be enduring.  And that is only a portion of it all and many of you know it. 

It is to the many of you that I address this…

You are in Washington, DC and you didn’t know (or believe) the IRS was targeting the Tea Party or Christian groups?

You didn’t know about the New Black Panthers intimidating voters and that it was ignored?

You didn’t have a clue about Fast & Furious?

You didn’t know that video line was a hoax, when an excuse was thrown out there for the Benghazi attack and the failure to act?

You didn’t know about the spying on journalists?

You didn’t know about problems with NSA, until Snowden announced it to the world?

You didn’t know that Holder was held in contempt?

You didn’t know the president wrongly inserted himself into the Professor Gates & Trayvon Martin cases, stirring racial tension?

You didn’t know that no one was allowed to disagree with the president or his administration least they be called racist?

You didn’t know that Sandy Hook — a tragedy — was utilized for political gain and an attempt to gun grab?

You didn’t know that people were bragging about having voted more than once?

You didn’t know that Henry Reid campaigned against Romney with an untruth when he claimed the candidate hadn’t paid taxes?

Where were you that you didn’t know these and other things that happened on your watch?

The world has been watching.

The world has been paying attention.

The world has been wondering at your lack of integrity and backbone.

Are you embarrassed yet?

You should be!

Reid & The Obligation: The Insanity Continues


reidIt’s Friday, March 1, 2013, and the insanity is still evolving.

From “Sen. Reid to Press: ‘You Guys Have an Obligation to Report’ the Democrats Are Right” by Elizabeth Harrington (CNSNews – Feb. 28, 2013):

During a news conference on Capitol Hill held on the eve of implementation of the cuts, known on Capitol Hill as “The Sequester,” a reporter asked Reid: “Can you understand the frustration of the American people that you’re blaming the Republicans, the Republicans are blaming you and nobody is talking until the day that these cuts kick in?”

Reid replied: “You know I read an editorial today, and I don’t know whether it was the Times or the Post, where the op-ed writer said, ‘You know, let’s call it the way it is. The Republicans aren’t willing to deal with the Democrats.

“So all this stuff–Democrats aren’t doing anything, Republicans aren’t doing anything–I believe that you guys have an obligation to report it the way it is,” he said.

“This isn’t something that happened yesterday, we’ve been fighting this for a couple years,” Reid added. “They’re unwilling to do what the American people want done. And it’s as simple as that.”

Yes, Senator Reid, it would be nice if the entire media reported things the way they are.  You and Pelosi might just be out of a job and wondering what went wrong, if they did.

The Democrats readily dismiss budgets and plans proposed by Republicans and don’t pass a budget for how many years now, Mr. Reid?  But it is the Republicans fault because they won’t do what the American people want?  Really, we are to take your word?  How about when you got up there and said that Romney needed to prove he paid taxes because he didn’t — yet he had?  Maybe that little invisible friend of yours has told you wrong again.

The sequester idea came from Obama and his team, but to hear the campaign rhetoric, it would seem we are to forget that little bit of information and just blame the Republicans because they won’t do what Obama and followers want.

With regard to Bob Woodward’s disagreement with the White House, there is a statement that stands out:

 “What does that matter now? Not much,” senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer told reporters Sunday of the debate over who concocted the sequester.

What does that matter now?”  It matters a great deal when elected officials and their teams are trying to rewrite history and cast blame on others.  Yes, that’s something that matters a great deal.  So, just like with the fact that the White House should take responsibility for the sequester proposal — other Democrats like yourself, Mr. Reid, should take responsibility for your irresponsibility and lack of action in the past four or five years.

Where, Mr. Reid, is the passed budget that the law required and you ignored?

It is time that the lost media get back to journalism where one reports the facts, rather than blindly accepting the talking points of those who are trying to redefine our nation, rewrite history, cast blame on others, play down the inconvenient facts, insult and insinuate in the face of opposition, and rely upon selective polls that represent what they want them to represent.

Yes, Mr. Reid, you got one thing right.  The media has an obligation to report on the facts and the tactics being utilized in Washington, D.C.  Are you sure you are ready for that?

Reid & The Obligation: The Insanity Continues


reidIt’s Friday, March 1, 2013, and the insanity is still evolving.

From “Sen. Reid to Press: ‘You Guys Have an Obligation to Report’ the Democrats Are Right” by Elizabeth Harrington (CNSNews – Feb. 28, 2013):

During a news conference on Capitol Hill held on the eve of implementation of the cuts, known on Capitol Hill as “The Sequester,” a reporter asked Reid: “Can you understand the frustration of the American people that you’re blaming the Republicans, the Republicans are blaming you and nobody is talking until the day that these cuts kick in?”

Reid replied: “You know I read an editorial today, and I don’t know whether it was the Times or the Post, where the op-ed writer said, ‘You know, let’s call it the way it is. The Republicans aren’t willing to deal with the Democrats.

“So all this stuff–Democrats aren’t doing anything, Republicans aren’t doing anything–I believe that you guys have an obligation to report it the way it is,” he said.

“This isn’t something that happened yesterday, we’ve been fighting this for a couple years,” Reid added. “They’re unwilling to do what the American people want done. And it’s as simple as that.”

Yes, Senator Reid, it would be nice if the entire media reported things the way they are.  You and Pelosi might just be out of a job and wondering what went wrong, if they did.

The Democrats readily dismiss budgets and plans proposed by Republicans and don’t pass a budget for how many years now, Mr. Reid?  But it is the Republicans fault because they won’t do what the American people want?  Really, we are to take your word?  How about when you got up there and said that Romney needed to prove he paid taxes because he didn’t — yet he had?  Maybe that little invisible friend of yours has told you wrong again.

The sequester idea came from Obama and his team, but to hear the campaign rhetoric, it would seem we are to forget that little bit of information and just blame the Republicans because they won’t do what Obama and followers want.

With regard to Bob Woodward’s disagreement with the White House, there is a statement that stands out:

 “What does that matter now? Not much,” senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer told reporters Sunday of the debate over who concocted the sequester.

What does that matter now?”  It matters a great deal when elected officials and their teams are trying to rewrite history and cast blame on others.  Yes, that’s something that matters a great deal.  So, just like with the fact that the White House should take responsibility for the sequester proposal — other Democrats like yourself, Mr. Reid, should take responsibility for your irresponsibility and lack of action in the past four or five years.

Where, Mr. Reid, is the passed budget that the law required and you ignored?

It is time that the lost media get back to journalism where one reports the facts, rather than blindly accepting the talking points of those who are trying to redefine our nation, rewrite history, cast blame on others, play down the inconvenient facts, insult and insinuate in the face of opposition, and rely upon selective polls that represent what they want them to represent.

Yes, Mr. Reid, you got one thing right.  The media has an obligation to report on the facts and the tactics being utilized in Washington, D.C.  Are you sure you are ready for that?

Calling the Non-Existent Bluff

It would seem many thought potential layoffs were merely a bluff.  It was never a bluff.  It was explained why layoffs would be necessary in the face of Obamacare and such.  Look at all the people who couldn’t seem to comprehend facts and went with the false illusions instead.  Enjoy, dulled ones, for your uninformed and misguided votes will come to bite you in the non-existent bluffing rear quite soon.  Problem is… the rest of us get to pay your price right along with you.   I, for one, am not happy at all.

You stand in line giggling like you’re off to see a rock star, rather than getting ready to do something quite important that is going to affect an entire country for a very long time.

You know the “talking points”, yet are clueless about what has been actually going on in the world.

You want equal pay for women and yet haven’t a clue that Obama wasn’t paying women equally from what has been reported.

You want contraception and think Obama is protecting your access to it, when no one … NO ONE… was ever trying to take it away.

You vote with your “lady parts” and then expect to be taken seriously?

Four people died in Benghazi.  Was it due to the administration being inept or worse?  Do you even know where Benghazi is?  Do you know who died and how?  Did you know that help could have been sent, but wasn’t?

Don’t know who Nancy Pelosi is?  How’s that possible if you are an informed voter?  She played some key roles that make her stand out from the crowd and not necessarily in a positive light.

You don’t know who Harry Reid is?  You know, the guy who wrongly used his position to suggest that Romney hadn’t paid taxes though he had.

This is important stuff that you missed, but as long as you got those “talking points” right, I guess you think you are the brightest bulb in the room of same watt bulbs.

Can people outgrow dumbed-down?  I certainly hope so.  Maybe they’ll invent a cure for it.  Oh, they have.  I almost forgot.  It’s called objective education and critical thinking.  Too bad so few decided to take part in the offer.  Might have saved us all from the dumbing results to come.

Thanks a lot.  Oh, by the way… the potential layoffs… were never an idle bluff.  Maybe that little bit of information will catch up with you sooner than later.  Let’s see if you are still giggling your way down the welfare line when it’s your time to pay for your dumb vote and there might not be enough help to go around.

Good luck in your little world of same watt bulbs.